Tag Archives: meditate

The Ultimate Health and Happiness Plan

stress relief

The Ultimate Health and Happiness Plan

stress relief

By Travis Wade

I’ve been an EMT for over 18 years now and it’s great to be able to help people out especially when they need it most. The down side is most of the people we deal with are people who don’t help themselves so we have to help them. There is way more depression out there than I ever thought and people have what they call “failure to thrive”. They don’t die. They live out their life on our stretcher. It’s not a great way to live and the number one reason why we get called is loneliness. What I do now is help people before they get to that point. I help people who want to help themselves. I keep people off the stretcher.

The main reason I do what I do is because I’ve seen what fitness has done for me. Of course it does a lot physically, I’m faster, stronger, feel better, look better, and move better in general, but it does way more. It created a lot of confidence for me which spilled over into every aspect of my life. That’s what I see in others as well. It starts with getting fitter and then confidence starts when someone accomplishes a goal. Confidence creates success for people.

What I Do…

blue zones

“The Blue Zones” is a book by Dan Buettner. He talks about the 4 regions of the world where people are living the longest and what they all have in common. Research shows that people who live happy are the people that are living the longest. The 5 things that these people have in common is:

1. They have a sense of purpose. In other words, you can’t retire. The people that retire and sit at the coffee shops complaining about the world around them are miserable.

2. They have friends and family around them. They don’t believe in moving out. They live together. You can’t move to paradise island and be happy. You will last about 3 months and then it’s time to come home.

3. You have to surround yourself with the right people. You could have the best job in the world, but if you go to work with a bunch of dirt balls everyday it’s going to suck.

4. Proper diet with proper proportions.

5. Proper exercise.

What I do creates happiness and longevity.

My mission is to create a community of happy people around me that are beautiful on the inside and out. I encourage volunteering and altruism when I can and try to help out when I can as well. This is why I do what I do.

How I do It…



The first thing I try to do is get people exercising doing things that they will enjoy. You have to like it or you won’t continue with it. You’ll have the initial motivation and after a while you’ll have all kinds of excuses to not show up.


The next thing I do is to try to get people to eat healthy. The number one thing you want to do with food is get the nutrients your body needs. The book I most commonly use to help my clients eat well is called “The 10 Day Detox Cookbook” by Dr. Mark Hyman.

Sometimes diet and exercise is all people need and they feel great and get their goals. I heard a trainer say once that people aren’t fat because their bodies are broken. He’s partially right. There is usually something more going on, but almost everybody has underlying physical health issues these days that contribute as well.

So my next step after diet and exercise is to look at nutrient deficiencies. Without doing a panel on someone I just address the top nutrient deficiencies in north America.  Sometimes this is all people need to accomplish their goals and feel great.


Next, I educate people on the importance of meditation. It’s an easy concept to laugh about because people appear to be doing nothing but people that overachieve dedicate their ability to overachieve to all the meditation they do. Many cultures have been doing it for thousands of years and they know the benefits.

More recently in our culture we have been studying the effects with MRI and other technology to see what’s happening in the body. Activating the relaxation response is the only intervention known to man that actually makes a person’s biological age younger. It also allows a person to focus to get more done.

Other Resources

neurotropic factor


After that I will get to know someone and get a feel for other possible resources to make them as healthy as possible. viome.com will test a person’s microbiome to see what they have going on inside them.

We are made up of 10x more bacteria than we are human body cells and we have 10x more viruses than we do bacteria cells. We have a huge ecosystem going on in and on us and it has a massive, massive impact on us. One example is there are two main types of bacteria in us; bacteroidetes and firmicutes. Bacteroidetes is skinny person bacteria and firmicutes is fat person bacteria. You need to know how to manipulate these to your advantage.


I might ask people to work on hormone imbalances. A place called True Balance does a full panel including nutrients, blood cell counts, hormones, and even antigens. It’s great to see this and they educate people about their particular situation and offer treatment as well.

DNA Test

A couple other resources available are The DNA Company. They test your DNA and tell you what things you need to avoid and what things you should be doing.


Another resource is Wendy Myers who deals with toxicity and minerals. We are exposed to over 200 toxins before we are born and 3000 more are being created every year. A hundred years ago our liver could take care of us, but not anymore. Toxins accumulate in the brain and in our mitochondria which are responsible for creating our energy. We become slower and can’t think as well over time. We need to detox.

