Category Archives: Health and Wellness

Hormesis – The Secret To Health, Longevity, and Happiness Is Hormesis



The secret to health, longevity, and happiness!


by Travis Wade

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) made the famous statement that “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” (Was uns sicanicht umbringt macht uns stärker), probably to excuse his drinking habit.

Hormesis is a two-phase (biphasic) biological process in which an organism is stressed, followed by an adaptation during the recovery phase. An excellent example of hormesis is physical exercise. The exercise is stress where the body breaks down. During the rest and recovery, the body adapts to become stronger than before the stress.


The term “Hormesis” was first used by Chester Southam in 1941. It was used to describe the stimulatory effects of low doses of toxins such as ethanol. The word is derived from the Greek word “Hormáein,” which means “to excite, set in motion, impel, or urge on.”

Hormetic effects were first studied by the German pharmacologist Hugo Schultz in 1888. He studied the effects of low doses of disinfectants improving yeast growth. Back in those days, hormesis was called toxicotrophism.

Mythical and Semi-Mythical

Have you seen “The Princess Bride”? “Wesley” or “The Dread Pirate Roberts” builds up an immunity to “Locane powder.” This is a fictional example of hormesis, but I like that movie. A real example might be Rasputin, who may have built up an immunity to poison. 


Another one might be King Mithridates VI. Before Mithridates VI became king, his father was poisoned by his mother so she could take over power. Mithridates was always in fear of his life because he was next to take over the reign. 

He fled into the wild for years to avoid being assassinated by his mother. While he was gone, he made a remedy of these ingredients: 

Aulus Cornelius Celsus of Medicine, in Eight Books. Translated, with Notes Critical and Explanatory by James Greive … Revised, with Additional Notes, by George Futvoye. Third Edition

(This was first written a hundred years later and continued to be altered.)

Mithridates VI would take small doses of the concoction to build up immunity from being poisoned. When he was of age to take over the reign, he returned and had his mother and brother imprisoned. Then married his sixteen-year-old sister.

Eventually, when there was a rebellion, he attempted suicide with poison but was unsuccessful and was killed by the sword. His remedy was improved upon by different cultures and given different names. Mithridate is now a general term used for an antidote.


The theory of building immunity to a toxin is your liver would have to get good at making the enzymes and acids to eliminate the poison. In the case of alcohol, we tend to get alcoholic-fatty-liver-disease before we ever build an immunity.

The term hormesis has evolved over the years. We now use it in the health realm to oppose abundance. There was a time when humans had to go through stresses like cold and heat. We went without food and had to hunt or gather to get it. We had to exercise in some way. 

Now, most of us sit at our jobs. We have to make ourselves go to the gym for exercise, we do timed fasting, cryotherapy, and hot tubs. And if we don’t, we become fat bombs.

We live in abundance, never having to go without. Humans used to eat about 3 ounces of sugar a year. The amount on average in America is now over 150 pounds of sugar a year. We have more comfortable lives, and it’s making us sad and miserable. 

Chez Monique’s


I want to tell you about the best meal of my life. I was hiking the west coast trail with a friend, and we heard that we needed to bring money for the bus ride back to our vehicles once we were done the trail. So, I brought extra cash in case we needed it. We were nearly half done the hike when we encountered Chez Monique’s

I ordered the deluxe burger, which came with cheese, pickle, mushrooms, lettuce, onion, tomato, bacon, and Monique’s sauce. You can’t get a burger in Canada as good as this. Partly because you had to walk about thirty-five kilometres with a heavy pack to get one. Somewhat because the food you’ve been eating for days has been scarce and not exceptional, and partly because these really are the perfect burgers.


These kinds of hikes are excellent for longevity, happiness, and health. They are the perfect form of hormesis. You have to deal with all of the conditions, then you get a burger from Monique. 

After that, it’s back on the trail dealing with rain. It comes down in buckets, and the creeks turn into raging rivers. It becomes challenging to cook anything, and it’s cold. It’s uncomfortable and slippery. 


The trail turns into rock. You have to go up and down with the odd bridge to make it a little easier. If things could get worse, you have to make it to the ferry crossing by five. 

Thirteen kilometres on the hardest part of the trail while it pours buckets, and we had to do it in limited time. We had almost no food, sore legs, very little sleep, heavy packs, and wet, cold everything. It was amazing!


When you’re done, you get an extraordinary meal in the beautiful town of Port Renfrew in a log cabin style pub. A hot shower to warm up and clean off. I’m telling you the little things are pretty awesome! I don’t know too many people that have enjoyed a shower as much as I did that day. We earned it!

