Tag Archives: intermittent fasting

How To Do A Ketogenic Diet

how to do a Ketogenic diet

How To Do A Ketogenic Diet

how to do a Ketogenic diet

By Travis Wade

It’s really simple and I’m not going to make it complicated. You need to get at least 75% of your calories from fats. You might have to weigh your food at first and use this keto macro calculator. There are 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates, sugars, and proteins. There are 9 calories per gram of fat. Alcohol is not included in this diet, but there are 7 calories per gram of alcohol.

The Problems With Keto

how to do a ketogenic diet

One of the problems with a keto diet is compliance. Nobody wants to cut their carbs to just cruciferous vegetables and that’s what you need to do for the first 2 weeks. It takes about 10 days to get into full ketosis and after that you can keep track of your weight to decide if you want to add some extra calories to your diet. If you want to lose weight and you stop, then you know you’ve added too many calories.

Another problem comes around day 10. There are some cells in your body that can’t process fat for energy and they will have to go through a process called autophagy. This is the natural death of a cell and it must be replaced by a new cell. During this transition, you’ll have serious carbohydrate cravings. This is because your cells don’t want autophagy, they want to live. At this point you’re just going to have to suck it up. It will be over in a few days. Sorry about the crappy advice but after those few days you will feel better than you ever have 🙂

The most common problem people encounter with a keto diet is they eat too much protein. Protein digests like a carb in a sugar burning mode. It will increase your insulin and may pull you out of ketosis. Fat, for the record, does nothing to your insulin.

The Problems With Carbs

how to do a ketogenic diet

So why go through all the trouble? I hate to say it but a high carbohydrate diet for most people will make them fat. Carbohydrates go through sugar burning mode of the body and have a very high oxidative load on the body. They cause inflammation which leads to disease and sickness. Carbohydrates feed diseases like cancer.

Sugar is in almost every packaged food available in some highly refined form to make it as addictive as possible to keep people coming back. Sugar causes weight gain, hunger, and slowed metabolism. When you run out of energy from carb intake then your body is more likely to breakdown muscle for energy instead of fat. The more muscle a person has the higher their metabolism.

Another thing I need to mention is sugar is genetically modified these days. GMOs is my biggest nightmare as a personal trainer because people don’t know what they are or what they do to them. I need you to read this article on GMOs.

If you really want to see the problems with a high carb diet just look at our society. In the 50s, 2 Harvard professors were payed off to write articles explaining that fat was bad and sugar was ok. The evidence against this was stored in Dr. Ansel Keys’ basement for a very long time. Dr. Ansel Keys was trying to prove that fat was the cause of heart problems. Our society has been getting more obese ever since and for the first time in history people are dying faster than the generation before them. I believe GMOs do play a huge part in this but that’s a completely different topic.

The Benefits For Athletes

how to do a ketogenic diet

Listen up bodybuilders; this is the diet you should be doing! Same with you endurance sports people. You will burn through your carbohydrates in about 45 minutes of exercise and then your body will use fat and muscle for energy. As mentioned a high carb diet leads to more muscle burning and a high fat diet leads to more fat burning. The energy you get from fat will last much longer. You keep burning fat for fuel depending how much you eat and how much is on your body. I know when I use Brain Octane Oil for a pre-workout I have instant energy and sustained energy for hours! Lots of savy marathon runners have switched over to fat and exogenous ketones for energy from sugars.

What they will do is first induce full ketosis for months leading up to an event. Both marathon runners and bodybuilders. Then bodybuilders will start cutting weight and reducing calories in ketosis right up until they go back to nothing but cruciferous vegetables a bit of fat and high protein just before they compete. A marathon runner will induce ketosis and stay there until they compete. During their run they can use sources like Brain Octane Oil to get them to the finish line.

Intermittent Fasting

how to do a ketogenic diet

Which brings me to intermittent fasting. Without adding carbs to your diet in the morning you will have very low insulin and as long as you have low insulin, growth hormone goes up. That’s why you produce growth hormone at night when you sleep. Insulin goes down at night while you sleep and GH goes up. As soon as you add carbs in the morning your GH goes back down. GH burns fat and insulin stores fat.