Mental Barriers

I guess I should mention Jon Gabriel. My friend that talked about how people’s bodies aren’t broken has a point. We’ve all been through some mental trauma in life. Sometimes it’s enough to prevent people from attaining their goals. Jon Gabriel deals with that side of things and his website is thegabrielmethod.com.


Finally, I try to get every client I have to journal. My coach journals twice a day. I journal once a day in the morning. If I give you the formula to happiness, it doesn’t mean you will be happy. You have to implement the formula. The best way to hold yourself accountable to implement the formula is to journal. These are some of the key factors to implement in your daily life that have been proven to significantly increase happiness. 

Journal in the morning because starting your day by taking time for yourself is the best way to start a day. If you start your day on a positive note then you will live your day on a positive note. If you start every day on a positive note that is how you will live your life. Rate your happiness out of 10 and journal for a month and rate your happiness out of 10 again.

Journaling allows us to relive the good things in our lives. No matter what happens to you in a day, no matter how good it was, journaling will be the best part of your day because you get to relive whatever happened without the bad. 

When good things happen it creates dopamine which is the “feel good” neurotransmitter. When we journal we relive the good things without the bad and we get the dopamine again. We all need dopamine! Some people get it by eating sugar, I’m asking you to get it by journaling.

If you want more information on journaling watch this Tedtalk with Shawn Achor. If you want to know what I journal, contact me and I will send you the happiness template.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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21 Day Stress Relief Challenge

stress relief

21 Day Stress Relief Challenge

stress relief

By Travis Wade

Studies show that stress is a factor in 96% of all sickness and disease and even seen in physical problems such as muscle strains. Many people get used to being stressed and when things aren’t stressful they feel uncomfortable. People don’t want life to slow down.

Unfortunately, if you live a high stress life the stress will cause all kinds of serious problems. Relaxation is something that must be done for good health. If you tell people “Your problem is caused by stress.”, they say “I know, but I tried that meditation thing and it was hard and it didn’t work.” It is hard. Especially the more stressed you are, and it doesn’t fix everything the first time you attempt it.

So why bother meditating? Why bother eating a healthy diet? Why lift weights? Why form any habits? Obviously these habits work over time. Meditation has been around for thousands of years. Nobody is reinventing the wheel here. It works. Other cultures have known the benefits of meditation for thousands of years but in our culture we need scientific proof.

Scientists can now measure the positive effects of meditation on the brain with a MRI. They can measure the benefits on biomarkers like DNA telomeres which depict your biological age. Incidentally, meditation is the only intervention scientists have discovered that can actually make you younger.

One last point I want to make is people that overachieve say that they are able to over achieve due to all the meditation they do.

Many people don’t know what to do to reduce stress; so here is my stress relief challenge. I have a list of things that evoke the relaxation response; things that stimulate the rest and digest mode. I give you a 21-day challenge to implement as many of these things as possible and see how much better your stress gets.


stress relief

Meditate – get into as comfortable position as possible. Close your eyes and focus on belly breathing. Feel your belly rise and fall and not your chest. Feel the relaxation that comes with that and then focus on the area between your eyes called the third eye and every time you breathe out tell yourself to relax and feel the relaxation between your eyes. Of course you will get distracted so you may have to come back to focusing on your belly breathing again. Do this 3-5 times a day for 5-10 minutes and for 15 minutes at night before bed.


stress relief

Get 8 hours of sleep a night. Some ways to improve sleep are to go to bed at the same time every day. Meditate before bed. If you suspect sleep apnea, then get tested. Use your bed for sleep and romance only; your bed needs to be your haven. Get 30 minutes of sunshine a day at minimum preferably in the morning. Try to avoid the computer or TV screen for a couple hours before bed. A bit of yoga before bed can help. Yoga is a form of meditation. A few supplements that help with sleep are glycine 10 grams a day 3-5 grams before bed. Magnesium with banana tea or magnesium-threonate. Magnesium-threonate is the only supplement form of magnesium that crosses the blood brain barrier. Melatonin 0.1-1 mg before bed.

Quality Supplements and Eating Habits

stress relief

Proper diet with Supplements – Omega 3’s, vitamin C, and herbal de-stressors like Rhodiola and Ginseng or Siberian Ginseng. I also recommend Dr. Mark Hyman’s 10 Day Detox Diet to learn proper healthy eating habits.

Take A Day Off

stress relief

Take a day off. Schedule nothing once a week. This isn’t a day to catch up on things or to run errands. Get someone to look after the kids and stare at your toes, read a book and just relax.