Have I digressed?

The forms of hormesis most recommended by Ph.D. Ari Whitten are exercise, fasting, heat exposure and cold exposure. It’s important to note that hormesis has two phases. Damage occurs during the stress, and it’s the rest and recovery that has a beneficial adaptation. 


hormesis cold

I was talking to a sports therapist at the Expo centre one day, and he was talking about cold therapy. An example of cold therapy is when you get swelling, and you ice it to reduce the inflammation. 

However, the type of cold therapy this gentleman was talking about is called cryotherapy. It was this sports therapist’s goal to get a cryotherapy chamber approved for use in Edmonton. His room would drop down to minus 160 degrees. You work your way up to sitting in the cryo-chamber for a minute.

Cold exposure is known to reduce inflammation. Patrick Marleau played hockey in the NHL, and he had an ice bath between each period when he was in the playoffs. He took off his hockey equipment and hoped in the iced tub and then got his gear back on in time for the next period. The ice bath kills the inflammation instantly. He said he felt fresh and ready to go every period.

Keep in mind you want the inflammation after working out because it is part of the stress that gets the results we want. You have to wait at least a few hours after training to do cold exposure.

If you’re using cold therapy as a form of hormesis, when you’re exposed to cold, your mitochondria will produce energy in the form of heat. With most hormesis, including cold exposure and exercise, you will build more mitochondria. You get good at vasoconstriction and less sensitive to the pain of the extreme cold.


hormesis heat

Heat exposure causes vasodilation, increased heart rate, and increased metabolism. This can be dangerous for those with a heart condition. Consult your doctor first. Cold exposure causes vasoconstriction. Not quite as dangerous, but you might still want to consult your doctor first. 



Fasting induces increased autophagy, which is the natural cell death of the weak cells and new cells get generated. The same thing happens with mitochondria. Mitophagy is the programmed mitochondrial death; new healthy mitochondria replace old ones. A Ketogenic diet is a form of fasting.

Many studies show that fasting is a great way to reduce your risk of the most common diseases in our society. These diseases include atherosclerosis, which leads to heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or any clotting disease. Cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes are reduced with fasting as well.


hormesis exercise

There are several ways the body breaks down during physical activity. One is the micro-tears in muscle tissue, which subsequently repair stronger than before. The inflammation following an effective workout is another stress on the body that we adapt to. 

We produce free radicals when we exercise and our body has to scavenge the free radicals. Free radicals cause ageing so we often take antioxidants. A better solution is to allow our bodies to get good at reducing free radicals. 

We don’t want an overdose of free radicals, but we don’t want to pamper our bodies either. Let the exercise produce the free radicals in an amount our bodies can handle and get good at cleaning them up. On rest days, take antioxidants to repair the body and give it the needed rest.



Hypoxia is going without oxygen. To get good at going without oxygen, we can hold our breath for longer and longer. Magicians do this all the time.

Another form of hypoxic hormesis is blood flow restriction (BFR) training. It sounds crazy at first, but the stress you put on the body during your workout goes up, and you can get better gains. You put tourniquets on your limbs that you are training so that it restricts a venous return. The body has to work harder to overcome the stress.

Another form of hypoxic training is Kaatsu training. With Kaatsu training, you put a cuff on your limbs and pump up the cuff. It will partly restrict venous return the amount you want. You can increase the pressure as you get better, or you can also cycle the pressure. For 5% off, use the code TWADE.

Studies show fantastic results in increasing lactic acid, which induces growth hormone. It also increases testosterone production, which builds muscle. Basically, all of the benefits of working out get increased. Endorphins go up witch induces dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter.


Hormesis is a healthy body function. The problem occurs when we aren’t exposing ourselves to these different stresses. We like to be comfortable, so we get a relaxing office job where we sit all day. We avoid the cold like the plague, and we never go hungry. When’s the last time you held your breath?

When we get comfortable and stop moving health issues startup. Insulin resistance begins within a few hours of sitting. Other diseases and health issues occur when we get comfortable and prevent hormetic processes. 

It is vital to expose ourselves to different stresses regularly. We become very weak in many ways and become vulnerable to disease and death. Our bodies were built to move and overcome obstacles. 

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How To Create Better Goals

set smart goals

How To Create Better Goals

set smart goals

New Year’s resolutions don’t work. Luckily there is a better way to help you achieve your goals.

Did you know you can increase your chances of success by 42% just by writing your goals down? With a proper SMART goal your chances are 64% better. Let me show you how to do a proper SMART goal.

