Category Archives: Fitness Nutrition

Is Red Meat Good For You?

red meat

Red meat is flesh from a mammal that is red when it is raw. Examples include beef, lamb, venison, moose, elk, goat, and buffalo.

White meat, which contains less myoglobin (a red protein which binds to iron and stores oxygen in the blood), turns a lighter colour as you cook it. The most well-known examples of white meat are poultry and fish.

Why Vitamin D is Low? Facts About Vitamin D

why vitamin d is low

Nutrition is complicated. People want to know why vitamin D is low. You would think that getting vitamin D would be easy peasy. You get some sun when you can, and when you can’t, just take vitamin D supplements making sure to get lots, and you’ll be fine. I wish it was that easy.

The Ketogenic Diet: My Favourite Weight Loss Diet

weight loss

Now that I know what the other side is like, I could never go back! This diet is like the movie “Limitless” but for the mind and body! Here’s what a ketogenic diet can do for you and how to do it properly, but first…

The Best Pre Workout Meal and Post Workout Meal

best pre workout

In this article, I will talk about the best pre-workout meal and supplements, how to supplement during a workout, and the best post-workout meal. You will use different options for bulking up and for cutting weight. I will talk about both.

Omega 3s – Top 5 Benefits and Best Supplements

omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated means at least 2 spots where the molecule isn’t saturated with hydrogen. Omega 3 means the first hydrogen atom that is “missing” is just past the third carbon atom at the end of the carbon tail of the molecule. 

How to Manipulate Your Hormones for Fitness and Health


I hate to say it but your doctor isn’t going to take good care of you. They will do their job to keep you alive and pain free and some of them will put in the extra effort to do a good job. That’s all free health care will get you and do not expect any more. They will not keep you at optimum health. It’s not a concern to our health care system if you are overweight. Your doctor isn’t going to tell you what I’m about to tell you here.

My Global TV Segment With Kent Morrison

global tv

I just wanted to share my 4 minutes of fame with you. I was super nervous but I had my friend Craig helping me stay calm on the set. It was actually a lot of fun to do. My words didn’t come out the way I wanted but that’s to be expected. Kent said it went well and he is sure he will have me back on. Thank you Craig for getting me on the show and I am looking forward to doing it again.

Meet Kyle!

personal trainer Edmonton

We don’t know exactly how much weight Kyle has lost because the scale only went up to 400. We are estimating Kyle has currently lost 50 lbs. He is on a clean ketogenic diet with supplements and a toxin detox. A not so well known fact is a lot of our toxins get stored in our fat cells and when you lose a lot of weight these toxins get released and wreak havoc on your thyroid. Your thyroid is what depicts your metabolism.

Want Better Mental Clarity With More Energy and Less Stress?

krill oil

What I would like to talk about today is his krill oil. Omega 3s is the second biggest nutrient deficiency in North America right behind vitamin D. The list of reasons why omega 3s are so important is very long. It’s a lot like asking why water is so important. You can’t function without it and the less you have the worse you’ll function. They call it essential because you must get it from an outside source.