Category Archives: Weight Loss

Edmonton Weight Loss

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Weight Loss Edmonton

weight loss Edmonton

by Travis Wade

Weight loss is a major concern for many people today. There are many reasons why someone may want to lose weight, including looking good, feeling healthier, and even losing weight for medical purposes. However, if you have tried everything else and still cannot seem to get rid of those extra pounds, then you should consider trying a natural remedy. One of the best ways to lose weight naturally is to eat less and exercise more.

If you do not already exercise regularly, start small and gradually build up your routine. You can use any type of exercise to help you lose weight, whether it’s walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing, or anything else that gets your heart pumping. I recommend doing something you like so you will keep doing it. If you’re serious about weight loss then hiring a personal trainer Edmonton can show you the most effective exercises for you.


edmonton weight loss

Detoxification is a great way to cleanse your body of toxins that have built up over time. Many experts believe that detoxifying helps people feel better and live longer. A detox diet involves eating healthy calories while avoiding processed food. Your body will begin to flush out toxins as soon as you stop eating toxins. When you drink enough water, your kidneys will eliminate the toxins through urination. I recommend the 10 day detox diet by Dr. Mark Hyman. Thats where I start all my clients to teach them healthy eating habits.

Stress Management

edmonton weight loss

Stress management is a great way to reduce anxiety and improve your mood. Exercise is a great way to manage stress, but some people find that they need something more intense to really relax. Yoga, meditation, tai chi, qi gong, and martial arts are just a few examples of activities that can help you relieve stress. I use guided meditation on a regular basis. There’s apps for that.

Sleep Better


Sleep is a big factor in how well you look and feel. Getting adequate sleep each night is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Try to go to bed at the same time every day and wake up at the same time every morning. Avoid caffeine after noon and try to avoid alcohol before going to bed. Also, make sure you keep your room cool and dark.

Get sunlight as soon as you can and a morning routine including exercise helps. Have a bedtime routine as well eliminating food 3 hours before bed and blue light at least an hour before bed. Glycine 3 to 5 grams before bed helps, so does magnesium-threonate, and melatonin 0.1 to 1 mg.

Healthy Skin

edmonton weight loss

Healthy skin is a sign of a healthy person. Unfortunately, many people suffer from acne, wrinkles, and other skin problems. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to improve your skin. First, wash your face twice daily with warm water and mild soap. Second, moisturize your skin using a gentle cleanser and lotion. Third, wear sunscreen whenever you’re outside. Finally, don’t smoke cigarettes or use tobacco products.

Bone broth should be a staple of everyone’s diet. Making soups with it is important not just for the massive amounts of nutrients but also the collagen. Using collagen peptides as a supplement will help as well.

Strong Bones

Edmonton weight loss

Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become weak and brittle. Osteoporosis causes fractures in the spine, hips, wrists, and other parts of the body. To prevent osteoporosis, take care of your bones by getting regular checkups and doing bone-strengthening exercises. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens, and get plenty of sunlight.

Energy Boost

Edmonton weight loss

Energy is a huge part of being happy and productive. Without energy, you won’t be able to accomplish much. Luckily, there are many ways to boost your energy levels. Start by exercising regularly. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body, increases energy boosting hormones, and increases Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor, which gives you more energy. Next, eat a balanced diet full of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Lastly, get plenty of restful sleep.

The Best Diet Plan For You

best personal trainer Edmonton

There are many different types of weight loss programs available today. Some people prefer to work out alone while others like to join a group. Some people choose to go to a gym while others prefer to do their workouts at home. Whatever type of weight loss program you decide to use, there are certain things you need to know before signing up for one.

If you’re looking for a safe, effective, and affordable weight loss program, consider one of the following options:

1) An Edmonton personal trainer supervised weight loss program. These programs typically involve a combination of diet and exercise, as well as counselling and support groups.

2) An online weight loss program. Online programs tend to offer more flexibility than traditional programs, allowing people to work at their own pace and schedule. However, some programs lack the oversight of accountability, so make sure you’re up for it.

3) A commercial weight loss program. Commercial programs usually provide a range of services, such as nutrition education, fitness training, group support, and individual coaching. Many of them also offer financial incentives to help motivate participants.

how to choose a personal trainer

The Best Personal Trainers In Edmonton

If you’re serious about losing weight, then you need to find a personal trainer who will help you achieve your goals. A good personal trainer should be able to motivate you, encourage you, and keep you accountable. They should also provide you with the tools you need to reach your fitness goals.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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Thyroid Problems and Weight Gain


The Thyroid Gland


Hormones play a major role in determining how our bodies will function and how we are going to look. Although insulin and cortisol affect our metabolism, the thyroid plays the most significant role in influencing our metabolism.

How the Thyroid Works

endocrine system

The hypothalamus is a very small gland in the brain made up of sensors that test the hormonal environment within the body. The hypothalamus then sends information to the pituitary (also located in the brain below the hypothalamus). The pituitary produces Thyroid Stimulating Hormone or TSH and sends messages to the adrenal glands (located on top of the kidneys). TSH tells the thyroid gland (located at the front of the neck) to produce the hormone T4. High TSH = low thyroid hormone.

The adrenal glands use cholesterol to produce different hormones, like epinephrine, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Having cholesterol in your diet is very important for hormone production.

Cortisol is an amazing anti-inflammatory when the body is under stress. However, when cortisol is high thyroid hormone will be low. We don’t need to be digesting when we are stressed out because of a bear attack or other stressful situation. In a stressful situation we usually need our energy directed to our muscles instead.

T4 is produced in the thyroid and converted to the active thyroid hormone T3 in the liver, kidneys, intestines, and lungs. The T4 is transported to these organs via thyroid-binding globulin. Selenium and iodine are also essential in this T4 production and T3 conversion. Selenium can be found in bacon, smelt, herring, scallops, and Brazil nuts. Selenium also detoxifies mercury. T=thyroid, 3=3 iodine molecules.

Some of the Problems That Cause Low Thyroid Hormone


The following are examples of issues that can stunt your T3, slowing your metabolism, and ultimately causing weight gain.