S- Specific – you have to be as specific as possible and explain how your goal is going to be accomplished. It can’t be, “I’m going to lose weight.” It has to be more like, “I am going to lose 35 pounds by hiring a fitness coach and following a proper diet and fitness program.” The more specific the better. Write down times and places if you can. Go into as much detail as you can and add more details when you think of more.

M- Measurable – you have to measure it somehow. In the above case you could measure it with a scale and you have to have a specific amount… 35 pounds.

A- Attainable – you can’t make it too easy or it will get forgotten and you can’t ask for the world either. It has to be achievable and challenging.

set smart goals

R- Relevant – this is the why – and stop focusing on numbers. Running a 10 km is not a goal, losing 20 lbs is not a goal, and benching 325 lbs is not a goal. The goal is the reason behind why you want to do those things. So why do you go to the gym? The why has to be motivating enough to make you want to do this or it won’t get done. If it’s not, then dig deeper into the why. What’s the real reason you want to do this? This is the difference between getting your goal and not getting it.

T- Time – you have to give yourself a deadline or things will get put off.

Try to focus on one goal at a time. Your chances of success with one goal is about 80%. If you have 2 goals at once it decreases to about 25% and if you have 3 goals at once it decreases to about 7%.

Good luck with all your goals in the new year and I hope the year brings you health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

How to Manipulate Your Hormones for Fitness and Health


How To Manipulate Your Hormones For Fitness and Health


By Travis Wade

I hate to say it but your doctor isn’t going to take good care of you. They will do their job to keep you alive and pain free and some of them will put in the extra effort to do a good job. That’s all free health care will get you and do not expect any more. They will not keep you at optimum health. It’s not a concern to our health care system if you are overweight. Your doctor isn’t going to tell you what I’m about to tell you here.

Personal Training 101

how to manipulate hormones

I love fitness and I love seeing people achieving their goals in the gym. Here’s a stat for you; 20% of people in the gym are getting their goal. Over 90% of the people getting their goal in the gym have training.

Lots of people will plateau at some point. It’s very common and there are ways to get around that. Some methods are undulating your program, changing your program once a month, periodizing your program, and working on the weak link or sticking points of your lifts with your accessory exercises.

This is personal training 101. Not every trainer knows how to do all this effectively because 79% of trainers will quit within one year. The industry is saturated with beginners. Learning a lot of these skills takes experience.

The thing I really want to talk about is how a holistic personal trainer can manipulate hormones to achieve goals. Most personal trainers may not know it but it’s one of the main things we do. Heavy lifting with compound movements will boost testosterone and human growth hormone; proper nutrition avoids insulin spikes and gets the nutrients your body needs to function well.

Your Allostatic Load


This is where most good personal trainers stop. If they don’t get you past your plateau with diet and exercise, they will likely be stumped. There is much more that can be done. What I want to talk about is called your allostatic load. This means the total stress on your body.

Oxidative stress from the types of foods you eat, the mental stress (from your job, family and life in general), your toxic load, and dysbiosis which is the imbalance of good and bad bacteria of the gut. These are the main components of your allostatic load.

Your allostatic load has a major impact on your adrenal glands. A high allostatic load increases cortisol. Cortisol is a really good antiinflammatory. The side effects are weight gain around the belly, lack of sleep, frustration, reduced performance, and increased health problems. This can lead to depression, adrenal fatigue, and Addison’s Disease.

Another thing is when cortisol is high, thyroid hormone is low and so is melatonin. High cortisol and low melatonin will make sleeping difficult which in turn increases your stress. Low thyroid hormone will cause low metabolism creating weight gain.

One last thing is, a high allostatic load fills your bucket. There is no room for added stress like working out or getting a project done. If you do workout, it will take much longer for recovery and you won’t fully recover before your working out again. If you have low allostatic load then there is plenty of room for added stress and recovery from that stress.



The first component of allostatic load I want to talk about is mental stress. It’s the one that most people are familiar with. One thing I try to get my clients to do is meditation. I don’t mean once a day for a half hour; I mean for 5 minutes about 5 times a day. We get distracted in our minds too easy. The more times a day you practise the better you’ll get at it. One of the things over achievers have in common is meditation. They say they can over achieve because they take the time to do their daily meditation.

Another thing I’d like to talk about is telomeres; they depict your age. They are the ends of your DNA strands and the older you get physically the shorter your telomeres get. Scientists have only discovered one thing that makes telomeres longer; meditation. If you don’t do meditation you will likely have a high allostatic load, age faster, never be able to overachieve, and live a stressed life.

