Tag Archives: hashimoto’s

60% Of Those Who Have This, Don’t Know It!

Tens of millions worldwide have some form of thyroid dysfunction, and 60% don’t know they have it or how it occurred. Are you one of them? Find out! 30+ experts are here to help you diagnose and overcome thyroid dysfunction, and then reclaim your health and vitality!

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – Got A Slow Metabolism?


Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common thyroid problem and it’s very commonly undiagnosed. Your thyroid is the primary regulator of your metabolism. Hashimoto’s causes less production of thyroid hormone with transient bursts of way too much. The hypothyroid (not enough thyroid hormone), slows your metabolism causing weight gain and the transient surge of hyperthyroid (too much thyroid hormone), causes the anxiety symptoms.