  • Polyunsaturated fats, pesticides, preservatives, and other toxins in our food can increase inflammation. The more anti-inflammatory cortisol the body produces, the less metabolism-boosting thyroid hormone it creates.
  • Nutrient deficiencies may interfere with the proper production of T3 in the body. Selenium, B vitamins, vitamin D and A, iodine, omega 3’s, and zinc are all required for T3 production.
  • Many things interfere with globulin’s ability to transport T4 to the organs responsible for converting it into the active thyroid hormone T3. The following are just some of the foods and environmental causes that interfere with globulin: fluoride in water, chlorine in water, bromide in flour, pesticides, commercially produced meat, vaccines, and estrogen (birth control pills), and a plant-based hormone called Xenoestrogen – also called phytoestrogen. Soybeans, a huge source of phytoestrogen, are found in almost all processed/packaged foods because they are a cheap filler.
  • Some synthetic estrogen mimetics are found in BPA, PCBs, and the number one being phthalates. Phthalates are in many things: fragrances, cosmetics, detergents, personal care products, plastic softeners like your rubber ducky or shower curtain, nail polish, hair spray, plastic bags, microwaveable containers, safety gloves, printing ink, varnish, and paper coatings such as receipts.
  • The top seven foods that cause inflammation are corn, soy, dairy, sugar and other sweeteners, peanuts, eggs, and gluten. Gluten is found in rye, wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and kamut. Gluten is of special mention because the damage it does is so underrated.
  • An overburdened allostatic load (all of the stresses on the body combined) can increase inflammation. The three main contributors to your allostatic load are mental stress, toxins, and infections or pathogens. All of these contribute to increased inflammation, resulting in higher cortisol and lower T3.

Symptoms of Low Thyroid

  • Sluggishness in the morning
  • Poor concentration and memory
  • Low-grade depression
  • Dry skin
  • Hoarse voice
  • Thinning hair
  • Coarse hair
  • Being very sensitive to cold and having cold hands and feet
  • Low body temperature
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness or cramps
  • Low sex drive
  • Fluid retention
  • High cholesterol

Fixing Low Thyroid

  1. Detoxification – Avoid toxins, addictions, and allergens. Toxins include pesticides and preservatives in food. Mercury is especially bad and is frequently found in bigger fish, like tuna. Also avoid chlorinated/fluoridated water. Eating nutrient rich organic foods and filtering your water with a reverse osmosis water filter is the best practice. Also, if you leave a pitcher of water out overnight, the chlorine will evaporate.
  2. People under chronic stress display high cortisol levels and, therefore low thyroid hormone levels. You need to find a way to eliminate your stressors. Many ways to reduce stress can be found in my articles on sleep, stress, allostatic load, stress relief, and many others. Also, proper meditation or yoga is very beneficial.
  3. “One warning is that if your adrenal glands are burned out from long-term stress, treating the thyroid without supporting the adrenal glands through relaxation and adaptogenic herbs (such as ginseng, rhodiola, or Siberian ginseng) can actually make you feel worse.” (Dr. Mark Hyman)
  4. Exercise is important, not only as a stress reliever, but it stimulates thyroid hormone production. Come see me for a free consultation for best results.

I have to add something really important for those that have trouble with weight loss. As you lose weight, the pesticides in fat cells are released into the body. These pesticides are detrimental to thyroid hormone production. The way to get rid of these pesticides is to sweat. I recommend hot yoga. If you’re having a lazy day, maybe consider the sauna. Both involve a stress reliever and both make you sweat.

Get the nutrients your thyroid needs: Selenium, iodine, zinc, vitamins A and D, and omega 3 fats. Ultimately, if you have a thyroid problem, you may need to take medication to fix it.  It may not be permanent if you see the right doctor. Synthroid is a synthetic T4 replacement and may or may not work for you.  Armour thyroid includes T4, T3, and T2. Many doctors hold the outdated belief that Armour thyroid is unstable. That used to be true, but not anymore.

“Sometimes, once all the factors that disturbed your thyroid function have been corrected, you may be able to reduce or discontinue the dose. As with any treatment, always work with a physician experienced in using medications to treat your thyroid.” (Dr. Mark Hyman)

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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The Ketogenic Diet: My Favourite Weight Loss Diet

weight loss

The Ketogenic Diet: My Favourite Weight Loss Diet

Learn the secrets of weight loss, building muscle, and reaching your fitness goals!

weight loss

By Travis Wade


There’s the counting-calories method, 

the cutting-out-allergens method, 

all kinds of gimmicky brand-name methods, 

the detox method, 

the intermittent-fasting/fasting method, 

the graze-all-day (small meals many times a day) method. 

Geez!! There’s a lot of methods!

My favourite?

The Keto or Ketogenic Diet

At forty-nine years old, my metabolism has slowed down several times. As a child, you could count my ribs up to my pecs. (I always had big pecs.) Also, I had nice abs my whole life. I can’t go without them now!

There was a time I lived off of pasta and burgers. I had skin issues but didn’t know why at the time. Those days are long gone! The more I got into exercising, the more I got into eating right as well. At first, I could eat what I wanted as long as I exercised enough and I had a great body. I don’t know when that changed??

Now I eat a very stringent diet, which led me to stumble onto magic! I never knew how good I could feel! I always lived a life just like every other day and didn’t feel great but assumed chronic fatigue and brain fog were normal. The other thing is I was clueless I had chronic fatigue and brain fog. It wasn’t until I got the nutrients and ketosis I needed before I realized how crappy I felt before. 

I started tracking everything I ate, and I will show you how I did it. Now that I know what the other side is like, I could never go back! This diet is like the movie “Limitless” but for the mind and body! Here’s what a ketogenic diet can do for you and how to do it properly, but first…  

weight loss Edmonton

These are two of my clients that did a ketogenic diet and Kyle lost 100 pounds in 7 months!


Ketosis is a metabolic process where your body uses ketones from fat as its primary energy source. Anytime you are burning fat off your body you are in ketosis.


Many doctors and nutritionists agree that fat is our preferred energy source and a ketogenic diet offers many benefits, including:

  • disease prevention
  • weight loss
  • increased energy
  • decreased brain fog (increased alertness)
  • a decrease in muscle wasting
  • increased hormone production
coconut milk


When I mention disease prevention, I’m referring to some diseases that experts once believed were caused by a ketogenic diet. The latest research shows eating fat does not increase “bad cholesterol,” leading to heart disease or elevated blood pressureIn reality, it’s allowing yourself to indulge in sugars and fast-acting carbohydrates like flour or grains that lead to these diseases. A proper ketogenic diet can help prevent these diseases (and others). 

Research is also showing excellent results in controlling, and in some cases, curing epilepsy and some forms of cancer with a keto diet. As a result, research studies evaluating the benefits of a ketogenic diet have expanded to other diseases, like Parkinson’s.