Sleep well!!

Your Toxic Load


Your doctor will tell you that your liver takes care of toxins and that’s what they are told in med school. The truth is your liver can’t keep up anymore. There are 3000 toxins being created every year, you’re exposed to over 200 before you are born, you have approximately 700 in your body at any given time. It’s called your toxic load and it has an extremely profound effect on us. If your liver was taking care of it you wouldn’t have 700 toxins in you at any given time. Maybe your liver was keeping up a hundred years ago but not anymore.

Your toxic load increases your chances of disease and inflammation. It causes chronic fatigue and brain fog. It needs to be excreted. The heavy metals bind to mineral receptor sites and need to be unbound from places like our brain and mitochondria which are the energy factories in our cells. For more on heavy metal detox read my article on it here.

The Microbiome

bulletproof coffee

We have 10 times more bacteria cells in and on us than we do human body cells, we have 10 times more viruses than we do bacteria cells, we have fungus, yeast, and all kinds of other tiny creatures. They are on our skin, in our mouths and noses, in our lungs, and mostly in our guts. This ecosystem is called our microbiome. It is involved in virtually every aspect of our physiology.

The microbiome is complicated but one thing I will mention is candida is a very common yeast overgrowth and SIBO is small intestine bacteria overgrowth. These are very common and need to be eliminated along with any other type of bad gut infection.

One other thing I should mention is firmicutes is fat person bacteria and bacteroidetes is skinny person bacteria. You can manipulate these with probiotics, antioxidants, fermented foods, and when the timing is right, resistant starch.

Oxidative stress can be caused from processes in the body like metabolism, exercise, phagocytosis, and inflammation. Sugar metabolism has 16x more oxidative stress than fat metabolism.

People are convinced they need to eat carbohydrates for energy. I hope to change that belief in people and you can read my many articles written on fat and how it should be used for your energy source. Of course, that’s not an easy diet to follow but there are many tricks to make it easier and it gets easier with practise.

All of the above have huge impacts on your hormones. When you have an imbalance, it is very likely that one of the above is the cause or most likely all of them. If these concerns are not addressed there may be a plateau in your future along with other health concerns down the line.

When one hormone is out it affects the other hormones. One will be high the other will be low. Then there will be compensation in another area. A lot of times thyroid hormone will be reduced which depicts your metabolism. Lots of weight gain starts to happen. There is a symphony going on. Manipulating your hormones is not a simple thing to do and a lot of times a specialist may be required.

What To Do

personal trainer Edmonton

#1. Hire me.

Other Things You Can Do

how to choose a personal trainer

True Balance is a place in Sherwood Park that offers hormone replacement therapy which is a quick fix but I like them because they educate their clients and offer solutions to the cause of the imbalance and they use bio-identical hormones as opposed to the synthetic crap your doctor will prescribe. They do a full panel and find out your nutrient deficiencies, blood cell counts, hormone levels; it’s a very in depth panel. They do get people fast results while they address their causes.

The causes will still need to be addressed. Eat well to get the nutrients your body needs and avoid oxidative stress. Meditate 5 times a day for 5 minutes at a time. You will never get really good at it but that’s why they call it practise. You will get better at it though; I promise. Detox by getting rid of as many sources as possible and get infrared rays; consider Biosil and Pectasol C. Have your microbiome tested and address major issues then feed your good bacteria.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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My Global TV Segment With Kent Morrison

global tv

My Global TV Segment With Kent Morrison

global tv

By Travis Wade

I just wanted to share my 4 minutes of fame with you. I was super nervous but I had my friend Craig helping me stay calm on the set. It was actually a lot of fun to do. My words didn’t come out the way I wanted but that’s to be expected. Kent said it went well and he is sure he will have me back on. Thank you Craig for getting me on the show and I am looking forward to doing it again.

Check out my segment here.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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Meet Kyle!

personal trainer Edmonton

Meet Kyle!

personal trainer Edmonton

Instead of writing an article this week I want you to meet Kyle. I love this guy! He is so easy to work with. He says “Travis, just tell me what to do and I will do it.” When I met Kyle he came in for a consultation and I sent him a pic of me so he knew who to look for. He wrote back, “I’m the gay guy.”

For the entire consultation, I was thinking “This guy just wants to have sex with me.” Kyle let me sweat it for the whole weekend. On Monday, he finally let me in on his little secret. It was a typo. He meant to say “I’m the fat guy.”

