Tag Archives: paleo

10 Reasons Why Bread Is Bad For You


What The Baker Doesn’t Want You To Know!


By Travis Wade

1.      Bromide- binds to thyroid hormone carrier.  This prevents T4 from being converted into the active T3 thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is a big part of what depicts your metabolism. Less T3 means a slower metabolism.


2.      Sugar- is one of the products used by the food industry to make food as addictive as possible.  When tested against cocaine, sugar lights up the pleasure centres in the brain four times as much. The fast absorption makes sugar drug like and gives a person a quick high, then a crash.  The end result is fat gain and left feeling tired and wanting more.


3.      Flour- is refined to be higher glycemic index than sugar. It mixes with enzymes in your mouth and turns to glucose right away. This makes flour a great fat gainer. It doesn’t have much nutrient content; anything that will last forever on your shelf is not good.  It is more fattening and possibly more addictive than sugar due to its quicker absorption rate. The average american eats 152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour a year. This sugar and flour combination is the vast leader causing alzheimer’s. A famous book written on the subject is Grain Brain and a famous movie that is a documentary is Bread Head. Click on the link for a trailer.


4.      Yeast- like bacteria of the body you have good bacteria that you want to grow and the bad bacteria to die. Same goes with yeast and unfortunately the bad kind of yeast is in bread.


5.     Gluten– is the protein in bread that makes it stick together and is one of the highest allergens in our food supply. It breaks down the lining of the gut and gets absorbed into the blood. It’s a big molecule that the body doesn’t recognize and your body forms antigens against it. These antigens can’t tell the difference between the protein in your thyroid and the gluten. Your thyroid gets attacked by the same antigens attacking the gluten. This is the main cause of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Once again, your thyroid depicts your metabolism.


6.      The number one thing you’re trying to do with food is get the nutrients your body needs.  Bread is very high glycemic and very high calorie with very little other nutrient. It’s a quick fat gainer and takes up room where you could be putting much healthier foods that your body desperately needs.


7.      Glyphosate– Monsanto has gotten to be my biggest nightmare. Their glyphosate is sprayed on grain crops 3 days before they are harvested for quick ripening. Of course it gets in the food.  It is a really good chelator and binds to minerals to clean them off stuff. It binds to minerals in our body and depletes our body of minerals. It causes massive amounts of cancer in animal studies. There have been no human studies, (no volunteers). It’s known to mutate human cells leading to cancer. Wherever glyphosate gets sprayed at the time it gets sprayed cancer and other diseases have increased significantly. We are now officially allowed to call it a carcinogen. One of the side effects isn’t just the massive increase in diseases but significant weight gain as well.


8.       GMOs– Some grains are GMO which means they are genetically modified to be highly toxic to keep bugs and pathogens and birds away. Natural toxins are increased and others are added. All these toxins massively increase inflamation and disease.


9.      Toxins– It is common to find over twenty different toxins in bread. Toxins like bleach, high fructose corn syrup, mycotoxins, and bacterial toxins.


10.     Phytic acid and wheat fibre. They deplete your body of nutrients. Phytic acid decreases your body’s ability to absorb minerals like zinc, calcium, and iron. The wheat fibre depleats your body from vitamin D which is the highest nutrient deficoency in North America.

I hope you liked the article. If you did, share it with friends. These are the types of issues I deal with daily with my clients in order to accomplish their fitness goals. I believe in a coach like approach and I help guide my clients to do the things they deem relevant for them and they are seeing really great results. For me the reward is the happiness it creates and seeing the new found confidence in people.

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The Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee

bulletproof coffee

The Benefits Of Bulletproof Coffee

Discover the secrets behind Bulletproof Coffee!

bulletproof coffee

By Travis Wade

If you haven’t heard of Bulletproof Coffee yet, it’s a coffee recipe founded by Dave Asprey in 2009 and was featured on some very popular talk shows in 2014, causing it to gain a lot of popularity. Today, Dave has a number of New York Times best selling books: “Game Changers”, “Head Strong”, and “The Bulletproof Diet”.

A lot of people have been butchering the original Bulletproof Coffee recipe not knowing why the exact ingredients are in place. Some people that have heard about Bulletproof Coffee have been putting butter and coconut oil in their coffee hoping to lose weight. I’ve seen an intermittent fasting specialist talk about putting coconut oil in your coffee and skipping breakfast to keep your body in fat burning mode. As long as you’re not adding carbohydrates to your body you will be in fat burning mode; this is the basis of a keto-diet.

About Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey

I’m going to tell you straight up, Dave is the real deal and his recipe sounds way too tempting not to try. In this article, I’m going to tell you the real recipe to Bulletproof Coffee and why the ingredients are exactly the way they are. If you want to try it yourself you can order some with this link.