I am sure a big part of this disease prevention is because ketones burn much cleaner than carbohydrates. If you are eating a high-carb diet, there will be a higher disease-causing environment. There will be increased inflammation, thyroid problems (which regulates your metabolism), and increased insulin. If you’re in a calorie deficit, it magnifies the problem.

weight loss


Not all ketogenic diets cause weight loss. For weight loss to occur, you must have a calorie deficit. Because you consume low quantities of carbohydrates on a keto diet, your blood glucose level and insulin will remain low. Low insulin leads to storing a lot less visceral adipose tissue (the fat around your belly) and producing more growth hormone, which burns fat.

As carbohydrates are more accessible for the body to metabolize, the body does not breakdown much fat to produce ketones when you eat lots of carbs. It’s well established that it’s not the high fat but the absence of carbs that stimulates the process of fat burning or “ketosis”.

In the absence of carbs, you will burn fat from your body and your meals at the same rate until you run out of the fat from food. At that point, you will continue to burn fat off your body to produce ketones to meet the body’s fuel requirement. Consequently, weight loss will occur as long as you don’t take in too many calories.

weight loss


Inevitably, you will have to go through a phase called “the keto-flu” before you get into full ketosis (it’s wonderful!). You will have low energy and might even feel a bit lightheaded due to a reduced blood sugar level. During this time, your body is getting fat-adapted. However, after you get past this phase, you’ll be shocked at your increased energy levels.

While you have the keto-flu and you’re getting fat-adapted, your body is going through what is called autophagy. Autophagy is the natural cell death of old cells and the replacement of them by new cells. The cells that die are the ones that can’t burn fat for fuel. It’s all the low-lifes, the losers, the ones you don’t want, and they can just die! Cancer cells, for example. Basal cells get activated, and new cells get generated.

During this time, you’ll have low energy and be starving for carbs. You’ll see just how addictive sugar can be!! Stay strong because you are literally days away from never having those cravings again and feeling better than you’ve ever felt in your life! There are ways to speed up this process, including intermittent fasting and fasting, but they need to be done correctly. Please don’t mess with fasting if you don’t know what you are doing.

ketogenic breakfast


The first thing you will notice when you shift into full ketosis is mental clarity like you never thought possible! That’s because there are ten times more mitochondria in a brain cell than other cells of the body. Mitochondria are the energy factories of cells and ketones are a much cleaner burning fuel than sugar. When your mitochondria get good at burning ketones for energy, your mental clarity goes way up. I was shocked the first time I felt it.


If you reach a calorie shortage while on a high-carb diet, there will be more muscle wasting than being in ketosis. Carbs and proteins metabolize through the same process called the “Krebs Cycle.” When you’re using a high carb and have a lack of fuel, your body is inclined to burn muscle for energy. Conversely, on a ketogenic diet, your body will burn your love handles, with less muscle wasting or health issues that occur due to a caloric deficit.

Also, you never want to have weight loss at the cost of muscle. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism.

ketogenic diet


My most significant source of calories comes from grass-fed butter. As mentioned, dietary cholesterol or the cholesterol we eat is not harmful. In fact, we need it. It is the precursor to hormones. We will create muscle building and fat burning hormones if we get sufficient cholesterol. Do you know what inhibits the production of hormones? Again, it’s the sugar and fast-acting carbs like grains, rice, corn, and potatoes.

Grass-fed butter isn’t just a source of good cholesterol, it’s also a source of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and butyrate or butyric acid. CLA is a mild weight loss supplement. Butyrate feeds the good bacteria of the gut (bacteriodetes) which leads to fat loss and increased nutrient absorption.

Hormones and Cholesterol


To be in ketosis, you must avoid grains and sugar and eat more fat. It takes about 10 days to reach full ketosis and about the same amount of time to lose your addictions to grains and sugars. The bonus is, a ketogenic diet reduces hunger.

Here’s What A Keto Diet Looks Like

It’s mostly fat: At first, 75 percent of your calories are from fat, 20 percent of your calories are from protein, and no more than 50 grams of carbs per day. Cruciferous vegetables are your carbs at first. You can calculate your macros here.

After two weeks, you should be in full ketosis. However, it can take up to two months in rare cases. Once you’re in full ketosis, you might be able to add more nutrient-filled carbs a little at a time.

ketogenic food


You can test your ketones using urine test strips, but they only change colour when you are going into ketosis. Once in full ketosis, your body is burning ketones, and you no longer urinate them out. Your test strips will no longer change colour when you are in ketosis.

You can use chem test strips and poke your finger like blood glucose testing, but the chem strips are $4 a pop. Those are the cheapest ones I found. It’s the most accurate way to test your ketones but also the most expensive.

Many doctors and I use Ketonix, which tests for the amount of acetone in your breath. The higher the ketones in your blood, the higher the acetone. There are other cheaper breath testers, but if you look at their reviews, they aren’t very accurate. Ketonix is reliable, and you only need the initial cost of the unit. It’s more expensive, but I think it’s worth it.

Unfortunately, they don’t ship batteries to Canada, but their partners in the USA do. However, you don’t need a battery because it plugs right into your computer. Plus, you can download the app, which has a meter that shows you exactly how many ketones you’re burning. Additionally, it has a handy feature that keeps track of your tests so that you can analyze them later.


Unfortunately, since the “Atkins Diet,” people have made massive mistakes with the ketogenic diet making it look like Chernobyl. Consequently, it has received a bad reputation. You have to follow a keto diet precisely, or you may do more harm than good. For best results, kindly avoid the following mistakes:

1. Not tracking your macro-nutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and alcohol. Carbs and proteins have four calories per gram, alcohol has seven, and fat has nine. For a quick calculation of your macros you can use my keto macro calculator.

You can also use an app called “Chronometer to track your macros, which I recommend because it tracks your micro-nutrients as well. Micro-nutrients include vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. You’ll need a food scale to weigh your food before entering the numbers in Chronometer. I have a twenty-one dollar food-scale from Amazon.

2. Consuming too much protein. Dr. Mercola has a whole chapter in his book called “Fat for Fuel,” dedicated to the adverse effects of too much protein. Excess protein increases growth pathways, which is great for bodybuilders but terrible for avoiding cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and weight gain. Plus, too much protein often pulls people out of ketosis. As a result, the right amount is crucial; you need approximately 0.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass or twenty percent of your calories.

3. Staying in ketosis for too long. Having chronically low insulin can be worse than chronically high insulin. So once a week, you must eat a carbohydrate-rich meal to increase your insulin. I do this right after my workout, as increasing insulin and protein activates growth pathways. Generally, a great time to boost growth would be right after a workout to get the desired anabolic (muscle-building) effect.

