Tag Archives: hypothyroid

Thyroid Problems and Weight Gain


The Thyroid Gland


Hormones play a major role in determining how our bodies will function and how we are going to look. Although insulin and cortisol affect our metabolism, the thyroid plays the most significant role in influencing our metabolism.

How the Thyroid Works

endocrine system

The hypothalamus is a very small gland in the brain made up of sensors that test the hormonal environment within the body. The hypothalamus then sends information to the pituitary (also located in the brain below the hypothalamus). The pituitary produces Thyroid Stimulating Hormone or TSH and sends messages to the adrenal glands (located on top of the kidneys). TSH tells the thyroid gland (located at the front of the neck) to produce the hormone T4. High TSH = low thyroid hormone.

The adrenal glands use cholesterol to produce different hormones, like epinephrine, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Having cholesterol in your diet is very important for hormone production.

Cortisol is an amazing anti-inflammatory when the body is under stress. However, when cortisol is high thyroid hormone will be low. We don’t need to be digesting when we are stressed out because of a bear attack or other stressful situation. In a stressful situation we usually need our energy directed to our muscles instead.

T4 is produced in the thyroid and converted to the active thyroid hormone T3 in the liver, kidneys, intestines, and lungs. The T4 is transported to these organs via thyroid-binding globulin. Selenium and iodine are also essential in this T4 production and T3 conversion. Selenium can be found in bacon, smelt, herring, scallops, and Brazil nuts. Selenium also detoxifies mercury. T=thyroid, 3=3 iodine molecules.

Some of the Problems That Cause Low Thyroid Hormone


The following are examples of issues that can stunt your T3, slowing your metabolism, and ultimately causing weight gain.

  • Polyunsaturated fats, pesticides, preservatives, and other toxins in our food can increase inflammation. The more anti-inflammatory cortisol the body produces, the less metabolism-boosting thyroid hormone it creates.
  • Nutrient deficiencies may interfere with the proper production of T3 in the body. Selenium, B vitamins, vitamin D and A, iodine, omega 3’s, and zinc are all required for T3 production.
  • Many things interfere with globulin’s ability to transport T4 to the organs responsible for converting it into the active thyroid hormone T3. The following are just some of the foods and environmental causes that interfere with globulin: fluoride in water, chlorine in water, bromide in flour, pesticides, commercially produced meat, vaccines, and estrogen (birth control pills), and a plant-based hormone called Xenoestrogen – also called phytoestrogen. Soybeans, a huge source of phytoestrogen, are found in almost all processed/packaged foods because they are a cheap filler.
  • Some synthetic estrogen mimetics are found in BPA, PCBs, and the number one being phthalates. Phthalates are in many things: fragrances, cosmetics, detergents, personal care products, plastic softeners like your rubber ducky or shower curtain, nail polish, hair spray, plastic bags, microwaveable containers, safety gloves, printing ink, varnish, and paper coatings such as receipts.
  • The top seven foods that cause inflammation are corn, soy, dairy, sugar and other sweeteners, peanuts, eggs, and gluten. Gluten is found in rye, wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and kamut. Gluten is of special mention because the damage it does is so underrated.
  • An overburdened allostatic load (all of the stresses on the body combined) can increase inflammation. The three main contributors to your allostatic load are mental stress, toxins, and infections or pathogens. All of these contribute to increased inflammation, resulting in higher cortisol and lower T3.

