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My Beautiful Clients

best personal trainer in Edmonton
Travis is not your average trainer, he follows a holistic approach which covers nutrition and exercise both to help you achieve your goals. He can work around injuries and still make you achieve your goals. He explains how to perform the exercises in a correct way, exercises to avoid for your existing injuries, and more importantly why certain exercises are more beneficial for you. Also, amazing nutrition advise to top it all up. My goal was to get back into exercise after minor back injury, at the end of my training lower back pain was completely gone because of proper core strengthening and I had dropped 12-20lbs in 7 weeks (19 sessions) by exercising only 3 times a week. Keep in mind his nutrition advise was a major part of weight loss. It was my first time signing up for a personal trainer and he set the bar so high that had to reach back to him for recommendation for a personal trainer when I moved away from Edmonton to Calgary. Even if you have to travel an hour so to go see him, it is well worth it. His passion and dedication for health an fitness of his clients is unmatched by anyone I have seen. Best wishes Travis!

~ Daramjeet Brar, Computer Expert

best personal trainer Edmonton
Pushing myself to my potential has made me fell better than I've felt in 6 years after battling an illness. Thanks to my personal trainer Travis! I would have never done this without him. I adore him!

~ Lisa Poudrier

best personal trainer in Edmonton
The process of healing the self, whether physical, emotional, or both, is less daunting with the support of a few trusted people around us. Travis has become one of those people for me. He is intuitive about people and uses this to find creative ways to draw out his clients onto paths towards better health. I am grateful for the small progressions we've made already and I look forward to so much more. I am admittedly not the easiest client to work with, but I am getting into the groove. Some people, like me, are a bit afraid to jump all in. But I think that fear does go away. Travis is a person who conveys hope - nothing could be more important in encouraging people to embrace a healing journey, whatever that might look like. He is one of those rare human beings who genuinely cares about others. He has finessed the balance between being encouraging and challenging; this is not easy (especially with a sensitive type like me!). Working with you, Travis, is a gift. Thank you.

~ Melissa Constance, Psychologist

best personal trainer Edmonton
~ Down 130 lbs
Anyone who knows me, knows I have always been able to lose weight, but I always give up and it comes right back. I made the decisions it was time to do it and lose it for good. I know I needed help and the opportunity to worth with Travis presented itself to me. My husband was going to meet him and I asked if I could join the appointment. Travis was more than willing and happy to have me be there. I started working with Travis on September 15, 2018. It was the best decision I could have made. His passion to help others shines through. He is very knowledgeable in both the nutrition and exercise. He always takes time to answer questions, even when you are not i a session with him. Believe me, I ask him a lot of questions. He has never once ignored them. He encourages you to to do better than you think you can. That is exactly what I need. I owe him so much appreciation and am grateful for everything he has don for me so far. I would recommend, and have recommended, him to annoyance who will listen. I can't wait to see what else he can do for me. We have just gotten started. You rock Travis!!!

~ Lori Lever, Book Keeper

best personal trainer Edmonton
My son is all grown up and I am turning "that age". I knew what I needed to do but wasn't pulling it off by myself. I got a hold of Travis and 3 months later I look better than I did in my 20's plus I am full of new found energy. Our workouts are fun and full of good information, but Travis pushes me and it's getting results!

~ Ian Percival

~ Down 90 lbs!

I’m a very private person. Anyone who knows me is really surprised right now that I posted this.I’m just very proud of myself. I bought jeans I haven’t been able to fit in for years (see right picture) I’ve worked very hard the last 8 months. I’m not where I want to be but I’m definitely getting closer. I didn’t do this all on my own. I did the best thing I could possibly do for myself. I hired a personal trainer. I’ve noticed a difference in my body since training with Travis. I have more energy, little muscles I never had before and the shape of my body is changing. I highly recommend him, he’s amazing at what he does. I can’t wait to see what my future holds for me! I’m loving life😘💕

~ Suzanne Maley, Graphic Designer

personal trainer Edmonton
I am 33 years old and I am morbidly obese. I was in Mexico in with my best friend for his wedding when I had my aha moment. I decided at that point that I needed to change my life. I had found Travis on Kijiji and at the time I didn’t know why but something drew me to him. I went for a consult with Travis and I haven’t looked back since. I have been training with Travis since August and I have currently dropped about 150 lb’s and I feel fantastic. I couldn’t have done this with out Travis support and direction. I am proud not only to call Travis my trainer, but also my friend.