We don’t know exactly how much weight Kyle has lost because the scale only went up to 400. We are estimating Kyle has currently lost 50 lbs. He is on a clean ketogenic diet with supplements and a toxin detox. A not so well known fact is a lot of our toxins get stored in our fat cells and when you lose a lot of weight these toxins get released and wreak havoc on your thyroid. Your thyroid is what depicts your metabolism.

Meet my friend Kyle:

I am 33 years old and I am morbidly obese. I was in Mexico with my best friend for his wedding when I had my aha moment. I decided at that point that I needed to change my life. I had found Travis on Kijiji and at the time I didn’t know why but something drew me to him. I went for a consult with Travis and I haven’t looked back since. I have been training with Travis since August and I have currently dropped about 50 lb’s and I feel fantastic. I couldn’t have done this without Travis’ support and direction. I am proud not only to call Travis my trainer, but also my friend.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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Want Better Mental Clarity With More Energy and Less Stress?

krill oil

Want Better Mental Clarity With More Energy and Less Stress?


By Travis Wade

Dr. Joseph Mercola

If you haven’t heard of Dr. Mercola yet, then let me introduce you. Dr. Joseph Mercola is highly respected in the functional medicine world. Functional medicine is where they look at the root cause of medical issues and try to fix the root cause of something. One analogy is “Do you have anxiety because you have a lack of Ativan in your body?” Instead of giving you a prescription, which they might do for immediate alleviation of symptoms, they want to find out what is causing the anxiety and then fix that problem.

Dr. Mercola has been around a long time and his website has been around since just after the beginning of the internet. He is highly respected on the functional medicine side of things, (as opposed to the conventional medicine side of things). A lot of famous doctors look up to him and I have learned to trust him over the years. He writes a lot of very informative articles and does a lot of great research.

Krill Oil

What I would like to talk about today is his krill oil. Omega 3s is the second biggest nutrient deficiency in North America right behind vitamin D. The list of reasons why omega 3s are so important is very long. It’s a lot like asking why water is so important. You can’t function without it and the less you have the worse you’ll function. They call it essential because you must get it from an outside source.

The reasons why the krill oil is superior to the fish oil is summed up in this infographic:

krill oil vs fish oil infographics

Learn why krill oil is a safer and smarter choice than fish oil through the Fish Oil versus Krill Oil: The Cold, Hard Facts infographic. Use the embed code to share it on your website or visit our infographic page for the high-res version.

<img src="" alt="krill oil vs fish oil infographics" border="0" style="max-width:100%; min-width:300px; margin: 0 auto 20px auto; display:block;"><p style="max-width:800px; min-width:300px; margin:0 auto; text-align:center;">Learn why krill oil is a safer and smarter choice than fish oil through the <a href=""><strong>Fish Oil versus Krill Oil: The Cold, Hard Facts</strong></a> infographic. Visit our infographic page for the high-res version.</p>

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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What’s the Big Food Enemy These Days?

truth about fat

What’s the Big Food Enemy These Days?

truth about fat

By Travis Wade

I get asked the question “What is the big enemy these days? Is it sugar? Still sugar?” Nope. There’s something far worse than sugar these days, but sugar fits under the category. The answer is white food.

White Trash

I’m talking about certain fats like shortening that never goes bad or trans fats also known as hydrogenated fats that are to be banned. The government has given food companies lots of time to phase out trans fats so you must watch out for them yourself for now. At least it’s agreed that trans fats are something that should never be consumed internally.

Grains are in this category. Although grains are not genetically modified they are still sprayed with glyphosate. If you don’t know the dangers of glyphosate have a look at this article.

Even some grains that aren’t sprayed are still not good because they have been hybridized and developed over the years to have lots of calories and little nutrient. The flour is refined so much it’ll last forever and it is higher glycemic index than sugar. It mixes with the amylase in your saliva and turns to glucose before you even swallow it.

Of course, sugar is in this category too, but the worst thing about sugar is that it’s almost all genetically modified. A few things these types of foods do is they feed cancer, they cause inflammation which in turn increases sickness, they feed the bad bacteria of the gut, they increase insulin resistance causing diabetes and Alzheimer’s; they generally make people unhealthy and overweight.

What You Should Eat


My number one recommendation is to use food to get as much nutrient as possible. Eat as nutrient rich foods as possible. Always take the broccoli and spinach over the french-fries and ketchup. White foods take up room where you could have been putting good nutrients instead of empty calories mixed with toxins. I always tell my clients you’re either eating poison or medicine; it’s your choice with every single mouth full.