Love and Intamacy

stress relief

Love and Intimacy.


Exercise – Increase your heart rate as high as you can in 4 minutes a day. That’s all you need is 4 minutes of pushing yourself as hard as you can. That would be a full on sprint for 4 minutes straight or similar activity. Of course a sport is fantastic.


stress relief

Yoga – it puts your body under stress then teaches you how to focus on your breathing and relax in a stressful situation. Concentrate on your breathing and relaxation is the most important part.

Positive Mindset

stress relief

Have a positive mindset. Give thanks every day. I do this before bed. Write down 3 things that were positives that day and write down one story.

Be Spiritual

stress relief

Find your spiritual side. Maybe it’s with random acts of kindness or volunteer work. Maybe it’s praying or the wilderness. Save the environment.


stress relief

Laughter is the best medicine. Watch this Ted Talk. Shawn Achor talks about stress relief and he’s really funny. Do the 5 things he asks for the next 21 days.

That’s my list. Do as much of this as you can in the next 21 days and see if your stress improves. Got any more to add that work for you? Please comment below. And keep track of everything you do from this challenge in the next 21 days and let me know how it works for you. What’s your stress out of 10 before and after?

Habits can be created and broken. Heres another great video showing why we have the habits we have; like eating habits or smoking. It talks a bit about meditation but mostly how to break bad habits.

As a personal trainer the hardest part of my job is trying to get people to see the benefits of these proven strategies before implementing them. You have to try them to see the benefits but they are scientifically proven methods that do work. I encourage you to check out my article on stress relief to see the research behind some of these methods.

I hope you liked the article. If you did, share it with friends. These are the types of issues I deal with daily with my clients in order to accomplish their fitness goals. I believe in a coach like approach and I help guide my clients to do the things they deem relevant for them and they are seeing really great results. For me the reward is the happiness it creates and seeing the new found confidence in people.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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Stress Relief

stress relief

Stress Relief

These are the secrets researchers keep!

stress relief

By Travis Wade

Description of Stress

A great way to describe stress is to use a scenario where say you are walking from your igloo and you see a giant polar bear growling at you. Your heart rate increases, blood pressure goes up, blood vessels expand, muscles are being fed energy from fuels that are being made from stored fats, your respiratory drive goes up, you sweat to keep cool because you’re about to exert yourself, your blood thickens to clot faster than normal, you produce inflammatory chemicals to activate your immune cells to start mobilizing for tissue repair, your attention centre in your brain lights up; it’s a massive change in your system. It’s all designed to deal with a clearly perceived environmental threat. Have you seen the Leonardo Dicaprio movie “The Revenant”? This type of thing happens!

99% of the polar bears you are running from (or fighting), are in your head.  When you do this chronically it causes what is known as “allostatic load”; the physiological wear and tear on the body. It’s like driving your car like Jeff Gordon (in this classic prank), all the time. Your tires and the rest of your car will wear out fast and it’s the same with your body.

Evoking the Relaxation Response


Scientists tested people meditating and found they had a decreased metabolism, decreased heart rate, decreased breathing, and slower brain waves. These meditators had a reaction completely opposite to the stress response.

The 2 basic factors of evoking a relaxation response are repetition, and the disregard of other thoughts when they come to mind. Those 2 break the train of everyday thinking. It’s usually your everyday thinking that’s stressful.  There’s no real polar bear; it’s all your other fears.

Every culture in history has used these 2 basic steps in some way. Some people will claim their method or type of meditation is better, but that is subjective. All methods or types of meditation evoke a relaxation response from your body. There are many ways to evoke stress, and many ways to accomplish the 2 basic principles of meditation.

Experts practise meditation with people to teach them how to evoke the relaxation response. They get people to concentrate on just one thing and become inwardly aware and focussed on the present moment. I personally concentrate on my breathing and then try to concentrate on relaxing the spot between my eyes which some meditators call the third eye. I try to get the relaxation to move through the body.

With MRI, scientists are now understanding the biology behind all this. If you watch a person meditate; it doesn’t look like they are doing much, but there’s a lot going on in their brain. You can see how meditation changes the structure of the brain. The amygdala part of the brain gets turned down. The amygdala is responsible for the fight or flight response.

In a study, scientists stressed mice out for 10 days and after 10 days they took the stress away. They found there was no change in the size of the amygdala 2 weeks later and the anxiety was still high. This is the opposite of what scientists are seeing with people that meditate. These people haven’t changed their life in any way other than they added meditation but their amygdala has gotten smaller.