4. Dirty keto. Many people eat keto for the weight loss benefits but still eat processed food and trans fat. Basically, everything that will kill you fast and when health goes terrible, it’s the keto diet to blame. Bad sweeteners (non-organic) and bad fat mixed together kill people more quickly than anything. Don’t blame keto; blame dirty keto.

hamburger keto


Mostly, for its health benefits. (Ok, I love bacon!) Does it work? I have had many clients that have tried it; there are photos of a couple at the top. Also, at forty-nine, I still have my abs! I’ll show you proof that it works! Of course, I don’t get abs through diet alone. I exercise regularly and recommend everyone engages in some sort of fun, physical activity. If you’d like to inject some fun back into your workouts, while boosting your metabolism, then get in touch.

keto bacon

And here’s my proof.

Travis Wade
Travis Wade Fitness

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – Got A Slow Metabolism?


Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – Got A Slow Metabolism?


60% of people that have this don’t know it!

By Travis Wade

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Signs and Symptoms

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common thyroid problem and it’s very commonly undiagnosed. As your personal trainer, why is that important to me? Your thyroid is the primary regulator of your metabolism. Hashimoto’s causes less production of thyroid hormone with transient bursts of way too much. The hypothyroid (not enough thyroid hormone), slows your metabolism causing weight gain and the transient surge of hyperthyroid (too much thyroid hormone), causes the anxiety symptoms.

Here’s some of the functions of the thyroid. It regulates:


Heart rate

Central and peripheral nervous systems

Body weight

Muscle strength

Menstrual cycles

Body temperature

Cholesterol levels

Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Looking at the above functions may make it easier to understand some of the symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Fatigue is the most common symptom followed by weight gain or inability to lose weight. Some other common symptoms are anxiety, palpitations, hair loss (eye brows), feeling colder than others around you, gut issues, IBS, brain fog, and memory loss. I’m afraid it’s much more common in women.

If you have any of these symptoms, then maybe you have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Here’s the cause, what to do about it, and how to test for it. Again, we have to talk about the microbiome and Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Autoimmune Disease

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are relatively new. The cause of most autoimmune diseases is Leaky Gut Syndrome which is also relatively new. Some of the causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome are GMOs, pesticides, plastic, pollution, preservatives and all the other toxins in our food which are relatively new as well. For the full list of culprits see my article on Leaky Gut Syndrome.

An autoimmune disease is when your body attacks itself. What happens is large molecules aren’t supposed to leak through the gut. Small molecules like amino acids, vitamins and minerals are supposed to leak through, your body absorbs these nutrients and uses them.

Peptides and proteins are big molecules that aren’t supposed to leak through but if your gut gets broken down or damaged these big molecules will leak through. That’s called Leaky Gut Syndrome.

At this point these large molecules get in the blood and your body doesn’t recognize them so you will produce antigens against them. These antigens don’t know the difference between the proteins that aren’t supposed to be in the blood and the proteins of your body. The result is the antigens will attack your own body. If there is enough of the antigens, this is an auto-immune disease.

In Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis the big protein that leaks through is gluten and when your body produces antigens against gluten those antigens don’t know the difference between the gluten and the proteins in your thyroid so the antigens will also attack your thyroid.

You might be producing antibodies attacking your thyroid for up to 10 years before any symptoms kick in. When your body produces antibodies against your thyroid, it can cause fibrosis (scar tissue), which can be painful and cause the thyroid to swell up. In this process you will eventually produce less and less thyroid hormone.

The test for Hashimoto’s is to test your blood for the antigens against your thyroid. Conventional testing tests for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), or T4 and T3 in some cases. However, the T3 and T4 will likely be normal as well in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. That partially has to do with the adrenal glands. If you have chronic stress you will produce a substance called reverse T3. Reverse T3 attaches to the receptor sites of T3, but reverse T3 doesn’t activate the receptors for T3.

The Symphony of Hormones

Another problem with being constantly over stressed is you will burn out your adrenal glands causing Addison’s disease. A less severe condition is called adrenal fatigue, which conventional doctors say doesn’t exist, but you can get a saliva test done with a functional medicine doctor. In Addison’s or adrenal fatigue you won’t be producing enough cortisol or DHEA. The symptoms are the same as hypothyroidism.

Cortisol is an amazing anti-inflammatory. With not enough of this anti-inflammatory there will obviously be more inflammation in the body which causes all kinds of problems; one being Leaky Gut Syndrome and another being weight gain.

There is a symphony of hormones in your body. To treat the thyroid without looking at the adrenals may cause more problems. Dr. Axe actually categorizes Leaky Gut Syndrome. “Stress Gut” is when you have certain stress issues due to leaky gut. One of those problems could be thyroid problems. He talked about cortisol levels, and again, there is a balance going on; the more cortisol, the less thyroid hormone being produced.

There are different levels of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis starting with non-symptomatic progressing to full hypothyroidism and other autoimmune diseases present. Again, this is another disease caused by a crappy diet and all the toxins in our food/environment which can be helped with a proper diet and exercise plan.

How To Fix Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Proper Nutrition

The first thing you want to do to fix an unhealthy thyroid is to eliminate the toxins and get the nutrition your body needs. This alone can turn symptoms around. I recommend the 10 Day Detox Diet Cookbook by Dr. Mark Hyman. It’s a great resource and it is where I try to get all my clients to start because it teaches proper eating habits and what proper nutrition really looks like as opposed to what you’ve probably been taught by popular media.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

The next step is to fix your leaky gut. I am talking about the GAPS diet. It starts with soup for breakfast soup for lunch, soup for dinner, and soup in-between. Lucky for us there is no end to the variety of soups that can be made. You start by boiling bones and organ meats for a day. The bones and meat goes into the pot and just enough water to cover the meat and bones. Simmer that for at least 12 hours minimum. Separate the bones and other undesirables out of the pot, then add what you want.

Having said that, squashes are a great food for the spleen which is the immune system organ and in many cases helps with the problems that cause Leaky Gut Syndrome. Garlic boosts the immune system, ginger does as well, turmeric is really great for the leaky gut as well. Salt, pepper. Mmmm. Sea salt or Himalayan of course.

If you have a thyroid problem you might have a lack of iodine; or too much. T3 (active thyroid hormone), triiodothyronine has 3 iodine molecules, T4 is tetraiodothyronine, which has 4 iodine molecules. Some of the other nutrients that are necessary for a healthy thyroid are Vitamin D and B12, selenium, and iron. You need to be tested for everything. If you have too much of something, it can be just as detrimental in some cases as having not enough. Do you need iodized salt or is it killing you? Talk to your doctor and get a full blood panel done.