Symptoms of Low Thyroid

  • Sluggishness in the morning
  • Poor concentration and memory
  • Low-grade depression
  • Dry skin
  • Hoarse voice
  • Thinning hair
  • Coarse hair
  • Being very sensitive to cold and having cold hands and feet
  • Low body temperature
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness or cramps
  • Low sex drive
  • Fluid retention
  • High cholesterol

Fixing Low Thyroid

  1. Detoxification – Avoid toxins, addictions, and allergens. Toxins include pesticides and preservatives in food. Mercury is especially bad and is frequently found in bigger fish, like tuna. Also avoid chlorinated/fluoridated water. Eating nutrient rich organic foods and filtering your water with a reverse osmosis water filter is the best practice. Also, if you leave a pitcher of water out overnight, the chlorine will evaporate.
  2. People under chronic stress display high cortisol levels and, therefore low thyroid hormone levels. You need to find a way to eliminate your stressors. Many ways to reduce stress can be found in my articles on sleep, stress, allostatic load, stress relief, and many others. Also, proper meditation or yoga is very beneficial.
  3. “One warning is that if your adrenal glands are burned out from long-term stress, treating the thyroid without supporting the adrenal glands through relaxation and adaptogenic herbs (such as ginseng, rhodiola, or Siberian ginseng) can actually make you feel worse.” (Dr. Mark Hyman)
  4. Exercise is important, not only as a stress reliever, but it stimulates thyroid hormone production. Come see me for a free consultation for best results.

I have to add something really important for those that have trouble with weight loss. As you lose weight, the pesticides in fat cells are released into the body. These pesticides are detrimental to thyroid hormone production. The way to get rid of these pesticides is to sweat. I recommend hot yoga. If you’re having a lazy day, maybe consider the sauna. Both involve a stress reliever and both make you sweat.

Get the nutrients your thyroid needs: Selenium, iodine, zinc, vitamins A and D, and omega 3 fats. Ultimately, if you have a thyroid problem, you may need to take medication to fix it.  It may not be permanent if you see the right doctor. Synthroid is a synthetic T4 replacement and may or may not work for you.  Armour thyroid includes T4, T3, and T2. Many doctors hold the outdated belief that Armour thyroid is unstable. That used to be true, but not anymore.

“Sometimes, once all the factors that disturbed your thyroid function have been corrected, you may be able to reduce or discontinue the dose. As with any treatment, always work with a physician experienced in using medications to treat your thyroid.” (Dr. Mark Hyman)

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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60% Of Those Who Have This, Don’t Know It!

60% Of Those Who Have This, Don’t Know It!

By Travis Wade

Tens of millions worldwide have some form of thyroid dysfunction, and 60% don’t know they have it or how it occurred. Are you one of them? Find out! 30+ experts are here to help you diagnose and overcome thyroid dysfunction, and then reclaim your health and vitality!


Your host, Amy Myers, MD, created The Thyroid Connection Summit because conventional medicine failed her in her journey with thyroid dysfunction. It’s now her mission to help make sure it doesn’t fail you! Join us if you have Graves’, Hashimoto’s, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, cancer, nodules, cysts, I-131 radiation or are post-thyroidectomy. Or, if your doctor says your labs are normal, yet you still have symptoms–this free, online summit is for you!

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

The Thyroid Connection Summit will help you:

  • Work with your doctor to get the right diagnosis/treatment

  • Address the root causes of thyroid dysfunction

  • Implement healthy dietary and lifestyle changes

  • Reclaim your health and vitality

  • And more!

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

I’ll see you at the summit!

The reason I feel this summit is so important for a lot of my clients is because the thyroid depicts your metabolism. A lot of people have a slow metabolism and don’t know why. Their doctor says they are normal. Certain thyroid issues will go undetected for up to ten years. Find out the real scoop with this summit.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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Why Do Most People Call An Ambulance? Besides Loneliness


Why Do Most People Call An Ambulance? Besides Loneliness


By Travis Wade

I have worked as an EMT for over 17 years. I have seen all kinds of health problems and it’s hard to watch when I know how to prevent health problems. The most common problem I’ve seen is abdominal pain. About half of the abdominal problems leave the hospital undiagnosed. You have to wonder why.

My full time job now is personal training and I am still helping people, but in a preventative way. That’s why I just want to go over some of the most common problems people have that I’ve seen and why.