A sneaky trick is to not eat carbs or protein (or alcohol) in the morning and your insulin doesn’t go up so your GH keeps increasing. I’ve heard an expert say that it can go up as much as 400% and I’ve heard another expert say it can go up as much as 1200%. All I know is GH goes way up when you don’t eat carbs/protein/alcohol in the morning and people get shredded.

I wouldn’t ask anyone to starve however, but as I said, fat does nothing to your insulin. One thing you can do is eat nothing but fat in the morning. Some people will do Bulletproof Coffee in the morning. Fat reduces ghrelin (also known as the hunger hormone), better than anything and it also increases CCK (Cholecystokinin), which is the hormone that makes you feel full. If you have the right amount of fat you won’t get hungry.

A Few Tricks Of The Trade

how to do a ketogenic diet

In either case, when lunch comes, a cruciferous vegetable is great with a source of protein and another fat. The sources of fat I recommend are nothing but healthy fats; coconut oil, high quality olive oil (the vast majority of olive oil is fake), avocado, nuts and nut butters (if you don’t have a food sensitivity and no peanuts, they’re a bean), and GRASS FED butter or ghee.

Coconut Milk

My secret ingredient is coconut milk. I get the stuff that has no additives and it’s 85% pure coconut extract. This coconut milk is 96% fat and it tastes great! I put it in everything. My soup in the morning, my frozen berries, my stir fries, all my curries and I’ll even sip it occasionally. I get it in the international section at Superstore near the spices.


how to do a ketogenic diet

Avocado is the new apple. An avocado a day will keep the doctor away. There are many things you can do with avocado but I like them so I just eat them plain. You can mash them up and make guacamole or add some coconut oil, vanilla, organic cocoa, and just enough raw honey to make more of a dessert type thing. Avocado are also great in smoothies or cut up as a side instead of a grain.

A lot of doctors are trying to get the word out about the health benefits of eating good fats. It seems like every doctor has a book out and there is a summit with over 30 experts talking about the benefits of fats. If you’re still unsure of how to use fats properly then I highly recommend listening to this summit. Also, have a look at these 2 articles: Ketogenic Diet, Truth About Fat

What A Ketogenic Diet Look Like

how to do a Ketogenic diet

For the first 2 weeks your carbs are limited to cruciferous vegetables. These are spinach, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, horseradish, cabbage, kohlrabi, Bok choy, rutabaga, radish, and wasabi. Your proteins make up the rest of the diet after you factor in  75% healthy fats from the list mentioned above.  I’ve seen many clients track their macros (macros are macro-nutrients meaning proteins, carbohydrates, and fats or all of the calorie intake) on a Fitbit or measure their food and calculate their macros.

After 2 weeks you can slowly reduce the fat intake down to 65% and increase your carb intake if it still works for you. If you reduce your fat to 70% and you stop losing weight then return to 75% fat for a while and try again later. You can play with the amount of calories you take in, in a day as well. You don’t want to reduce calories too much or weight loss will stop.

The amount of calories you should be shooting for will vary from person to person. A 200 pound man should be shooting for approximately 1600 calories in a day. If he exercises more he will need more calories. If a person weighs more they will need more calories. If they weigh less and exercise less they will need less calories. Use this keto macro calculator to help determine your macros.

Once a week you will need to do what they call a carb load. Once a week you have a high carb meal and increase your insulin. When I say high carb I don’t mean eat garbage, I mean healthy carbs please.  This levels off hormones and keeps your body stable. Women need this more than men do. Try to do your carb load before leg day. You will still increase your insulin and hormones will stabilize but you will also have a great workout and burn off those carbs.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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Why Do People Eat Breakfast Food At Breakfast?


Why Do People Eat Breakfast Food At Breakfast?


By Travis Wade

I know, cuz they’re hungry. I know, I know, but why do they eat breakfast food? And why are they hungry? Some people eat differently than others. What’s all that about? Let’s have a look at some of these questions and the answers.