Then there is the absorption of nutrients. Do you have low stomach acid? Having low stomach acid can mimic high stomach acid and is sometimes treated as high stomach acid and this happens very regularly.

A side note: Iatrogenic damage [damage caused by medical practises], may be the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Our neighbours that pay for doctors who might want to do a good job for more business… our doctors are free… Just so you know this happens and I’ll stop there… for now. Of course that exasperates the issue.

Low stomach acid and dysbiosis (improper balance of bacteria in the gut), prevents proper absorption of a lot of nutrients creating a lack of nutrients no matter how much nutrients you eat. With dysbiosis you might have pathogens using up iron causing the iron deficiency. Low stomach acid prevents iron from being absorbed. A fix for the low stomach acid is lemon water or apple cider vinegar water to produce more stomach acid. A doctor can put you on medications for better absorption as well.

The Microbiome

The last part of fixing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is fixing your microbiome (the bacteria in the gut), which is an art. A conventional doctor will likely not help you with this. Conventional medicine can help you with some of the above tasks, but our free health care will not cover a lot of needs. You have to learn to take care of yourself these days. True Balance will test your microbiome to see what you have in your gut and they are extremely thorough.

SIBO is small intestine bacterial overgrowth. 50% of hypothyroid patients have SIBO which is one of the causes of leaky gut syndrome. Remove the source. This might be a herbal protocol, antibiotics, or elemental diet.

It’s a different day and age in medicine my friends. You need to do research on your own and let your doctor know what you want. I know people that are dying, and you probably do too, because you have to take responsibility for your health these days instead of asking a doctor or anyone else to take care of you.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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The Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee

bulletproof coffee

The Benefits Of Bulletproof Coffee

Discover the secrets behind Bulletproof Coffee!

bulletproof coffee

By Travis Wade

If you haven’t heard of Bulletproof Coffee yet, it’s a coffee recipe founded by Dave Asprey in 2009 and was featured on some very popular talk shows in 2014, causing it to gain a lot of popularity. Today, Dave has a number of New York Times best selling books: “Game Changers”, “Head Strong”, and “The Bulletproof Diet”.

A lot of people have been butchering the original Bulletproof Coffee recipe not knowing why the exact ingredients are in place. Some people that have heard about Bulletproof Coffee have been putting butter and coconut oil in their coffee hoping to lose weight. I’ve seen an intermittent fasting specialist talk about putting coconut oil in your coffee and skipping breakfast to keep your body in fat burning mode. As long as you’re not adding carbohydrates to your body you will be in fat burning mode; this is the basis of a keto-diet.

About Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey

I’m going to tell you straight up, Dave is the real deal and his recipe sounds way too tempting not to try. In this article, I’m going to tell you the real recipe to Bulletproof Coffee and why the ingredients are exactly the way they are. If you want to try it yourself you can order some with this link.

First, I have to tell you a bit about Dave Asprey: Dave’s not a doctor, he’s just a very brilliant man that had medical issues and learned how to overcome them. However, he is married to a doctor. He is also known as the original “Biohacker”. He is the man that coined the phrase “biohacking”.

Dave’s arthritis started at 14 and he was 300 pounds by the time he was in 4th year university. He had fibromyalgia, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, and brain fog. Today, Dave weighs 200 lbs. at 6’4” and all of his other symptoms have been relieved. The remedy to Dave’s health problems is rooted in fixing his microbiome.

In time, Dave learned the importance of meditation and travelled to Tibet to improve his skills in this area. On a mountain in Tibet, Dave was given some yak butter tea in a bowl and it made him feel so awesome he had to recreate it.  Dave learned why the yak butter tea worked so well then came up with his own recipe and wanted to share it with the world.

The Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

bulletproof coffee

The first component of the coffee recipe is the beans, which Dave grows in Central and South America. The problem with even the best brands of coffee in North America is the mold toxins in them. The mold toxin, which is a metabolite of the mold called a mycotoxin, accumulates in the brain and affects the gut biome. In fact, these mycotoxins are so toxic they are limited in the parts per billion, (not parts per million) in other countries. As a result, Dave makes sure his coffee is toxin free with his processing, before lab testing it for 27 different toxins. (That was last count, maybe more now).

The mold toxins cause side effects like the jitters and a crash after the original caffeine high wears off, alongside food cravings. These mold toxins are banned in other countries in Europe and Asia, but are not regulated as much in North America. This means, coffee companies sell their toxin free coffee in other countries that have better toxin regulations. This doesn’t mean they throw out their toxic coffee – they sell it to us here in North America.

Furthermore, I have to mention that mycotoxins are also found in grains. People and cows eat the grains and breast milk/dairy products have mycotoxins. Also, antibiotics are a mycotoxin. Dave, myself, and a lot of medical professionals believe antibiotics are way overused and should only be used in emergency situations.

Grass-fed Butter

bulletproof coffee

The second component of Dave’s recipe is the grass-fed butter. There’s 3 ingredients in the butter that are important and that’s why it’s necessary for it to be grass-fed. In fact, Dave stresses the importance of not cheaping-out on proper butter. The first ingredient is saturated fat, the preferred energy source of the brain and body and an anti-inflammatory.

The second ingredient is butyrate or butyric acid, named after butter because that’s where it’s most commonly found. Butyrate is used to help increase good gut flora. Lastly, the third ingredient is CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, which is commonly used as a weight loss supplement.

Plus, the antioxidants in the coffee and the ketones from the fat are anti-inflammatories. All in all, this whole combination turns down the bad and turns up the good bacteria. In a nutshell, this is one of the greatest things you can do to improve your overall health, performance, fat loss, and disease prevention.

Brain Octane Oil

brain octane oil

Finally, the last component of Dave’s Bulletproof Coffee is “Brain Octane Oil”, also known as C8 oil. There are 4 different medium chain triglycerides: C6, C8, C10, and C12, named for their length of their hydrocarbon tails. You’ll find all 4 MCTs in coconut oil, with C12 being the most abundant at 52% and C8 being the rarest at 5.5%. Dave’s C8 is triple-distilled in an oxygen free environment. Dave doesn’t give away all his secrets but he says if you get your C8 anywhere else you’ll get what he calls “disaster pants”. As you can imagine, it’s not good. That is all.

C8 and Weight Loss

bulletproof coffee

C8 is the key ingredient for people who want to lose weight. This is because its metabolized and used by the body a lot more efficiently than other fats. C12 is a longer chained fat. C12 will go through the liver and is stored there as fat that can be used when necessary.

On the other hand, C8 metabolizes a lot like a sugar, as it easily breaks down into ketones for your brain and body to use immediately. With 2 tablespoons of C8 and the absence of any carbs, you will immediately go into full ketosis in about a half an hour.