~ Kyle Smith

~ Julien Bourke

I've been training with Travis for a few months now. One thing in particular that has stood out to me is that he genuinely cares; he is truly invested in helping assist his clients achieve their fitness and lifestyle goals. In addition to having been a personal trainer for many years, his longstanding career as an EMT has certainly benefited him well and enhanced his knowledge of the body, strains, and working with injury. His session exercises are specifically chosen to maximize results but if you need an alternative exercise or one to be modified he has the know-how. Whether you're a serious lifter or out-of-shape beginner, he has the knowledge, experience, and dedication to get you on the right path. I believe it's because of the above that he has come to build a small community of sorts amongst his clients. When I first started training with Travis, I was introduced to several other female clients and each one was not only inspirational in how far they've come in their fitness journeys, but they had also formed friendships with one another and train together often. Their invitations to train with them outside of my sessions helped to reduce my gym anxiety and support the building of confidence from which Travis helped me to re-establish. Lastly, Travis practices his own advice, and I think that's one of the best things any professional can do. He believes that fitness and health is a lifestyle, and doesn't end outside of the gym. Diet, sleep, life stresses, and work all contribute to one's overall physical (and mental) health. Travis encourages his clients to make themselves a priority and give their body and mind the self-care that is necessary in order to not only be healthy, but genuinely happy as well. I could not imagine a more wonderful trainer to have started my gym and fitness journey with. To anyone that is considering whether or not you should do this, my advice is to just go for it: you deserve to be the best version of yourself possible and to have a supportive, knowledgeable, and experienced professional alongside you in the process. That professional is Travis 🙂

~ Elle Blair

personal trainer Edmonton
I met Travis the first time at world health when I had social anxiety. It took me a week of drive byes to enter a gym. From that point Travis inspired me to become healthy and fit. The thing I admire most about Travis, is his passion for health and wanting to help others. He is constantly researching and improving himself. I love that ! This is why I chose him as my trainer. If you want someone to educate, inspire, laugh, and hold you accountable then he is your trainer too!!!

~ Sharon Thomas

personal trainer Edmonton
Travis has been training me now since May 2018. He has eased me into strength training at my own pace as I requested. I found it intimidating to start on my own, so his support and positive attitude have helped me into this new-to-me lifestyle. I was looking to learn proper form and how to lift properly. I can feel the overall difference in strength in my body. Its a great feeling to have improved my balance and control over my body. My body has more muscle too. I feel an immediate improvement in my mental well being after a single session. He has introduced me to some wonderful people through these sessions who are just like me. Down to earth, happy people who value healthy lifestyles. I cannot praise the benefits of strength training enough and I encourage you, especially if you are a beginner, to reach out to Travis for guidance. Money well spent.

~ Bernadine Grant

personal trainer Edmonton
I have been with Travis for about a year and half now. He is awesome and caring. I have type 1 diabetes and he has been working with me on gettig my blood sugars stablized with diet and exercise. His knowledge and encouragement are amazing. I recommend Travis Wade Fitness to my friends and everyone. You won't find a better and more supportive trainer than Travis.

~ Char Dammel

personal trainer Edmonton
Travis is a great trainer, got me motivated both for working out and helped me get control of my food choices. I highly recommend him.

~ Glyn Walters

personal trainer Edmonton
Travis is amazing; I really hadn’t been to a gym before and he made it accessible for me. I am down 15 kgs and well on my way to reaching my fitness goals. He is a great motivator and I look forward to working out now.

~ Chris Thomson

personal trainer Edmonton
Travis is not your average personal trainer-he is exceptional. He will motivate you, make you accountable, encourage you and be a wealth of knowledge about diet, health, and effective exercises. So if you are serious about being fit and healthy then call Travis.

~ Joyce

personal trainer Edmonton
I was always fairly fit as I had a very physical job installing drywall 7-8 hours a day. As my business changed and more and more time was spent at my desk or sitting in my truck, that changed. Also my lower back/hip was causing a lot of pain, so not a lot of activity. That went on for a couple of years until finally my doctor determined that my hip needed to be replaced. That led to more couch time. Then I turned 65 and the realization that if I wanted to start enjoying life and especially be fit enough ride my motorcycles, I needed to do something.

