Tag Archives: toxins

The Unknown That’s Killing People


One of the most overlooked nutrients we have is vitamin K2. When I mention vitamin K2 most people don’t know what I’m talking about and others say I get it in my cruciferous vegetables. The lack of vitamin K2 may be causing a lot of the blood clotting disorders in North American. Things like angina, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, stroke, and T.I.A or mini stroke.

The Ultimate Health and Happiness Plan

stress relief

The main reason I do what I do is because I’ve seen what fitness has done for me. Of course it does a lot physically, I’m faster, stronger, feel better, look better, and move better in general, but it does way more. It created a lot of confidence for me which spilled over into every aspect of my life. That’s what I see in others as well. It starts with getting fitter and then confidence starts when someone accomplishes a goal. Confidence creates success for people.

Want Better Sleep?


Sleep is so profoundly important. People seem to be willing to trade it for anything else. We avoid it like we owe it money and it’s the only thing that can heal us. We also seem to want to blame everything else for our health problems. People want to look at food and look for a pill to fix our health problems. Cut. It. Out.

Why Do Most People Call An Ambulance? Besides Loneliness


I have worked as an EMT for over 17 years. I have seen all kinds of health problems and it’s hard to watch when I know how to prevent health problems. The most common problem I’ve seen is abdominal pain. About half of the abdominal problems leave the hospital undiagnosed. You have to wonder why.

How To Increase Brain Function

neurotropic factor

Neural plasticity is the regeneration of new brain cells. You thought that was impossible? No, it’s possible. Neural plasticity requires Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor or BDNF. Intermittent fasting is still fairly new but has been around long enough for some studies that show it increases BDNF by up to 400%.

Heavy Metal Detoxification

heavy metal toxins

Heavy metals are just one more son of a kitchen health hazard we have to deal with. However, I do have some good news… bad news as well. Because I can’t ask which you want first, I’ll start with the bad. The bad news is we are all exposed to heavy metal toxicity.