Abdominal Pain


You can’t exercise your intestines the same way you can exercise your biceps. The number one nutrient I recommend to people is not even on the list of highest nutrient deficiencies in North America. It is soup broth. The types of food most people will eat these days does so much damage to their intestinal wall and most people don’t do anything to improve it. Your intestinal wall is made up of mostly collagen. How are you getting collagen in your diet?

Soup broth not only has collagen, but it has the amino acids proline, glycine, L-glutamine, and it has zinc, iron, magnesium, and lots of other nutrients your body needs. All of these are recommended to build up your gut lining. Also, you just don’t get the same effect if you use supplements; you need to eat properly with high nutrients and lots of fibre.

Heart Problems


Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis are generally the causes. The most common causes of atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis was not on the list of nutrients to prevent heart disease that I just read, but it is on the list of most common nutrient deficiencies. It comes in third behind vitamin D and Omega 3s. Vitamin K2 is what reroutes calcium to its proper destinations like in the bones to prevent osteoporosis.

It also prevents the calcium (plaque), building up in your vasculature preventing diseases like heart attacks, stroke, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and pulmonary embolisms. It also prevents the incredibly painful kidney stones and gallstones. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchee have vitamin K2.



Caused by sugar, but even more by sweeteners including stevia, sucralose or Splenda, aspartame, and anything diet. Artificial sweeteners are even more addictive than sugar and produce diabetes faster. This may be intentional. Food companies want you buying as much of their addictive food as possible and a side bonus is they can get you on medication too.



Caused by many things, but a huge contributing factor is gut problems. Serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters regulating your mood are created in your gut. Take care of your gut with soup first, then find out what is in your microbiome. You might be able to manipulate your gut bacteria with natural methods or you might have to take a medication to get rid of severe pathogens under the guidance of a medical practitioner of course. Then take the steps to build a good strong microbiome with sauerkraut, sources of fibre, rice starch, and probiotics.

Autoimmune Diseases


Again this is caused by gut problems. The weakened gut lining allows bigger molecules to pass through the lining which your body doesn’t recognize and attacks. These molecules and inflammation along with the toxins being produced are what cause the autoimmune diseases. In every autoimmune disease you will find leaky gut syndrome. Some of the things that contribute to leaky gut syndrome are genetically modified foods, gluten, dairy, and lectin found in beans.

Thyroid Problems


Gluten is the protein in bread or flour that binds it like glue and one of the molecules that will pass through a weakened gut lining. Your body doesn’t recognize gluten and will produce antigens against it. Your thyroid has proteins that are very similar to gluten. The gluten antigens also attack the thyroid. Once you fix your weakened gut with soup, you can add some gluten back to your diet, however, gluten is one of the proteins that cause a weakened gut.

Another very common problem for the thyroid is everyday chronic stress. It creates an overactive adrenal gland and when cortisol is high, thyroid hormone is low. Experts don’t know which causes which but adrenal problems and thyroid problems go hand in hand.



Toxins need an honourable mention here. I was talking to someone about mycotoxins in their coffee and they wanted to show me an article that said the mycotoxins in our coffee was under the legal limit and considered safe. The article also talked about how there was mycotoxins in dairy, peanuts, grains, and is even found in breast milk. All of the above are things I recommend avoiding in your diet for reasons much more than the mycotoxins. All except the breast milk which I highly recommend.

How did the mycotoxins get in the breast milk? Like a lot of toxins, mycotoxins are difficult to eliminate and end up in breast milk. This is another really good reason to reduce your toxic load. You are exposed to over 200 toxins before you’re born and if your mom wasn’t careful it’s in her breast milk. I am not saying you have to avoid everything that has toxins, but you have to take care to reduce your toxic load.

The mycotoxins in your coffee, along with the milk in your cereal, the grains in your cereal, the sugar… how much toxins have you swallowed at breakfast? By the end of the day? Week? Month? They accumulate and are very hard to eliminate. Is the accumulation below the legal limit? The legal limit isn’t a standard you want to follow by the way. I’m going to stop there.