First, I have to tell you a bit about Dave Asprey: Dave’s not a doctor, he’s just a very brilliant man that had medical issues and learned how to overcome them. However, he is married to a doctor. He is also known as the original “Biohacker”. He is the man that coined the phrase “biohacking”.

Dave’s arthritis started at 14 and he was 300 pounds by the time he was in 4th year university. He had fibromyalgia, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, and brain fog. Today, Dave weighs 200 lbs. at 6’4” and all of his other symptoms have been relieved. The remedy to Dave’s health problems is rooted in fixing his microbiome.

In time, Dave learned the importance of meditation and travelled to Tibet to improve his skills in this area. On a mountain in Tibet, Dave was given some yak butter tea in a bowl and it made him feel so awesome he had to recreate it.  Dave learned why the yak butter tea worked so well then came up with his own recipe and wanted to share it with the world.

The Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

bulletproof coffee

The first component of the coffee recipe is the beans, which Dave grows in Central and South America. The problem with even the best brands of coffee in North America is the mold toxins in them. The mold toxin, which is a metabolite of the mold called a mycotoxin, accumulates in the brain and affects the gut biome. In fact, these mycotoxins are so toxic they are limited in the parts per billion, (not parts per million) in other countries. As a result, Dave makes sure his coffee is toxin free with his processing, before lab testing it for 27 different toxins. (That was last count, maybe more now).

The mold toxins cause side effects like the jitters and a crash after the original caffeine high wears off, alongside food cravings. These mold toxins are banned in other countries in Europe and Asia, but are not regulated as much in North America. This means, coffee companies sell their toxin free coffee in other countries that have better toxin regulations. This doesn’t mean they throw out their toxic coffee – they sell it to us here in North America.

Furthermore, I have to mention that mycotoxins are also found in grains. People and cows eat the grains and breast milk/dairy products have mycotoxins. Also, antibiotics are a mycotoxin. Dave, myself, and a lot of medical professionals believe antibiotics are way overused and should only be used in emergency situations.

Grass-fed Butter

bulletproof coffee

The second component of Dave’s recipe is the grass-fed butter. There’s 3 ingredients in the butter that are important and that’s why it’s necessary for it to be grass-fed. In fact, Dave stresses the importance of not cheaping-out on proper butter. The first ingredient is saturated fat, the preferred energy source of the brain and body and an anti-inflammatory.

The second ingredient is butyrate or butyric acid, named after butter because that’s where it’s most commonly found. Butyrate is used to help increase good gut flora. Lastly, the third ingredient is CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, which is commonly used as a weight loss supplement.

Plus, the antioxidants in the coffee and the ketones from the fat are anti-inflammatories. All in all, this whole combination turns down the bad and turns up the good bacteria. In a nutshell, this is one of the greatest things you can do to improve your overall health, performance, fat loss, and disease prevention.

Brain Octane Oil

brain octane oil

Finally, the last component of Dave’s Bulletproof Coffee is “Brain Octane Oil”, also known as C8 oil. There are 4 different medium chain triglycerides: C6, C8, C10, and C12, named for their length of their hydrocarbon tails. You’ll find all 4 MCTs in coconut oil, with C12 being the most abundant at 52% and C8 being the rarest at 5.5%. Dave’s C8 is triple-distilled in an oxygen free environment. Dave doesn’t give away all his secrets but he says if you get your C8 anywhere else you’ll get what he calls “disaster pants”. As you can imagine, it’s not good. That is all.

C8 and Weight Loss

bulletproof coffee

C8 is the key ingredient for people who want to lose weight. This is because its metabolized and used by the body a lot more efficiently than other fats. C12 is a longer chained fat. C12 will go through the liver and is stored there as fat that can be used when necessary.

On the other hand, C8 metabolizes a lot like a sugar, as it easily breaks down into ketones for your brain and body to use immediately. With 2 tablespoons of C8 and the absence of any carbs, you will immediately go into full ketosis in about a half an hour.

When I first started taking C8 I didn’t drink coffee and I put it in my soup. I remember one morning when I actually felt it kick in. My brain just felt like I snapped out of a day dream and was ready for the day.

Plus, you’ll think better and clearer without the crash you normally get with coffee and you won’t get hungry. The C8 puts you into ketosis and you’ll stay there until you eat carbohydrates. Better still, the butter is another source of fat that staves off hunger. As a result, if you drink Bulletproof Coffee in the morning, by lunchtime you may or may not be hungry. Coffee just happens to be another appetite suppressant.

Perhaps best of all, Dave also learned how to manipulate the microbiome to lose weight. C8 is an anti-fungal and works together with the coffee to induce a healthier microbiome. Thin people have more bacteroidetes and less firmicutes while obese people have the opposite.