An example of the positive effects of meditation was found in  treating psoriasis. The treatment for psoriasis is ultraviolet light treatment and Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at MBSR mindful space reduction clinic, did a study where he had half of the people just using the ultraviolet light and the other half did the UV light treatment and meditation. The results were, the meditators skin cleared at 4x the rate the non-meditators.

Yoga is a great form of meditation with movement. A lot of the brain gets turned off in yoga and the focus is within as opposed to running with headphones or playing an instrument where the focus is more external. With yoga a stress is applied to the body while you meditate which is an added bonus of learning to evoke the relaxation while under stress.

It’s important to know that we all have an ability to activate a response that’s the opposite of the stress response. It doesn’t mean you give up conventional medicine, it just means we need to give meditation the same level of respect as conventional medicine. It is scientifically proven to be effective.

Other Ways Our Feelings and Subsequent Reactions Affect Us


Research has shown that feelings evoke a reaction in the body. You become flushed, your heart races, you get butterflies in your stomach; these are a result of chemicals being released when your brain is in a certain emotional state. It has been proven that happy people live about 10 years longer than unhappy people. If you’re optimistic you have half the chance of getting heart disease than if you’re pessimistic.

In a study done in the 50’s with 2000 men that worked at an electric company, the percentage of men that were depressed were twice as likely to die from cancer 20 years later. You might think that happier people make healthier life choices, but this research allowed for smoking habits, alcohol intake, weight and cholesterol, age, job status, and family history of cancer were factored into the results. Thousands of studies have been done like this in peer reviewed academic journals.

Another example of the effects of stress is in fertility clinics. Infertility itself increases stress and depression. By reducing stress and depression with meditation and proper social support, professionals increased fertility rates by double. When a woman feels stressed, she takes care of her home and family and lets go of her friends which is the thing she needs the most when she’s stressed. A crisis shared is half the burden and that’s why social support is so important.

The Town of Roseto Example


In the early 60’s the town of Roseto was… unusual. No one in this town died of a heart attack under 55. The death rate for men over 65 was half the national average. Scientists checked to see if this was due to their diet, location, family history, or exercise habits. Nothing was different from the rest of America. The town was made up of Italian immigrants that worked in factories and smoked cigars, and ate rich Italian food.

It was normal to find 3 generations in the same house. 80% of the men were members of at least one community group. They had a sense of community and avoided loneliness in the community.

By 1971, 3 generation homes didn’t exist any more, there were expensive cars and swimming pools, and the first person under the age of 55 died of a heart attack. By the 1980’s the rate of heart attack was the same as the rest of the country.

The most commonly prescribed drug is anti-depressants. It’s easy to make fun of these ideas but we are touchy feely creatures. Many people are getting turned away in doctors’ offices that can be cured with this idea. Many people look to the medical industry for help and they are looking in the wrong place. They need to look within.

The Placebo Effect


The placebo effect isn’t just the placebo effect. It’s a very effective treatment that get’s 30% to 50% better results. It’s having the belief that you will get better. Every EMS person has experienced this effect on scene. As soon as EMS arrives, the patient will immediately feel better.

Scientists are researching how the placebo effect affects a person. They are noticing how it affects the part of the brain responsible for mood, sleep, and pain perception. They have noticed in Parkinson’s disease how it will increase dopamine; the chemical responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward. I personally believe it’s simply having someone around that cares at a very vulnerable time that makes people feel better.

People with IBS got better even when they knew the pills given to them were fake. You can’t draw a line and say on this side is the mind healing effects and on this side is the conventional healing effects – the placebo effect is the effect we are going for.

Meditation and Proper Social Support Changes Your DNA


In a study, over 500 genes were changed in a matter of just 3 months. They were successful in turning on the genes that prevent disease. Genes can be switched on and switched off. Being exposed to external forces can turn the genes one way or the other.

Researchers found that meditation can flick the switch on genes that affect disease. It’s more profound than just that, because the first time you evoke the relaxation response these genomic changes occur, but the more times you do it, the more response you get. You get response in just minutes. You can get a benefit if you do it once a week but you get so much more if you do it daily.

Researchers found that the life of your DNA changes with the amount of stress you are exposed to. High stress women live 10 years less than low stress women. What they look at is the telomeres on your DNA strands. They find that as you get older the telomeres get shorter and this is linked with disease as well.