Toxins = The external sources include air, water, diet, drugs, organic pollutants, heavy metals, radiation, and physical or psychological stressors. Internal processes include inflammation, free radical production and oxidative stress, allergens, infections, and even gut flora.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – Got A Slow Metabolism?


Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – Got A Slow Metabolism?


60% of people that have this don’t know it!

By Travis Wade

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Signs and Symptoms

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common thyroid problem and it’s very commonly undiagnosed. As your personal trainer, why is that important to me? Your thyroid is the primary regulator of your metabolism. Hashimoto’s causes less production of thyroid hormone with transient bursts of way too much. The hypothyroid (not enough thyroid hormone), slows your metabolism causing weight gain and the transient surge of hyperthyroid (too much thyroid hormone), causes the anxiety symptoms.

Here’s some of the functions of the thyroid. It regulates:


Heart rate

Central and peripheral nervous systems

Body weight

Muscle strength

Menstrual cycles

Body temperature

Cholesterol levels

Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Looking at the above functions may make it easier to understand some of the symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Fatigue is the most common symptom followed by weight gain or inability to lose weight. Some other common symptoms are anxiety, palpitations, hair loss (eye brows), feeling colder than others around you, gut issues, IBS, brain fog, and memory loss. I’m afraid it’s much more common in women.

If you have any of these symptoms, then maybe you have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Here’s the cause, what to do about it, and how to test for it. Again, we have to talk about the microbiome and Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Autoimmune Disease

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are relatively new. The cause of most autoimmune diseases is Leaky Gut Syndrome which is also relatively new. Some of the causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome are GMOs, pesticides, plastic, pollution, preservatives and all the other toxins in our food which are relatively new as well. For the full list of culprits see my article on Leaky Gut Syndrome.

An autoimmune disease is when your body attacks itself. What happens is large molecules aren’t supposed to leak through the gut. Small molecules like amino acids, vitamins and minerals are supposed to leak through, your body absorbs these nutrients and uses them.

Peptides and proteins are big molecules that aren’t supposed to leak through but if your gut gets broken down or damaged these big molecules will leak through. That’s called Leaky Gut Syndrome.

At this point these large molecules get in the blood and your body doesn’t recognize them so you will produce antigens against them. These antigens don’t know the difference between the proteins that aren’t supposed to be in the blood and the proteins of your body. The result is the antigens will attack your own body. If there is enough of the antigens, this is an auto-immune disease.

In Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis the big protein that leaks through is gluten and when your body produces antigens against gluten those antigens don’t know the difference between the gluten and the proteins in your thyroid so the antigens will also attack your thyroid.

You might be producing antibodies attacking your thyroid for up to 10 years before any symptoms kick in. When your body produces antibodies against your thyroid, it can cause fibrosis (scar tissue), which can be painful and cause the thyroid to swell up. In this process you will eventually produce less and less thyroid hormone.

The test for Hashimoto’s is to test your blood for the antigens against your thyroid. Conventional testing tests for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), or T4 and T3 in some cases. However, the T3 and T4 will likely be normal as well in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. That partially has to do with the adrenal glands. If you have chronic stress you will produce a substance called reverse T3. Reverse T3 attaches to the receptor sites of T3, but reverse T3 doesn’t activate the receptors for T3.

The Symphony of Hormones

Another problem with being constantly over stressed is you will burn out your adrenal glands causing Addison’s disease. A less severe condition is called adrenal fatigue, which conventional doctors say doesn’t exist, but you can get a saliva test done with a functional medicine doctor. In Addison’s or adrenal fatigue you won’t be producing enough cortisol or DHEA. The symptoms are the same as hypothyroidism.

Cortisol is an amazing anti-inflammatory. With not enough of this anti-inflammatory there will obviously be more inflammation in the body which causes all kinds of problems; one being Leaky Gut Syndrome and another being weight gain.