Breakfast food. Eggs? Bacon? Fruit? Cereal? Toast? Jam? Ham? Hamburger??? Why does someone eat hamburger at breakfast? And another is vegan and sticks to tofu and oats? How active is the vegan? And do they care about building muscle?

If you’re a bodybuilder, you’ll need a lot of protein and your body is begging for protein in the morning. Is there such thing as a vegan bodybuilder? There aren’t many and that’s cuz a bodybuilder craves meat. The vegan is probably a little more sedentary; they don’t want the meat.

Carbs or Fats


Want to know why I eat bacon? Besides the addiction, which could mean I have a food sensitivity to it and that can be common with pork products. Besides that. I like bacon because I like a keto-diet. A diet where I get my energy from fats instead of carbs. I still have carbs in the form of fruits and vegetables, but not in the morning.

Carbs are good before and after a workout and towards the end of the day because they can make you sleepy. You’ll get the initial rush with the increase in insulin, then the crash. I never eat anything white due to its high calorie content and high glycemic index which is perfect for storing fat. Also, the number one thing you are trying to accomplish with food is to get the nutrient your body needs. All things white like sugar, salt, trans fats, grains, potatoes, parsnips are low nutrient and high glycemic leaving you tired.



So why do people eat fruit in the morning? Well, there are 3 parts to the digestive system and you have to keep all three running smooth. Eating is first, then using the food, then excretion. What part do you think the fruit helps with…? Lots of fibre… After everything in your gut is sitting and fermenting all night, fruit is a good idea for excretion of waste.

Intermittent Fasting

bulletproof coffee

Why do people do bulletproof or intermittent fasting at breakfast? The idea is to remain in ketosis for as long as possible in order to lose weight. Ketosis is the process of using fats for energy. You can get the fats from food or from your stored fats and your body doesn’t care where it gets it from; it’ll take from both until you run out of the fats from food, like in the morning, and then it has to take from your stored fats.

So why the bulletproof? It provides your body with much needed energy in the morning and if you do it the Dave Asprey way, (he’s the guy who founded Bulletproof Coffee), you’ll be in full ketosis right away. It usually takes about 10 days to be in full ketosis when you stop eating carbs and use fat for energy. Compliance is the hardest part of a ketogenic diet but, it certainly works.



Why the eggs? The yolk is packed full of nutrients your body needs and the whites are full of protein. Like I said before, your body needs protein in the morning. Eggs are great because they can keep you in ketosis and you get some protein. Add some bacon and bamb! That’s enough protein and fat to keep you going for a while.



So why do most people eat the white foods in the morning? Oats, toast, cereal, jam is so much sugar. Cuz they’re hungry! We’ve been over this. They are all addictions. They provide almost no nutrient but, they feed visceral adipose tissue on the stomach. It’s a hungry fat that causes you to crave the white foods so you eat the white foods then more visceral adipose tissue gets created leading to more cravings and the slippery slope continues. These foods cause much more damage to your body then the fat on your stomach; that should be the least of your worries. Check out the article on bread here.

You are what you eat? Hell ya! I eat fat and protein for breakfast. Want to see my abs? It’s not easy to quit all the foods that create visceral adipose tissue but, I can help and I have seen amazing results. Time and time again people lose weight and put on muscle and feel great! They talk about their increased energy and how they keep looking better and better. I love results!

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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How To Increase Brain Function

neurotropic factor

How To Increase Brain Function

neurotropic factor

By Travis Wade

Neural plasticity is the regeneration of new brain cells. You thought that was impossible? No, it’s possible. I’ll tell you how but first I have to explain a little bit about proprioception. Proprioception is the innate ability to know where your body is in space. There are a lot of proprioceptors on the feet which allows us to balance. More proprioception firing causes increased neural plasticity, brain function, and heightens all of our senses.

Inversely, inflammation in the body causes stiffness of the muscles and joints which decreases proprioception firings. Less proprioception firing decreases brain function. A good anti-inflammatory diet and learning proper mobilizers will help with stiffness. Come see me or send me a message for more help with the diet and exercise details.

Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Exercise

neurotropic factor

Neural plasticity requires Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor or BDNFIntermittent fasting is still fairly new but has been around long enough for some studies that show it increases BDNF by up to 400%Intermittent fasting just means narrowing your eating window down. For most people this would be skipping breakfast and not eating for three hours before bed. There are methods to the madness on intermittent fasting and healthy ways to do it. For details on intermittent fasting done right, contact me.

BDNF has massive protective factors on your neuromuscular junctions. Neuromuscular junctions are where the nerve stimulates the muscle. When people age part of the reason why people lose their strength is because of the breakdown of the neuromuscular junctions. BDNF is great to help prevent that.

In the Journal of Neurology, they state that physical exercise decreases age related brain shrinkage, increases cognition, and promotes neural plasticity. I’m sure we are all shocked with these findings, right? It does this in so many ways but a couple are increasing proprioceptive firing, increasing BDNF, and increasing blood flow.

Exercise also decreases the amount of stiffness for more proprioceptive firing. I’m sure you’ve noticed the more we move the more we feel alert. Exercise also increases myogenic regulatory factors which protect nerves.

Incidentally, leg strength is the biggest determining factor in brain function, (and your vertical BTW). Ya nerds still hate squats? Make sure you use proper form or you’ll wreck your body. Book a consultation with me. Correcting form is very individualized and needs in person attention but you can check out my video here for a quick overview on squats.

High Intensity Interval Training

neurotropic factor

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT training is the best cardio exercise you can do to stimulate BDNF amongst other benefits. If you don’t know how to do this, book a consultation with me. It should be done once a week for massive cardio improvements and brain health. There are many different kinds of HIIT training and can also be individualized for your needs.

A Healthy Diet

neurotropic factor

A healthy diet is crucial to brain function and most of us have heard about the benefits of vegetables, however… according to the Open Heart Journal, healthy fats are crucial for brain function. Don’t skip your Omega 3’s.

I’m pretty sure most people are on to the fact that healthy fats are good for you in so many ways. There are hundreds of books written on this now and I’ve seen a few that have an avocado on the cover. Doctors are still recommending a plant based diet but a high fat plant based diet. I recommend an avocado a day and a handful of healthy nuts, grass fed butter, and coconut oil.

Neurotropic Factor

neurotropic factor

Anything that is a neurotropic factor is something that increases neural plasticity or brain cell production. BDNF is the most powerful neurotropic factor we have discovered but others exist. Coffee berry extract has shown to increase BDNF by 143%. I still don’t know where to get coffee berry or coffee cherry extract, (not to be confused with coffee bean extract). A couple other neurotropic factors are mushrooms and Dave Asprey’s Brain Octane Oil.


neurotropic factor

Now for the grim truth we don’t want to think about. Some very smart people did a study at the university of Calgary to show the effect of small amounts of mercury on neurons. You have to see this unbelievable video. Detoxify your mercury.

We are all exposed to mercury. It’s in the air, tap water, and our food. The solution? Stop breathing, drinking, and eating. Or detoxify your mercury. Get as much sunlight as you can preferably in the morning. It has infrared light which is a great detoxifier. Selenium and zinc are also mercury detoxifiers.

The culprits: Tuna, sushi, coal burning, amalgam fillings, vaccines, occupational exposures, florescent light bulbs, thermostats, batteries, red tattoo dye, skin lightening creams, over the counter products such as contact lens fluid, neosynephrine and more. Reduce your exposure as much as possible.

If you are like me, you’ll have to get your fillings removed. The main way humans are exposed is contaminated fish and amalgam fillings. See a biological dentist about getting the fillings removed. A conventional dentist can do more harm than good by drilling out old fillings without proper precautions or protection.

Amalgam fillings might seem petty but it’s estimated that you get 3-17 ppm of mercury from them daily. They get approved as being safe but when they are removed they are considered toxic waste and are illegal to throw in the garbage. It’s ok to put them in your mouth but it’s not ok to put them in the garbage. You have to see this unbelievable video.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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