~ John Carl

best personal trainer Edmonton
One of my friends shared a post on FB for Bear Ass Fitness personal training. I saw that Travis was looking for female clients between 30-45 who wanted to make a change and something about his ad hit me – I knew I needed to take this opportunity. I just turned 30 and have been struggling to find motivation to get back in the gym. I am also notorious for gaining and losing the same 10 pounds. I’ve always struggled with weight and have lost 30 pounds since high school, but can’t seem to get past that. Travis makes works out fun and challenging and he is very supportive! I’ve been working with him for 3 weeks now and already feel so confident and motivated. With Travis’s help, I know I will reach my goal of losing 20 pounds and maintaining it.

~ Ansa Darwish

personal trainer Edmonton
I always had something better to do than go to the gym and face my fears of people laughing at me trying to workout. Bear Ass fitness and Travis made me feel safe and taken care of while encouraging me to push myself. Travis helped with setting up a healthy diet and I really looked forward to going to the gym with him.

~ Colleen Dear

personal trainer Edmonton
As a mother of 4 I found it hard to find the motivation to improve my Heath and my well being. Travis showed me a way to live a healthy lifestyle that is simple, attainable and effective that fits in with my busy schedule. I’m proud to say I reached my goal within 5 weeks thanks to his influence and impact on my long gone enthusiasm. He pointed me in the direction that helped me attain my goals and showed me a way to stay motivated to maintain this lifestyle.

~ Melissa Nguyen

best personal trainer in Edmonton
Starting a new chapter, time to get my healthy body back! I know I can with the help of Travis! Travis is amazing at customizing a plan to get results!

~ Teresa Bradley

best personal trainer Edmonton
I started with Travis back in June and it has helped me grow into a more strong and confident person. I’ve always had back problems and Travis has helped me gain back the muscle I’ve needed to be comfortable again. I’ve always been someone who hates the gym or didn’t feel confident being there, working out with travis I’ve met some great friends who have become more than a workout partner and we have a blast inside and outside the gym! Loving the results and I look forward to what the future is going to bring!

~ Samantha Conolly

best personal trainer in Edmonton
I’m 32 years old mother of 2, my son is 4, my daughter is 15 months. I was always fit when I was younger. I was a dancer for almost 15 years. After many years of being a young adult and not taking care of myself, then having 2 kids, my body took the back seat. May of this year we had family pictures done. This was my “Oh Hell No!” moment. We received our pictures and I couldn’t believe how I looked. Litterly 24 hrs later fate stepped in. Travis posted on his fb that he was looking for woman in my age bracket ready to make a change. I couldn’t ignore it I had to make the change for me. I signed up 11 weeks ago. I took the 10 day detox diet challenge (hardest week of my life!), but this taught me how to eat and eat clean and properly. 11 weeks, 27lbs, 11 inches total. Seriously, I work full time, I have a household, a working husband, a son in preschool, and a toddler. I find the time. It may be 8pm at night, but I find the time. I can do this; you can do this!

~ Jaime Sulatyski

personal trainer Edmonton
I had come to a crossroads in my life.  Year by year since quitting smoking, i found i was putting on weight to the the tune of 5 – 10 lbs a year. The choices were to get used to being a fat guy or do something about it.  I decided to do something about it.  A friend of mine was training with Travis and i tagged along for a few sessions.  Fast forward a few months and the weight has mostly come off or (bonus) been replaced with muscle.  Travis has taught me how to train properly and safely, how to eat properly (although i still struggle with my lifelong pasta/pizza addiction).  I feel better than i have in years and i look better in my 50’s than i did in my 30’s.  Travis has shown me what i need to do to change my life for the better.  (and a great guy as well, our sessions are the hilites of my week)

~ Craig Jarron

best personal trainer Edmonton
I’m a mother of 2 and run a day home, I play soccer and basketball. I have a very busy schedule and my challenge is stress.  I enjoy working out with Travis because he understands me and provides me with a stress relief. So far I’m down 10 pounds!

~ Courtney Brazeau

personal trainer Edmonton
Recently, I connected with Travis through an online ad. I was looking to get back into shape. A change in career led me sitting behind a desk for 9 hours, bad eating habits, and finding every excuse to not go to the gym. I had many failed attempts to start going to the gym; like many, I often felt uncomfortable because I wasn’t sure where to start. Travis has really changed my perception towards the gym & the importance of making time for myself. I now look forward to my ‘gym days’ and see it as a opportunity to focus on myself again. With his guidance,  I am confident I will reach my goals.

~ Harpreet Panesar