There is a symphony of hormones in your body. To treat the thyroid without looking at the adrenals may cause more problems. Dr. Axe actually categorizes Leaky Gut Syndrome. “Stress Gut” is when you have certain stress issues due to leaky gut. One of those problems could be thyroid problems. He talked about cortisol levels, and again, there is a balance going on; the more cortisol, the less thyroid hormone being produced.

There are different levels of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis starting with non-symptomatic progressing to full hypothyroidism and other autoimmune diseases present. Again, this is another disease caused by a crappy diet and all the toxins in our food/environment which can be helped with a proper diet and exercise plan.

How To Fix Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Proper Nutrition

The first thing you want to do to fix an unhealthy thyroid is to eliminate the toxins and get the nutrition your body needs. This alone can turn symptoms around. I recommend the 10 Day Detox Diet Cookbook by Dr. Mark Hyman. It’s a great resource and it is where I try to get all my clients to start because it teaches proper eating habits and what proper nutrition really looks like as opposed to what you’ve probably been taught by popular media.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

The next step is to fix your leaky gut. I am talking about the GAPS diet. It starts with soup for breakfast soup for lunch, soup for dinner, and soup in-between. Lucky for us there is no end to the variety of soups that can be made. You start by boiling bones and organ meats for a day. The bones and meat goes into the pot and just enough water to cover the meat and bones. Simmer that for at least 12 hours minimum. Separate the bones and other undesirables out of the pot, then add what you want.

Having said that, squashes are a great food for the spleen which is the immune system organ and in many cases helps with the problems that cause Leaky Gut Syndrome. Garlic boosts the immune system, ginger does as well, turmeric is really great for the leaky gut as well. Salt, pepper. Mmmm. Sea salt or Himalayan of course.

If you have a thyroid problem you might have a lack of iodine; or too much. T3 (active thyroid hormone), triiodothyronine has 3 iodine molecules, T4 is tetraiodothyronine, which has 4 iodine molecules. Some of the other nutrients that are necessary for a healthy thyroid are Vitamin D and B12, selenium, and iron. You need to be tested for everything. If you have too much of something, it can be just as detrimental in some cases as having not enough. Do you need iodized salt or is it killing you? Talk to your doctor and get a full blood panel done.

Then there is the absorption of nutrients. Do you have low stomach acid? Having low stomach acid can mimic high stomach acid and is sometimes treated as high stomach acid and this happens very regularly.

A side note: Iatrogenic damage [damage caused by medical practises], may be the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Our neighbours that pay for doctors who might want to do a good job for more business… our doctors are free… Just so you know this happens and I’ll stop there… for now. Of course that exasperates the issue.

Low stomach acid and dysbiosis (improper balance of bacteria in the gut), prevents proper absorption of a lot of nutrients creating a lack of nutrients no matter how much nutrients you eat. With dysbiosis you might have pathogens using up iron causing the iron deficiency. Low stomach acid prevents iron from being absorbed. A fix for the low stomach acid is lemon water or apple cider vinegar water to produce more stomach acid. A doctor can put you on medications for better absorption as well.

The Microbiome

The last part of fixing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is fixing your microbiome (the bacteria in the gut), which is an art. A conventional doctor will likely not help you with this. Conventional medicine can help you with some of the above tasks, but our free health care will not cover a lot of needs. You have to learn to take care of yourself these days. True Balance will test your microbiome to see what you have in your gut and they are extremely thorough.

SIBO is small intestine bacterial overgrowth. 50% of hypothyroid patients have SIBO which is one of the causes of leaky gut syndrome. Remove the source. This might be a herbal protocol, antibiotics, or elemental diet.

It’s a different day and age in medicine my friends. You need to do research on your own and let your doctor know what you want. I know people that are dying, and you probably do too, because you have to take responsibility for your health these days instead of asking a doctor or anyone else to take care of you.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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