personal trainer Edmonton

Affordable Personal Training in Edmonton

Travis live on CTV talking about Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor

Welcome to personal training in Edmonton! My name is Travis Wade, and I am the only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton, author, and public speaker. I’ve been a certified personal trainer in Edmonton for over fourteen years and a registered Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for eighteen years. I have also been a fitness fanatic and health nut all of my life.

What Is A Holistic Personal Trainer in Edmonton

Holistic personal training takes into consideration more than exercise and diet. There are many factors that contribute to confidence, happiness, health and fitness. All of these things go together and if you improve one you will be improving the others.

My mission is to share the vast benefits of altruism and fitness with as many people as possible to surround myself with people that are beautiful on the inside and out.

Read Travis' Full Bio

Travis Wade Fitness “BE BRAVE RANCH” Fund

100% of every donation goes directly to The Little Warriors Be Brave Ranch for sexually abused children. We deeply appreciate your support.


Lisa Setting Up For Deadlifts

My Story

Alright, if my story’s got you wondering how to pick a personal trainer, don’t stress. Check out this article on how to choose a personal trainer. It’s like finding the right pair of shoes – you want someone who fits just right, not someone who’s gonna give you blisters! But first, let me hit you with some real talk.

My childhood was no joke, man. Home life was like a bad episode of “Survivor.” One Sunday, I’m an altar boy, all sweet and innocent. The next Sunday? Boom! I’m in the Yellowhead Youth Centre Boys Detention. Life came at me fast! One minute I’m singing hymns, the next minute I’m fighting for my lunch. Who knew Sunday school was prepping me for a smackdown?

In detention, I was surrounded by some real characters. These guys were like the bad guys in a crime drama. But you know what? It made me super non-judgmental. I’ll never forget when a teacher told the class I was on a “downward spiral.” Ha! I knew I was on the right track! Downward spiral? Please.

personal trainer Edmonton

Those days were full of trials and tribulations. I even had to fight a dude named “Chief.” It was like a scene from a prison movie. Lucky for me, I’d been working out before that showdown. Chief was big, man. It was like David and Goliath, except Goliath wasn’t playing around. I was just hoping my slingshot had enough juice!

We couldn’t have money, so my hoodlum pals and I played foosball for push-ups and sit-ups. Foosball was our jam, even though I sucked at it. But hey, it kept us in shape! Playing foosball for fitness – that’s when you know you’re hardcore. “No money? No problem! Just gimme 20 push-ups!”

personal trainer Edmonton

As I got older, sports and working out became my thing. In high school, I snagged an athletics award because, despite my questionable crew, I always showed up for gym class, played rugby, and hit the gym at lunch. Yeah, I was that guy. I was like a walking contradiction: part thug, part athlete. Kind of like if LeBron James joined the cast of “The Wire”!

Eventually, I ditched the party scene for a healthier lifestyle, and my confidence soared. It was like a snowball effect – everything just kept getting better. I became an EMT to give back to the community and embraced a philosophy of love over ego and quick gratification. Now, I’m Edmonton’s holistic personal trainer, and I haven’t looked back since. And hey, if you call 911, I might be the one showing up – and not because I’m in trouble this time!

personal trainer

When I see people I haven’t seen in years, they’re always like, “Dang, you look good!” It’s clear why I’m so passionate about helping people without judgment. We all struggle, but with a little help, we come out stronger together. And if you’re lucky, you might even get a six-pack from playing foosball!

If you’re interested in exploring your fitness goals, join me for a free transformation session!

fitness Edmonton Travis Wade
personal trainer Edmonton
weight loss Edmonton

Weight Loss Specialist

My clients are getting amazing results. In fact, my clients have seen an average weight loss of 8.88 pounds in their first ten days on my program!

Both plateauing and yo-yo weight loss results are very common. It’s upsetting to see someone putting in the effort and not seeing the results they deserve.

Moral Support

The single most important factor in success is the support you get from others. Studies show that people who attempt a goal with the support of a group are not only much more likely to achieve their intended goal, but they are much more likely to maintain it in the future. My clients not only get the support they need from me but from each other.

Personal Trainer Edmonton

I help you build your support group beginning right here with me. 95% of people in the gym achieving their goal have a personal trainer. My clients not only get support from me, but they workout with each other. They support each other on their own and at group events we organize.

personal trainer Edmonton

Become an Expert Yourself

Another unique feature is my philosophy to teach my clients everything I know about fitness. You can become an expert and know more than most personal trainers by the time I’m done with you.

When you work with me, you will get an expert for the same price, if not better, than most “beginner” personal trainers on the market today. For more on how to choose a personal trainer read my article on how to choose a personal trainer!

personal trainer Edmonton

About Us

There are three personal trainers helping at Travis Wade Fitness Inc. Here you get three perspectives for the price of one. First, there is Travis Wade of course and then we have Ashlee Wardle, and Tendayi Tich. We offer in person personal training with Tendayi and Travis. We also offer small group training with Ashlee and we offer online personal training.

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