Tag Archives: bread

What’s the Big Food Enemy These Days?

truth about fat

What’s the Big Food Enemy These Days?

truth about fat

By Travis Wade

I get asked the question “What is the big enemy these days? Is it sugar? Still sugar?” Nope. There’s something far worse than sugar these days, but sugar fits under the category. The answer is white food.

White Trash

I’m talking about certain fats like shortening that never goes bad or trans fats also known as hydrogenated fats that are to be banned. The government has given food companies lots of time to phase out trans fats so you must watch out for them yourself for now. At least it’s agreed that trans fats are something that should never be consumed internally.

Grains are in this category. Although grains are not genetically modified they are still sprayed with glyphosate. If you don’t know the dangers of glyphosate have a look at this article.

Even some grains that aren’t sprayed are still not good because they have been hybridized and developed over the years to have lots of calories and little nutrient. The flour is refined so much it’ll last forever and it is higher glycemic index than sugar. It mixes with the amylase in your saliva and turns to glucose before you even swallow it.

Of course, sugar is in this category too, but the worst thing about sugar is that it’s almost all genetically modified. A few things these types of foods do is they feed cancer, they cause inflammation which in turn increases sickness, they feed the bad bacteria of the gut, they increase insulin resistance causing diabetes and Alzheimer’s; they generally make people unhealthy and overweight.

What You Should Eat


My number one recommendation is to use food to get as much nutrient as possible. Eat as nutrient rich foods as possible. Always take the broccoli and spinach over the french-fries and ketchup. White foods take up room where you could have been putting good nutrients instead of empty calories mixed with toxins. I always tell my clients you’re either eating poison or medicine; it’s your choice with every single mouth full.

People in North America eat a lot of garbage for breakfast. People have been trained to believe this is what you should eat for breakfast. I like wine, but I don’t drink it for breakfast. If you’re someone that eats any kind of grain including oats or corn for breakfast and you can’t understand why it’s so hard to lose weight, then you need a paradigm shift. It’s time to change your beliefs.

Drop these highly addictive foods. According to Dr. Mark Hyman the food industry has discovered how to reproduce taste buds and they are very excited because now they can test to see what substances react on the taste buds in order to make their foods even more addictive. Are these foods harmful or make people fat? Look around you…

So, what do you eat? What foods are rich in nutrients? Have you heard of cruciferous vegetables? Kale (blanch these vegetables to reduce the oxalic acid [free radicals]), spinach (try to get organic if you can afford it, they are very high on the dirty dozen list), broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus. All the green leafy vegetables are very high in nutrients and fibre, and low in calories. Eat lots of colorful vegetables. They are our best source of carbohydrates because they are rich in the nutrients our bodies need.

So how do you get your calories? Fat. Not cheesecake. Not trans fat like margarine. Not shortening. I mean good fats. This might be another paradigm shift for some people. I know we have been taught to believe that fat is the enemy and causes heart attacks and raises bad cholesterol.

Ancel Keys

truth about fat

The study by PhD. Ancel Keys called the Seven Countries Study was the basis for this information. In the Seven Country Study, there were countries like France and Switzerland that had a high fat diet and lower heart disease that weren’t taken into consideration. In 1984 Ancel Keys did a follow up study that showed no link between fat and heart disease.

Ancel Keys did another study where he used 9000 people from a mental hospital and put half of them on vegetable oil and the other half on saturated fat in the form of butter. The people with the butter had higher cholesterol and less heart attacks. This study was hidden in Ancel’s basement for many years because it contradicted his theory.

The right saturated fats are good for you because dietary cholesterol is the precursor to hormones. Also, fat is used as building blocks for the body and used for energy. It is a much cleaner burning fuel source with way less oxidative stress on the body than sugar or carbs.

Eat fat. Good fats like avocados, nuts and nut butters (not peanuts, those are a bean), coconut oil, grass fed butter, fat from grass fed free from hormones and antibiotics meats and seafood, and high quality olive oil. Especially at breakfast time.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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Why Do Most People Call An Ambulance? Besides Loneliness


Why Do Most People Call An Ambulance? Besides Loneliness


By Travis Wade

I have worked as an EMT for over 17 years. I have seen all kinds of health problems and it’s hard to watch when I know how to prevent health problems. The most common problem I’ve seen is abdominal pain. About half of the abdominal problems leave the hospital undiagnosed. You have to wonder why.

