Tag Archives: microbiome
How to Manipulate Your Hormones for Fitness and Health
I hate to say it but your doctor isn’t going to take good care of [...]
The Ultimate Health and Happiness Plan
The main reason I do what I do is because I’ve seen what fitness has [...]
A Tribute To Gordon Downie Of The Tragically Hip
My good man Gordon Downie just passed through town for the last time. I’m very [...]
Are GMOs Really That Bad?
How a GMO is made is scientists remove a desired gene, or combination of desired [...]
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Heavy metals are just one more son of a kitchen health hazard we have to [...]
Soup and The Benefits of the GAPS Diet
Dr. Natasha developed a concept called GAPS; Gut And Psychology Syndrome. GAPS diet heals and [...]
The Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee
A lot of people have been butchering the original Bulletproof Coffee recipe not knowing why [...]
Leaky Gut Syndrome
As an EMT, half the people I see going to the emergency room are there [...]