People in North America eat a lot of garbage for breakfast. People have been trained to believe this is what you should eat for breakfast. I like wine, but I don’t drink it for breakfast. If you’re someone that eats any kind of grain including oats or corn for breakfast and you can’t understand why it’s so hard to lose weight, then you need a paradigm shift. It’s time to change your beliefs.

Drop these highly addictive foods. According to Dr. Mark Hyman the food industry has discovered how to reproduce taste buds and they are very excited because now they can test to see what substances react on the taste buds in order to make their foods even more addictive. Are these foods harmful or make people fat? Look around you…

So, what do you eat? What foods are rich in nutrients? Have you heard of cruciferous vegetables? Kale (blanch these vegetables to reduce the oxalic acid [free radicals]), spinach (try to get organic if you can afford it, they are very high on the dirty dozen list), broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus. All the green leafy vegetables are very high in nutrients and fibre, and low in calories. Eat lots of colorful vegetables. They are our best source of carbohydrates because they are rich in the nutrients our bodies need.

So how do you get your calories? Fat. Not cheesecake. Not trans fat like margarine. Not shortening. I mean good fats. This might be another paradigm shift for some people. I know we have been taught to believe that fat is the enemy and causes heart attacks and raises bad cholesterol.

Ancel Keys

truth about fat

The study by PhD. Ancel Keys called the Seven Countries Study was the basis for this information. In the Seven Country Study, there were countries like France and Switzerland that had a high fat diet and lower heart disease that weren’t taken into consideration. In 1984 Ancel Keys did a follow up study that showed no link between fat and heart disease.

Ancel Keys did another study where he used 9000 people from a mental hospital and put half of them on vegetable oil and the other half on saturated fat in the form of butter. The people with the butter had higher cholesterol and less heart attacks. This study was hidden in Ancel’s basement for many years because it contradicted his theory.

The right saturated fats are good for you because dietary cholesterol is the precursor to hormones. Also, fat is used as building blocks for the body and used for energy. It is a much cleaner burning fuel source with way less oxidative stress on the body than sugar or carbs.

Eat fat. Good fats like avocados, nuts and nut butters (not peanuts, those are a bean), coconut oil, grass fed butter, fat from grass fed free from hormones and antibiotics meats and seafood, and high quality olive oil. Especially at breakfast time.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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How To Do A Ketogenic Diet

how to do a Ketogenic diet

How To Do A Ketogenic Diet

how to do a Ketogenic diet

By Travis Wade

It’s really simple and I’m not going to make it complicated. You need to get at least 75% of your calories from fats. You might have to weigh your food at first and use this keto macro calculator. There are 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates, sugars, and proteins. There are 9 calories per gram of fat. Alcohol is not included in this diet, but there are 7 calories per gram of alcohol.

The Problems With Keto

how to do a ketogenic diet

One of the problems with a keto diet is compliance. Nobody wants to cut their carbs to just cruciferous vegetables and that’s what you need to do for the first 2 weeks. It takes about 10 days to get into full ketosis and after that you can keep track of your weight to decide if you want to add some extra calories to your diet. If you want to lose weight and you stop, then you know you’ve added too many calories.

Another problem comes around day 10. There are some cells in your body that can’t process fat for energy and they will have to go through a process called autophagy. This is the natural death of a cell and it must be replaced by a new cell. During this transition, you’ll have serious carbohydrate cravings. This is because your cells don’t want autophagy, they want to live. At this point you’re just going to have to suck it up. It will be over in a few days. Sorry about the crappy advice but after those few days you will feel better than you ever have 🙂

The most common problem people encounter with a keto diet is they eat too much protein. Protein digests like a carb in a sugar burning mode. It will increase your insulin and may pull you out of ketosis. Fat, for the record, does nothing to your insulin.

The Problems With Carbs

how to do a ketogenic diet

So why go through all the trouble? I hate to say it but a high carbohydrate diet for most people will make them fat. Carbohydrates go through sugar burning mode of the body and have a very high oxidative load on the body. They cause inflammation which leads to disease and sickness. Carbohydrates feed diseases like cancer.

Sugar is in almost every packaged food available in some highly refined form to make it as addictive as possible to keep people coming back. Sugar causes weight gain, hunger, and slowed metabolism. When you run out of energy from carb intake then your body is more likely to breakdown muscle for energy instead of fat. The more muscle a person has the higher their metabolism.

Another thing I need to mention is sugar is genetically modified these days. GMOs is my biggest nightmare as a personal trainer because people don’t know what they are or what they do to them. I need you to read this article on GMOs.