When I first started taking C8 I didn’t drink coffee and I put it in my soup. I remember one morning when I actually felt it kick in. My brain just felt like I snapped out of a day dream and was ready for the day.

Plus, you’ll think better and clearer without the crash you normally get with coffee and you won’t get hungry. The C8 puts you into ketosis and you’ll stay there until you eat carbohydrates. Better still, the butter is another source of fat that staves off hunger. As a result, if you drink Bulletproof Coffee in the morning, by lunchtime you may or may not be hungry. Coffee just happens to be another appetite suppressant.

Perhaps best of all, Dave also learned how to manipulate the microbiome to lose weight. C8 is an anti-fungal and works together with the coffee to induce a healthier microbiome. Thin people have more bacteroidetes and less firmicutes while obese people have the opposite.

Scientists have conducted studies where they put bacteroidetes in obese people, causing them to lose weight. While, on the other hand, they put firmicutes into skinny mice, causing them to gain weight. In short, C8 decreases the firmicutes, and the antioxidants in the coffee feed the bacteroidetes, (these are the 2 main types of bacteria in the gut).If you’re interested, you can have your own levels tested at

How to Become Bulletproof

the bulletproof diet

In Dave’s New York Times best-selling book “The Bulletproof Diet”, he talks about foods you need to avoid to heal your body and to lose weight, as well as those you need to incorporate. Click here to view the Bulletproof DIet Road Map. Plus, if you want to try Dave’s Bulletproof Coffee, you can click here.

In next week’s newsletter, I will talk some more about the microbiome. I hope you liked this article and, if you did, then please forward it, like, and share. If you want more help with your health and fitness journey, contact me and I will help you.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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The Hunger Hormones


The Hunger Hormones

Beat your hunger hormones (ghrelin, leptin and CKK) with these secrets to prevent overeating!



I’ve heard a lot lately how it’s not your fault that you’re fat but that hunger hormones (leptin, ghrelin and CKK) are getting the best of you. Now, I don’t want to enable addictions but if you’re going to blame somebody else – blame the food industry.  Here’s why:


Leptin, ghrelin and CKK (cholecystokinin) are 3 of the hormones which need to be manipulated in order to control weight. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone and was first discovered in 1996 and reported in 1999. Ghrelin increases exponentially until you eat, with the highest increase just before eating. It is primarily created in the stomach and stops releasing after the stomach gets stretched. For this reason, eating is the best way to bring down ghrelin levels. Proteins are the most effective macronutrients for reducing their secretion.

ghrelin, leptin, CKK

The easiest way to manipulate ghrelin for weight loss is by having a glass of water before each meal. The good news is, ghrelin is also the thirst hormone.  You may have heard that if you feel hungry, you might just be thirsty. This is due to the effects of ghrelin in your body. That’s a little behind the scenes info on why water might help bring down your food cravings.

Now, if you’re going to drink a glass of water before a meal (which, I have to add, has shown to significantly decrease the amount eaten during a meal ), then you’re on the right track to curb those hunger hormones. However, why stop at that when there is much more you can do? Like eating some fibre too.


fibre hunger hormones

Fibre is such an important and profound pre-meal weight loss macronutrient. Moreover, it has so many other benefits, such as aiding peristalsis movement and cleansing the colon, to name but a few. However, you need to eat it with at least one glass of water, as you certainly don’t want to find out what happens if you don’t.

Ok, I guess I should tell you: Fibre absorbs water and takes up space,  thus stretching your stomach. Ultimately, this slows down ghrelin production. If you don’t increase your water intake with fibre intake, you will inevitably get constipated.

The benefits of fibre are too vast to explain here, but here’s a quick list: it absorbs calories, improves motility, increases good gut flora, makes you feel full, is anti-inflammatory, reduces chances of contracting diseases (especially those of the digestive tract) and helps cure what ails you. In short, this whole list contributes to health and weight loss.

Overall, there’s nothing bad to say about fibre except we don’t get enough in our diet. If you follow paleo, I have to mention cavemen in the paleolithic era had about 10 times the fibre most people get these days. Take the fibre! Dr. Mark Hyman recommends Glucomannan fibre from Konjac root a.k.a. PGX fibre. For more weight loss tips see my article on how to cheat a cheat meal.


While Ghrelin is the least complicated out of the hunger hormones, Leptin is more difficult to conquer. Leptin was reported in 1994 and was the first discovered fat cell releasing hormone. Plus, the word leptin comes from the Greek word leptos, meaning thin.

Leptin is primarily created in fat cells and its main function is to tell the body not to eat more, due to sufficient fat storage.  This means more fat cells equal more circulating leptin accordingly. Here, is where the food industry becomes the enemy…

Leptin Resistance

In the same way you can become insulin resistant (as seen in type 2 diabetes), you can also become leptin resistant. Incidentally, the two problems are often seen together due to a lot of the same causes. Leptin resistance is found in obese people. They exhibit high leptin levels but their bodily receptors aren’t functioning properly for signalling the body to stop eating. Unfortunately, this lets hunger hormones rampage unchecked, eventually wreaking havoc on both their diet and health.

leptin hunger hormones

The causes of leptin resistance and type 2 diabetes lies in a diet of highly palatable, high calorie foods. Fructose should be especially mentioned here, but more importantly, without the fibre from fruit. Fructose is an extremely sweet tasting sugar and that’s why the food industry uses it to increase the addictive properties of food. It gets modified along with other extra high glycemic sugars which are seen in most packaged foods. For example, these sugars include high fructose corn syrup, maltose, and maltodextrin.

How it Affects Health and Fitness

Sadly, other things that cause leptin resistance are the things that cause many epidemic diseases of today. I covered them in detail in my article on Leaky Gut Syndrome. However, another quick list is sugar and sweeteners, gluten, dairy, grains, prescription and nonprescription drugs, lectin, GMO foods, chlorine and fluoride, yeast, preservatives and flavorings, processed foods, mercury, pesticides, BPA from plastics, and infections. Now, I know that’s a big list but it should be obvious why obesity and diabetes is an epidemic in North America. Needless to say, the food industry is my enemy in my fight to contribute to a healthy, happy, and fit society.

The way to beat leptin resistance/diabetes/Leaky Gut Syndrome/depression and everything that ails you, is to cut back on the above mentioned causes as much as you can. In addition, adopt a balanced diet and consume vegetables, healthy fats, and meats/seafood along with proper exercise. I recommend the “10 Day Detox Diet Cookbook” by Dr. Mark Hyman for healthy eating.