Scientists have conducted studies where they put bacteroidetes in obese people, causing them to lose weight. While, on the other hand, they put firmicutes into skinny mice, causing them to gain weight. In short, C8 decreases the firmicutes, and the antioxidants in the coffee feed the bacteroidetes, (these are the 2 main types of bacteria in the gut).If you’re interested, you can have your own levels tested at viome.com.

How to Become Bulletproof

the bulletproof diet

In Dave’s New York Times best-selling book “The Bulletproof Diet”, he talks about foods you need to avoid to heal your body and to lose weight, as well as those you need to incorporate. Click here to view the Bulletproof DIet Road Map. Plus, if you want to try Dave’s Bulletproof Coffee, you can click here.

In next week’s newsletter, I will talk some more about the microbiome. I hope you liked this article and, if you did, then please forward it, like, and share. If you want more help with your health and fitness journey, contact me and I will help you.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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What’s With Beans?


What’s with Beans?

This article is about the little known controversy around beans.


By Travis Wade

Vegans- “Eat them.”

 Paleos- “No way!”

Timothy Ferris, author of “The 4-Hour Body“- “Eat them.”

Dr. Mark Hyman- “Don’t eat them.”

Every article I’ve read says something different about beans. Who’s right? Well, that depends on what you want to accomplish with your diet.

Vegans Love Beans


Vegans will tell you they choose beans because they’re high in protein, fibre, and carbohydrates. Plus, they contain nutrients such as iron, folate, magnesium, potassium, and, to a lesser degree, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, and vitamins B1, B3, B5, and B6. However, it’s a little misleading to claim nutrients as an advantage because the processing required to make beans edible removes many of them.

The Paleo Beans Debate


Generally, paleo peeps don’t even agree with each other on what to eat. Today’s paleo experts believe we must study ancient teeth to discover what cave dwellers ate to learn what’s in a paleo diet. Some will say that beans are included, while others will say they are not. Incidentally, the tooth study determined that troglodytes from the Paleolithic Era indeed ate beans. So, if you’re on a paleo diet, your people say beans are ok.

Timothy Ferris Loves Beans


Timothy Ferris, the author of “The 4-Hour Body, swears by beans. He claims they’re the magic ingredient for weight loss. The high carbohydrate/fibre/protein and low glycemic index of beans make them a “slow-carb” and thereby attractive to the weight loss community. Ferris claims that in his study, adding beans to a diet and not changing anything else substantially improved weight loss. Does it work? It actually does!

The glycemic index of beans is very low keeping us feeling satiated a long time. The high fibre and high protein will do the same. When we stay feeling full longer we eat less causing weight loss.

According to experts, the glycemic index depends on how the beans are prepared. The more you soak the beans and cook them, the higher the glycemic index. Mom’s baked beans with bacon and brown sugar were delicious, but they are among the highest glycemic index foods. In other words, they make you fat.

Dr. Mark Hyman on Beans

Dr. Mark Hyman

The photo was taken from https://drhyman.com

Dr. Mark Hyman is the reason I’m writing this article. He isn’t a fan of beans, but I hadn’t read much on why he didn’t like them. However, the more digging and reading I did, the more I agreed with Dr. Hyman. Mm-hmm…it turns out these little suckers can be pretty toxic and cause all kinds of mischief in your body.

Plants cannot run or fight, so one of the ways they defend themselves is to produce toxins or poisons. Phytic-acid or phytate is one such poison. It binds with specific minerals and prevents their absorption into the body. Phytate is more of a concern to vegetarians as meat-eaters tend to get more minerals from animal products. Furthermore, beans don’t taste great anyway; they are considered the least addictive food on the planet.

Copper Toxicity from Beans


Another problem vegetarians face is copper toxicity. This is because many beans are very high in copper. Copper is a necessary nutrient in minimal amounts, but too much from beans, combined with too little zinc from lack of red meat, can lead to copper toxicity.

In theory, anyone with a high copper diet can end up with copper toxicity, not just vegetarians. If you have copper poisoning, you’re likely to hate red meat because it stimulates the thyroid and adrenal glands, releasing the stored copper. Consequently, this induces copper toxicity symptoms, including headaches, emotional instability, fatigue, insomnia, depression, skin rashes, brain fog, learning disorders, and premenstrual syndrome. Fortunately, once copper toxicity is overcome with enough small doses of red meat, the symptoms go away.

Lectin in Beans

stomach ache

Ever heard of lectin? This is important, my friends, it causes all kinds of problems. Lectin contributes to what is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. Some doctors still say Leaky Gut Syndrome is nonexistent, but it’s getting more difficult to deny its harmful effects.

Lectin binds to human body cells and kills them. When this happens to the lining of the gut, the gut becomes much more permeable. Lectin can then leak through the intestine and link to cells in the bloodstream and kill those cells. We’re talking system-wide inflammation. While lectin is present in all plants, it is grains, GMOs, pasteurized dairy, beans, nuts, and seeds that have a very high content. 