If you really want to see the problems with a high carb diet just look at our society. In the 50s, 2 Harvard professors were payed off to write articles explaining that fat was bad and sugar was ok. The evidence against this was stored in Dr. Ansel Keys’ basement for a very long time. Dr. Ansel Keys was trying to prove that fat was the cause of heart problems. Our society has been getting more obese ever since and for the first time in history people are dying faster than the generation before them. I believe GMOs do play a huge part in this but that’s a completely different topic.

The Benefits For Athletes

how to do a ketogenic diet

Listen up bodybuilders; this is the diet you should be doing! Same with you endurance sports people. You will burn through your carbohydrates in about 45 minutes of exercise and then your body will use fat and muscle for energy. As mentioned a high carb diet leads to more muscle burning and a high fat diet leads to more fat burning. The energy you get from fat will last much longer. You keep burning fat for fuel depending how much you eat and how much is on your body. I know when I use Brain Octane Oil for a pre-workout I have instant energy and sustained energy for hours! Lots of savy marathon runners have switched over to fat and exogenous ketones for energy from sugars.

What they will do is first induce full ketosis for months leading up to an event. Both marathon runners and bodybuilders. Then bodybuilders will start cutting weight and reducing calories in ketosis right up until they go back to nothing but cruciferous vegetables a bit of fat and high protein just before they compete. A marathon runner will induce ketosis and stay there until they compete. During their run they can use sources like Brain Octane Oil to get them to the finish line.

Intermittent Fasting

how to do a ketogenic diet

Which brings me to intermittent fasting. Without adding carbs to your diet in the morning you will have very low insulin and as long as you have low insulin, growth hormone goes up. That’s why you produce growth hormone at night when you sleep. Insulin goes down at night while you sleep and GH goes up. As soon as you add carbs in the morning your GH goes back down. GH burns fat and insulin stores fat.

A sneaky trick is to not eat carbs or protein (or alcohol) in the morning and your insulin doesn’t go up so your GH keeps increasing. I’ve heard an expert say that it can go up as much as 400% and I’ve heard another expert say it can go up as much as 1200%. All I know is GH goes way up when you don’t eat carbs/protein/alcohol in the morning and people get shredded.

I wouldn’t ask anyone to starve however, but as I said, fat does nothing to your insulin. One thing you can do is eat nothing but fat in the morning. Some people will do Bulletproof Coffee in the morning. Fat reduces ghrelin (also known as the hunger hormone), better than anything and it also increases CCK (Cholecystokinin), which is the hormone that makes you feel full. If you have the right amount of fat you won’t get hungry.

A Few Tricks Of The Trade

how to do a ketogenic diet

In either case, when lunch comes, a cruciferous vegetable is great with a source of protein and another fat. The sources of fat I recommend are nothing but healthy fats; coconut oil, high quality olive oil (the vast majority of olive oil is fake), avocado, nuts and nut butters (if you don’t have a food sensitivity and no peanuts, they’re a bean), and GRASS FED butter or ghee.

Coconut Milk

My secret ingredient is coconut milk. I get the stuff that has no additives and it’s 85% pure coconut extract. This coconut milk is 96% fat and it tastes great! I put it in everything. My soup in the morning, my frozen berries, my stir fries, all my curries and I’ll even sip it occasionally. I get it in the international section at Superstore near the spices.


how to do a ketogenic diet

Avocado is the new apple. An avocado a day will keep the doctor away. There are many things you can do with avocado but I like them so I just eat them plain. You can mash them up and make guacamole or add some coconut oil, vanilla, organic cocoa, and just enough raw honey to make more of a dessert type thing. Avocado are also great in smoothies or cut up as a side instead of a grain.

A lot of doctors are trying to get the word out about the health benefits of eating good fats. It seems like every doctor has a book out and there is a summit with over 30 experts talking about the benefits of fats. If you’re still unsure of how to use fats properly then I highly recommend listening to this summit. Also, have a look at these 2 articles: Ketogenic Diet, Truth About Fat

What A Ketogenic Diet Look Like

how to do a Ketogenic diet

For the first 2 weeks your carbs are limited to cruciferous vegetables. These are spinach, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, horseradish, cabbage, kohlrabi, Bok choy, rutabaga, radish, and wasabi. Your proteins make up the rest of the diet after you factor in  75% healthy fats from the list mentioned above.  I’ve seen many clients track their macros (macros are macro-nutrients meaning proteins, carbohydrates, and fats or all of the calorie intake) on a Fitbit or measure their food and calculate their macros.