Researchers have found that this is reversible. The treatment was love and intimacy, meditation, and proper diet and exercise. It’s the only intervention found that will make your telomeres longer. This is a good type of genetic engineering.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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Chronic Mental Stress


Chronic Mental Stress – An Overlooked Danger

These are the secrets personal trainers use to avoid and treat chronic mental stress!


By Travis Wade

Understanding Stress

Stress is one of the biggest obstacles in fitness and health and it is the number one cause of workplace absenteeism all over the world. Ironically, work is the major contributing factor for it’s increased load. The issue can evolve into chronic mental stress if it continues piling up and becomes a daily part of life. The Japanese actually have a term, “karoushi”, which defines death due to workplace stress.

chronic mental stress

Stress is a normal response to what we see as “dangers”. The sympathetic nervous system kicks in and the blood pressure goes up, the heart rate goes up, adrenaline and cortisol gets released from the adrenal glands, the liver burns its energy stores, and the body gets more oxygen and glucose. We call it “Fight or Flight”. To put it simply, the body gains more energy, focus, and efficiency.

Short Term Stress vs Chronic Stress

Short term stress is beneficial for improving performance. This morning I had an hour to get ready and I did what usually takes two hours in one hour. Once I was out the door, I could relax and my normal state was returned. However, chronic mental stress is the problem; which could be from the workplace, home, or financial.

These types of stresses tend to keep the stress hormones at a higher level and not let the body return to normal.  The hormonal and energy stores get exhausted.  Eventually the threat is there but the body is too exhausted to adjust to it.  It’s kinda like holding a light object in the air; it’s really easy at first, but at some point your arm will get sore and you’ll need a rest before you can continue. This is why chronic mental stress slowly but surely erodes the mind and body if not diagnosed on time.

Symptoms of Chronic Mental Stress

Symptoms of chronic mental stress are feeling worn out, tense, frustrated, unable to concentrate, accident prone, weight gain or weight loss, crying, antisocial behavior, loss of self esteem, resorting to substance abuse, and ultimately depression, loss of libido, suicidal or homicidal thinking. A couple of the first things you will notice in chronic stress, are trouble sleeping and elevated resting heart rate.

chronic mental stress

Rather than suppressing the feelings that come under pressure, we need to identify the stresses, express our feelings, and take proactive steps to dissipate the stress. Find a way you can talk about the issues contributing towards your chronic mental stress with an understanding colleague, friend, or even your boss.


The first step towards treating stress is to accept the condition. Patients often suffer in denial, which consequently isolates them from the treatment they need. Following some of the first but most powerful steps you can take to combat chronic mental stress.

exercise heals chronic mental stress

Physical Exercise

The single most effective antidote to chronic mental stress is physical exercise. Proper exercise takes your mind off issues and burns off your stress hormones. I recommend a sport; make it fun hey?

Positive Attitude

Attitude is a really big deal. As Michael Hyatt recommends, write your eulogy and work towards it. If we define ourselves by what we do for a living, we add to our stress. Cultivating strong character and close relationships builds our self-image in healthier ways than redoubling job-performance. Volunteer, do random acts of kindness, and be there for others.


Take Care of Yourself

Chronic mental stress feeds on the thought that the world around us rests primarily on our shoulders. I talked to a nice person who worked in emergency communications at a government level. She made herself available 24-7 and took care of her son’s newborn. She told me how others in her position died of heart attacks and when I asked her what would happened if she continued living the way she was, she told me she would die – “karoushi”.  We need to realize we are not indispensable. “Let go and let God” I think is a great motto even though I’m not religious.

Optimize Schedule for Reducing Stress

I talked to one of my clients who told me about their stress. I asked them if they could go talk to their boss and tell them about their stress and see if they could stop doing overtime. They talked to their boss and stopped the overtime. Their stress went down significantly and 10 lbs of fat fell off their body. These are the kind of steps you need to take in order to treat chronic mental stress.

Some Easy Tips for Beating Stress


Some other common methods of stress relief are; eating healthy, listening to good music, practicing yoga, meditation or tai chi, going for a walk, talking to friends about problems, playing games, and playing with kids. For some people it’s adventure and for others it’ll be relaxation. In either case, it will be things that take your mind off whatever stresses you out. If the stress is accumulated, you’ll need longer to destress.

Chronic mental stress is obviously a very serious entity that needs to be looked after very carefully. You don’t want this to get away from you. Recognize it early and take action to nip it in the bud.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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