Genetically Modified Organisms

GMOs are genetically modified organisms. One of the ways the food industry has changed foods is by increasing their “natural” toxins to keep bugs away. In other words, they made them extremely high in lectin.

My friends planted organic potatoes and non-organic potatoes on their farm in large amounts. The bugs didn’t touch the GMO potatoes and ate the organic ones completely. Now, if bugs won’t eat it, you shouldn’t either! There’s an absurd amount of problems with GMOs, but I’ll stop there for now.

Almost all soybeans and soy products are GMOs, along with corn, grains, and sugar. If you’re eating packaged foods, you’re eating corn, soy, grains, and frightfully modified sugars. Sugar synergistically magnifies all the inflammation and harmful bacteria/yeast in your gut. Not to mention the preservatives and other toxins in packaged foods.

Processing Beans

chilli beans

Fortunately, you can neutralize the phytate and lectin in beans by soaking them in water, sprouting them or fermenting them. You can also boil them at 100 degrees Celsius for at least 10 minutes. However, soaking and boiling them will also remove nutrients in the beans and increase their glycemic index.

Inasmuch, if you cook your beans at too low a temperature, they can be more dangerous. For instance, shockingly, people die every year from lectin poisoning when slow cooking chilli. That’s because kidney beans are among the foods highest in lectin, and slow cooking does not reach temperatures high enough to reduce the lectin.

Didn’t think beans were so bad? Studies show that beans have been linked to IBS, Crohn’s disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, peptic ulcers, allergies, and type 2 diabetes.

Phytoestrogen in Beans

soy beans

Another unusual defence mechanism employed by plants is to cause infertility in predators. Phytoestrogen is not estrogen, but it mimics estrogen and causes a hormone imbalance that can generate impotence in many male predators. High estrogen levels are not suitable for men or women for various reasons. One reason is low thyroid, which kills metabolism. Regrettably, soybeans are high in phytoestrogen.  



FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols. These carbohydrates are hard to digest and turn into fermentable sugars that cause numerous issues in the GI tract. For some, it’s much worse than for others. Unfortunately, a lot of beans are a source of FODMAPs. When something gets fermented, a by-product is always some type of gas. Pardon me; my friend’s an A-hole.

Table 2


High FODMAP foodsLow FODMAP foods
Asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, leek, onion, sugar snap peasAlfalfa, bean sprouts, green beans, bell peppers, bok choy, carrots, celery, cucumber, eggplant, kale, lettuce, radish, spinach, squash, tomato, turnip, zucchini
Apples, blackberries, pears, mango, watermelon, nectarines, peaches, plums, dried fruitsBanana, blueberry, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, kiwi, orange, pineapple, raspberry, strawberry
Milk (cow, goat, sheep), yoghurt, soft cheese, cream, custard, ice creamLactose-free milk, lactose-free yogurts, hard cheese
Legumes/pulsesMeats, fish, chicken, eggs, tofu, tempeh
Rye, wheat breads, wheat-based cereals, wheat pastaGluten-free bread and pasta, sourdough spelt bread, oats, rice, quinoa
Cashews, pistachiosAlmonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds walnut, macadamia, peanut, pecan, pine nut
Sauce, jam, salsa or salad dressing with high fructose corn syrup, honey, agave, carob powder, artificial sweeteners (mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol)Jelly, marmalade, butter, nut butters, mustard, mayonnaise, olives, cocoa powder, vinegar, soy sauce, cooking oils

Table taken from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4944381/

Aflatoxins and Beans


Peanuts are a type of bean – they’re not actually a nut. Peanuts carry all the toxins other beans have, and also, they have aflatoxin, a metabolite of mould. Aflatoxin is the most potent carcinogen known to man. It’s another toxin your body has to deal with and fight off. Who needs more inflammation? The lectin in peanuts and peanut oil is potent, and roasting them does not neutralize the toxicity.

Soy Beans


If I haven’t turned you off of soy yet, then let me revisit this. I mentioned that soy is high in phytoestrogen, but it also contains a trypsin inhibitor. Trypsin is an enzyme that breaks down protein. A trypsin inhibitor prevents trypsin from breaking down protein to be absorbed

Soy protein and soy milk are two things that should never be considered food. In fact, I cringe when I hear the process of how the stuff is made. I hope that’s enough to beat all the great marketing in favour of soy.

The Good Beans

bean sprouts

Green beans are rich in folate, fibre, and many other vitamins and minerals. They also have much less of the toxins mentioned above, and they are low FODMAP. Green beans are a slow-carb, which means a low glycemic index and an excellent carb for weight loss.

Green peas are very rich in vitamins and minerals along with phytonutrients that help prevent many diseases, including heart disease and cancer. They are also a slow-carb.

If you are going to choose any other bean, then non-GMO sprouted beans are the best.

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