After 2 weeks you can slowly reduce the fat intake down to 65% and increase your carb intake if it still works for you. If you reduce your fat to 70% and you stop losing weight then return to 75% fat for a while and try again later. You can play with the amount of calories you take in, in a day as well. You don’t want to reduce calories too much or weight loss will stop.

The amount of calories you should be shooting for will vary from person to person. A 200 pound man should be shooting for approximately 1600 calories in a day. If he exercises more he will need more calories. If a person weighs more they will need more calories. If they weigh less and exercise less they will need less calories. Use this keto macro calculator to help determine your macros.

Once a week you will need to do what they call a carb load. Once a week you have a high carb meal and increase your insulin. When I say high carb I don’t mean eat garbage, I mean healthy carbs please.  This levels off hormones and keeps your body stable. Women need this more than men do. Try to do your carb load before leg day. You will still increase your insulin and hormones will stabilize but you will also have a great workout and burn off those carbs.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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Having Trouble Losing Weight or Increasing Muscle?

Having Trouble Losing Weight Or Increasing Muscle?

By Travis Wade

There’s a couple summits coming up that I feel are particularly important for those looking to lose weight or gain muscle. The Thyroid Summit is coming up and so is The Fat Summit. They are related in some ways and I’m sure there will be some of the same speakers at both.

The thyroid is the main driver in your metabolism. You need to take very good care of it and unfortunately it’s under a huge amount of unprecedented fire with the foods we eat and our environment. Thyroid problems have become a huge pandemic. Learn how to take care of your thyroid by attending this expert laden summit.

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

The Thyroid Connection Summit will help you:

  • Work with your doctor to get the right diagnosis/treatment

  • Address the root causes of thyroid dysfunction

  • Implement healthy dietary and lifestyle changes

  • Reclaim your health and vitality

  • And more!

The Thyroid Connection Summit is online and free from October 24-31, 2016!

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

I’ll see you at the summit!

There’s still so much confusion and misinformation out there about fat, both the fat on our bodies and the fats we eat. You’ve been told that eating fat makes you fat–and increases your risk for heart disease and other chronic illnesses–but fat is NOT the enemy. The truth is: eating MORE FAT can help shut down cravings, accelerate weight loss and potentially prevent or reverse disease!


Dr. Mark Hyman, Carrie Diulus and over 30 of the world’s top experts created The Fat Summit 2 to dispel the biggest MYTHS about fat, and reveal the latest research about how to eat, move and supplement your diet for improved health and longevity!

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

Dr. Hyman’s first Fat Summit was a major hit–The Fat Summit 2 has 30+ brand NEW interviews during which you’ll discover even more about…

  • Biohacking your biology and weight loss with healthy fats

  • Truths about saturated fat, cholesterol, butter, sugar, carbs and more

  • Review and discussion of the latest articles on fat and weight loss

  • Digestion of fats through supplementation

  • Effects of dietary fat on fertility

  • Importance of community for making/sustaining healthy lifestyle choices

  • How eating more fat complements/combats other dietary approaches

  • Best practices for maintaining your weight and healthy eating habits

The Fat Summit 2 is online and free from November 7-14, 2016!

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

I’ll see you at the summit!

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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60% Of Those Who Have This, Don’t Know It!

60% Of Those Who Have This, Don’t Know It!

By Travis Wade

Tens of millions worldwide have some form of thyroid dysfunction, and 60% don’t know they have it or how it occurred. Are you one of them? Find out! 30+ experts are here to help you diagnose and overcome thyroid dysfunction, and then reclaim your health and vitality!


Your host, Amy Myers, MD, created The Thyroid Connection Summit because conventional medicine failed her in her journey with thyroid dysfunction. It’s now her mission to help make sure it doesn’t fail you! Join us if you have Graves’, Hashimoto’s, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, cancer, nodules, cysts, I-131 radiation or are post-thyroidectomy. Or, if your doctor says your labs are normal, yet you still have symptoms–this free, online summit is for you!

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

The Thyroid Connection Summit will help you:

  • Work with your doctor to get the right diagnosis/treatment

  • Address the root causes of thyroid dysfunction

  • Implement healthy dietary and lifestyle changes

  • Reclaim your health and vitality

  • And more!

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

I’ll see you at the summit!

The reason I feel this summit is so important for a lot of my clients is because the thyroid depicts your metabolism. A lot of people have a slow metabolism and don’t know why. Their doctor says they are normal. Certain thyroid issues will go undetected for up to ten years. Find out the real scoop with this summit.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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