Cholecystokinin (CCK)

Lastly, cholecystokinin or CCK is another hormone that makes you feel full, countering hunger hormones. CCK is released in the gut and brain when fats and certain amino acids from protein are present. CCK slows gastric emptying or stomach emptying into the intestine. It also stimulates the release of pancreatic enzymes into the duodenum, which is the first part of the intestine after the stomach. CCK also releases bile from the gallbladder and stimulates bile salts from the liver into the duodenum.

Though CCK hormone makes a person feel full ,overweight people do not produce much CCK. Consequently, most weight loss diets fail because a 400 pound person, for instance, turns into a 200 pound person. But they’ll still have the appetite of a 400 pound person. My favourite weight loss diet increases a person’s CCK as they lose weight so a 200 pound person will have the appetite of a 200 pound person.

CKK hunger hormones

Hunger Hormones and Health and Fitness

For more on how to implement a healthy diet and exercise routine contact me. It is important to note that when you start losing weight your body will start producing less leptin and more ghrelin, but it will level off and you will become more responsive to insulin and leptin.

Another factor in initial weight loss is a decrease in thyroid hormone, sympathetic tone, and energy expending along with increases in parasympathetic tone. This means your metabolism will slow down and you’ll have a decrease in energy.  This isn’t permanent.

However, care needs to be taken to increase thyroid hormone and reduce cortisol. There are methods to that madness and and you can read my article on thyroid hormone. Also, the best way to control cortisol is to implement stress management techniques.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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How To Cheat A Cheat Meal

cheat day

How To Cheat A Cheat Meal

Can you outrun a bad diet? Kinda…

cheat day

By Travis Wade

We all need a cheat meal, even if it’s just for the sake of enjoying ourselves. Sometimes, cheat meals are necessary to level off hormones, like when you do a keto diet. Whatever your reasons, here are my suggestions on indulging as much as you want while gaining the least amount of weight.

#1 Preparation

cheat meal

Because of the highly addictive properties of a cheat meal, try to eat out for a cheat meal. For instance, if you have ice-cream in your house (the second most addictive food), eating the whole container is very tempting. Chocolate is the most addictive food, by the way.

The good news is, when eating these cheat meal foods, there are proven methods for damage control: You’ll need PGX fibre, alpha-lipoic-acid, green Tea, and cinnamon pills.

#2 Before the Cheat Meal

cheat meal

PGX fibre slows the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream and speeds up the calories exiting the body. This helps eliminate toxins from the body, reduces your appetite by filling you up, and causes less uptake of calories into the body.

Dr. Mark Hyman recommends PGX fibre as a daily supplement, especially for those looking to reduce weight. However, it also has many other health benefits. For best results, take the supplement about a half-hour before a cheat meal.

Fat blunts jumps in blood glucose levels more than protein. For an appetizer, don’t go for flour or sugar, go for fat and protein. Most importantly, avoid deep-fried foods because of the trans-fats they are fried in!

Trans-fats are incredibly toxic, and you should never consume them in any situation. The government has agreed that food companies need to eliminate trans-fats. Still, they’ve given food companies as long as they need to find a replacement.

Alpha-lipoic-acid has many benefits, which is why Dr. Mark Hyman recommends it as a daily supplement. Timothy Ferriss (author of the “4 Hour Body”) uses it for fat loss. It works by diverting calories into muscles instead of fat cells. For best results, take 600 mg about 10 minutes before a cheat meal.

#3 During the Cheat Meal

Green Tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). ECGC also diverts calories away from fat cells and into muscle cells.

Apoptosis is the natural death of mature cells. ECGC increases the apoptosis of fat cells, which Dr. Mark Hyman recommends for daily health. However, as suggested above, you’ll have to invest in some pills when eating a cheat meal. Timothy Ferriss recommends 750mg dosage for the best effect.

Cinnamon slows the uptake of sugars and other fast-acting carbs (flour and other grains), to the blood and helps level off our blood glucose level. You can get cinnamon in a pill form to take with your meal.

cheat meal

Eating slow is the easiest way to decrease glucose spikes, yet it is foolishly overlooked. However, it has a profound effect, so always savour your desserts if you choose to have one. ‘Eat your veggies fast and savour your desserts,’ is one of my life’s mottos.

Citrus helps reduce insulin. Now, I realize a whole lemon is a lot, but if you can handle the juice from an entire lemon in a tall glass of water, that might be better than a shot of lemon juice. Essentially, it’s lemonade without the sugar. Also, make a special effort to drink more water with your cheat meal.

#4 After the Cheat Meal

Exercise after a cheat meal is the number one thing you can do for damage control! To keep things simple, plan a walk or some activity after you eat. However, if you’re motivated, do a full-body workout: squats, band-pulls, and push-ups.

cheat meal

Bonus tip: When you exercise, it produces chemicals in the body that store energy in muscles as opposed to fat cells. This is something Timothy Ferriss would do before and after cheat meals. I believe this is where most of his weight loss came from. It’s a type of frequency training.

Frequency training is exercising many times throughout the day. Mainly, the idea is to increase the heart rate as high as possible, keeping your metabolism consistently high. You can do this on a rebounder (mini-trampoline), or whatever exercise you choose as long as it increases the heart rate quickly. You can do 4 minutes once an hour, but I find that too much for me. Once after or before meals is all I could handle or I would be too hungry.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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Glycemic Load, Glycemic Index, and Insulin Index – Travis Wade Fitness

glycemic load

Glycemic Load, Glycemic Index, and Insulin Index

3 Terms You Need To Know If You Are Looking To Lose Weight!

By Travis Wade

Glycemic Load, Glycemic Index, and Insulin Index are three terms people watching their weight and diabetics will need to know. I feel the urge to explain each term.

glycemic load

Glycemic Index

The glycemic index is a scale from 0-100, which is used to measure how fast blood glucose level rises after food has been consumed compared to pure glucose. Glucose has arbitrarily been given 100 on the glycemic index scale. The index is a way to distinguish between fast-acting carbs and slower acting carbs. Some common types of carbohydrate-rich food that have a high glycemic index are bread, potatoes, rice and pasta.

High glycemic foods are a problem for those looking to lose weight because they get absorbed into the blood quickly. We have approximately 5 litres of blood in us and it can only hold about three teaspoons of sugar at a time. High glycemic foods cause a massive increase in your insulin to promptly store the sugar in muscle or fat cells. After the surge in insulin is a crash in blood sugar. We end up feeling tired, hungry, and low in energy.