My full time job now is personal training and I am still helping people, but in a preventative way. That’s why I just want to go over some of the most common problems people have that I’ve seen and why.

Abdominal Pain


You can’t exercise your intestines the same way you can exercise your biceps. The number one nutrient I recommend to people is not even on the list of highest nutrient deficiencies in North America. It is soup broth. The types of food most people will eat these days does so much damage to their intestinal wall and most people don’t do anything to improve it. Your intestinal wall is made up of mostly collagen. How are you getting collagen in your diet?

Soup broth not only has collagen, but it has the amino acids proline, glycine, L-glutamine, and it has zinc, iron, magnesium, and lots of other nutrients your body needs. All of these are recommended to build up your gut lining. Also, you just don’t get the same effect if you use supplements; you need to eat properly with high nutrients and lots of fibre.

Heart Problems


Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis are generally the causes. The most common causes of atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis was not on the list of nutrients to prevent heart disease that I just read, but it is on the list of most common nutrient deficiencies. It comes in third behind vitamin D and Omega 3s. Vitamin K2 is what reroutes calcium to its proper destinations like in the bones to prevent osteoporosis.

It also prevents the calcium (plaque), building up in your vasculature preventing diseases like heart attacks, stroke, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and pulmonary embolisms. It also prevents the incredibly painful kidney stones and gallstones. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchee have vitamin K2.



Caused by sugar, but even more by sweeteners including stevia, sucralose or Splenda, aspartame, and anything diet. Artificial sweeteners are even more addictive than sugar and produce diabetes faster. This may be intentional. Food companies want you buying as much of their addictive food as possible and a side bonus is they can get you on medication too.



Caused by many things, but a huge contributing factor is gut problems. Serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters regulating your mood are created in your gut. Take care of your gut with soup first, then find out what is in your microbiome. You might be able to manipulate your gut bacteria with natural methods or you might have to take a medication to get rid of severe pathogens under the guidance of a medical practitioner of course. Then take the steps to build a good strong microbiome with sauerkraut, sources of fibre, rice starch, and probiotics.

Autoimmune Diseases


Again this is caused by gut problems. The weakened gut lining allows bigger molecules to pass through the lining which your body doesn’t recognize and attacks. These molecules and inflammation along with the toxins being produced are what cause the autoimmune diseases. In every autoimmune disease you will find leaky gut syndrome. Some of the things that contribute to leaky gut syndrome are genetically modified foods, gluten, dairy, and lectin found in beans.

Thyroid Problems


Gluten is the protein in bread or flour that binds it like glue and one of the molecules that will pass through a weakened gut lining. Your body doesn’t recognize gluten and will produce antigens against it. Your thyroid has proteins that are very similar to gluten. The gluten antigens also attack the thyroid. Once you fix your weakened gut with soup, you can add some gluten back to your diet, however, gluten is one of the proteins that cause a weakened gut.

Another very common problem for the thyroid is everyday chronic stress. It creates an overactive adrenal gland and when cortisol is high, thyroid hormone is low. Experts don’t know which causes which but adrenal problems and thyroid problems go hand in hand.



Toxins need an honourable mention here. I was talking to someone about mycotoxins in their coffee and they wanted to show me an article that said the mycotoxins in our coffee was under the legal limit and considered safe. The article also talked about how there was mycotoxins in dairy, peanuts, grains, and is even found in breast milk. All of the above are things I recommend avoiding in your diet for reasons much more than the mycotoxins. All except the breast milk which I highly recommend.

How did the mycotoxins get in the breast milk? Like a lot of toxins, mycotoxins are difficult to eliminate and end up in breast milk. This is another really good reason to reduce your toxic load. You are exposed to over 200 toxins before you’re born and if your mom wasn’t careful it’s in her breast milk. I am not saying you have to avoid everything that has toxins, but you have to take care to reduce your toxic load.

The mycotoxins in your coffee, along with the milk in your cereal, the grains in your cereal, the sugar… how much toxins have you swallowed at breakfast? By the end of the day? Week? Month? They accumulate and are very hard to eliminate. Is the accumulation below the legal limit? The legal limit isn’t a standard you want to follow by the way. I’m going to stop there.

Toxins = The external sources include air, water, diet, drugs, organic pollutants, heavy metals, radiation, and physical or psychological stressors. Internal processes include inflammation, free radical production and oxidative stress, allergens, infections, and even gut flora.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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10 Reasons Why Bread Is Bad For You


What The Baker Doesn’t Want You To Know!


By Travis Wade

1.      Bromide- binds to thyroid hormone carrier.  This prevents T4 from being converted into the active T3 thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is a big part of what depicts your metabolism. Less T3 means a slower metabolism.


2.      Sugar- is one of the products used by the food industry to make food as addictive as possible.  When tested against cocaine, sugar lights up the pleasure centres in the brain four times as much. The fast absorption makes sugar drug like and gives a person a quick high, then a crash.  The end result is fat gain and left feeling tired and wanting more.


3.      Flour- is refined to be higher glycemic index than sugar. It mixes with enzymes in your mouth and turns to glucose right away. This makes flour a great fat gainer. It doesn’t have much nutrient content; anything that will last forever on your shelf is not good.  It is more fattening and possibly more addictive than sugar due to its quicker absorption rate. The average american eats 152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour a year. This sugar and flour combination is the vast leader causing alzheimer’s. A famous book written on the subject is Grain Brain and a famous movie that is a documentary is Bread Head. Click on the link for a trailer.


4.      Yeast- like bacteria of the body you have good bacteria that you want to grow and the bad bacteria to die. Same goes with yeast and unfortunately the bad kind of yeast is in bread.


5.     Gluten– is the protein in bread that makes it stick together and is one of the highest allergens in our food supply. It breaks down the lining of the gut and gets absorbed into the blood. It’s a big molecule that the body doesn’t recognize and your body forms antigens against it. These antigens can’t tell the difference between the protein in your thyroid and the gluten. Your thyroid gets attacked by the same antigens attacking the gluten. This is the main cause of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Once again, your thyroid depicts your metabolism.


6.      The number one thing you’re trying to do with food is get the nutrients your body needs.  Bread is very high glycemic and very high calorie with very little other nutrient. It’s a quick fat gainer and takes up room where you could be putting much healthier foods that your body desperately needs.


7.      Glyphosate– Monsanto has gotten to be my biggest nightmare. Their glyphosate is sprayed on grain crops 3 days before they are harvested for quick ripening. Of course it gets in the food.  It is a really good chelator and binds to minerals to clean them off stuff. It binds to minerals in our body and depletes our body of minerals. It causes massive amounts of cancer in animal studies. There have been no human studies, (no volunteers). It’s known to mutate human cells leading to cancer. Wherever glyphosate gets sprayed at the time it gets sprayed cancer and other diseases have increased significantly. We are now officially allowed to call it a carcinogen. One of the side effects isn’t just the massive increase in diseases but significant weight gain as well.


8.       GMOs– Some grains are GMO which means they are genetically modified to be highly toxic to keep bugs and pathogens and birds away. Natural toxins are increased and others are added. All these toxins massively increase inflamation and disease.


9.      Toxins– It is common to find over twenty different toxins in bread. Toxins like bleach, high fructose corn syrup, mycotoxins, and bacterial toxins.


10.     Phytic acid and wheat fibre. They deplete your body of nutrients. Phytic acid decreases your body’s ability to absorb minerals like zinc, calcium, and iron. The wheat fibre depleats your body from vitamin D which is the highest nutrient deficoency in North America.

I hope you liked the article. If you did, share it with friends. These are the types of issues I deal with daily with my clients in order to accomplish their fitness goals. I believe in a coach like approach and I help guide my clients to do the things they deem relevant for them and they are seeing really great results. For me the reward is the happiness it creates and seeing the new found confidence in people.

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