Conversely, low glycemic types of food increase blood sugar slowly. Insulin levels also increase gradually. It takes a lot longer to feel hungry and tired. Some examples of these kinds of foods are beans, lentils, asparagus, spinach, kale, cauliflower, cucumbers, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, and zucchini.

FOODGlycemic index (glucose = 100)
White wheat bread*75 ± 2
Whole wheat/whole meal bread74 ± 2
Specialty grain bread53 ± 2
Unleavened wheat bread70 ± 5
Wheat roti62 ± 3
Chapatti52 ± 4
Corn tortilla46 ± 4
White rice, boiled*73 ± 4
Brown rice, boiled68 ± 4
Barley28 ± 2
Sweet corn52 ± 5
Spaghetti, white49 ± 2
Spaghetti, whole meal48 ± 5
Rice noodles†53 ± 7
Udon noodles55 ± 7
Couscous†65 ± 4
Cornflakes81 ± 6
Wheat flake biscuits69 ± 2
Porridge, rolled oats55 ± 2
Instant oat porridge79 ± 3
Rice porridge/congee78 ± 9
Millet porridge67 ± 5
Muesli57 ± 2
Apple, raw†36 ± 2
Orange, raw†43 ± 3
Banana, raw†51 ± 3
Pineapple, raw59 ± 8
Mango, raw†51 ± 5
Watermelon, raw76 ± 4
Dates, raw42 ± 4
Peaches, canned†43 ± 5
Strawberry jam/jelly49 ± 3
Apple juice41 ± 2
Orange juice50 ± 2
Potato, boiled78 ± 4
Potato, instant mash87 ± 3
Potato, french fries63 ± 5
Carrots, boiled39 ± 4
Sweet potato, boiled63 ± 6
Pumpkin, boiled64 ± 7
Plantain/green banana55 ± 6
Taro, boiled53 ± 2
Vegetable soup48 ± 5
Milk, full fat39 ± 3
Milk, skim37 ± 4
Ice cream51 ± 3
Yogurt, fruit41 ± 2
Soy milk34 ± 4
Rice milk86 ± 7
Chickpeas28 ± 9
Kidney beans24 ± 4
Lentils32 ± 5
Soya beans16 ± 1
Chocolate40 ± 3
Popcorn65 ± 5
Potato crisps56 ± 3
Soft drink/soda59 ± 3
Rice crackers/crisps87 ± 2
Fructose15 ± 4
Sucrose65 ± 4
Glucose103 ± 3
Honey61 ± 3
Data are means ± SEM.

* Low-GI varieties were also identified.

† Average of all available data.

Reprinted with permission from Fiona S. Atkinson, RD, Kaye Foster-Powell, RD and Jennie
C. Brand-Miller, PHD: International Tables of Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Values: 2008
Diabetes Care 2008 Dec; 31(12): 2281-2283. Copyright
2008 by the American Diabetes Association

Glycemic Load

Glycemic load is a number used to depict the impact that food will have on a person’s blood glucose level over some time. It is calculated by multiplying the weight in grams of the carbohydrates in the food with the glycemic index divided by 100. [(grams of carbs) x (glycemic index)] ÷ 100.

For example, let’s say you had a meal that weighed 1 kg, but there were only 500 grams of carbohydrates in it. We would need to know the glycemic index of each of the different types of food in the meal to get an average. For the sake of this example, let’s say the average glycemic index of the meal was 52. The glycemic load is then calculated as 52×500/100=260.

Glycemic load depends on the glycemic index and the amount of carbohydrates consumed. If you only eat a little bit of pasta, which is very high on the glycemic index, you won’t raise your blood sugar too much due to the small amount of food you ate. You can calculate the glycemic load of a specific type of food (e.g. pasta or broccoli) or a whole meal, or all the food you ate in a day.

How To Calculate Glycemic Load

how to calculate glycemic load

Insulin Index

The insulin index is the number representing the increase in insulin in the blood within two hours after food has been consumed. Food that has a high glycemic index is going to have a much more significant impact on insulin levels than the same quantity of food with a low glycemic index.

However, certain foods that don’t have that high of a glycemic index can also massively increase insulin, such as fish, oranges, or yogurt. This is because the insulin index takes into consideration the glucose contribution from the breakdown of other types of food, not just carbohydrates. Glucose from the conversion of protein, alcohol, and to a much lesser degree, fat can increase insulin levels as well.

The insulin index is probably the most important of the three measures. This is because the more you increase your insulin levels, the more you are storing calories in your cells. If your muscles don’t need energy because they are full, then the calories get stored as fat.

Good, Healthy Foods



insulin index

glycemic load

Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, Cornish game hen, look for hormone and antibiotic-free.

Seafood: mackerel, anchovies, clams, cod, crab, flounder/sole, herring, small halibut, mussels, wild salmon (canned or fresh), sardines, sable, shrimp, scallops, trout.

Eggs: Up to 8 per week, organic or omega 3 eggs only.

Red or Wild Meat: lamb, beef, bison, venison, ostrich, deer, elk.

Soy: tofu or tempeh, organic non-GMO only.

Nuts: almonds, Brazil, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pine, pistachios, walnuts, raw cacao.

Seeds: chia, flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower.

Nut/Seed Butters: Almond, cashew, pecan, macadamia, walnut.

Nut Flours: almond meal, coconut flour.


glycemic load

Blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, kiwi, lemons, limes, raspberries.


insulin load

For cooking with high heat: grass-fed butter, grapeseed oil, avocado oil.

For cooking with moderate heat: grapeseed oil, coconut oil, unrefined sesame.

Preparation without heat: flaxseed, extra virgin olive.

Nuts & Seeds: (See above).

Fish: mackerel, sardines, trout, herring, anchovies.

Produce: avocado, olives, raw cacao, coconut.


insulin index

Purified water, herbal tea, seltzer, mineral water (in moderation).

Non-Starchy Vegetables

glycemic load

Artichokes, arugula, asparagus, avocado, bean sprouts, beet greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chives, collard greens, cucumber, dandelion greens, eggplant, endive, garlic, ginger root, green beans, hearts of palm, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, onions, parsley, peppers (bell, chilli, etc.), radicchio, radish, rutabaga, seaweed, shallots, snap beans, snow peas, spinach, summer squash, Swiss chard, tomatillos, tomatoes, turnips, turnip greens, watercress, zucchini.

From Dr. Mark Hyman’s “10 Day Detox Diet

Remember, we have a minimal amount of calories we can take in, and we need to maximize the nutrients in those calories. Avoid empty calories and get as nutrient-rich foods as you can. Get a variety to try and meet your body’s needs.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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