Tag Archives: stroke

The Unknown That’s Killing People


The Unknown That’s Killing People


By Travis Wade

Vitamin K2

One of the most overlooked nutrients we have is vitamin K2. When I mention vitamin K2 most people don’t know what I’m talking about and others say I get it in my cruciferous vegetables. The lack of vitamin K2 may be causing a lot of the blood clotting disorders in North American. Things like angina, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, stroke, and T.I.A or mini stroke.

If you read an article on how to prevent any of these issues, I’ll put money down that you won’t read about vitamin K2. It is very commonly overlooked, however, it is the third leading nutrient deficiency in North America. Also, it takes about 18 years for medical discoveries to go mainstream.


The way vitamin K2 works is it deposits calcium in the body where it needs to be. Without it you get calcium build up in the veins and arteries or gallstones or kidney stones. When plaque builds in the lumen of the blood vessels calcium can be deposited there and hardening of the vessels happens. It is called atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis. The hardening then becomes brittle and breaks off causing what is called an embolism. Depending on where that embolism gets lodged determines the disorder. If it’s in the brain then it’s a stroke, in the heart it’s a heart attack etc.

Take vitamin K2 and your calcium goes to the bones and into the cells where it’s needed. A lot of people with osteoporosis don’t have a lack of calcium. They just have a lack of vitamin K2. Cruciferous vegetables have an abundance of vitamin K1. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, yogurt, and kefir have vitamin K2.

I eat some of these fermented foods at every meal and my favourite are the yogurt and kefir. I use them as my protein supplement as well. If you’re using a supplement for vitamin K2, you need a plant derived form of the nutrient. MK-7 is the form you want.



One thing I should mention that I have heard before from Dave Asprey and heard it again tonight from Mike Adams is that North America is kinda the world’s dumping grounds for toxic foods and supplements. Other countries ban toxins in the ppm or ppb and in North America our rules are much less stringent and in some cases non-existent.

Stuff that’s considered toxic either gets sold here or on the internet. In general, stay away from food and supplements from China, India, Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico even if it’s labelled certified organic. They don’t test for heavy metal toxicity. The safest tends to be from Canada, U.S., and the continent of Australia. You can also have your stuff tested on Mike Adams’ website here.


One more thing that’s just as shocking is the source of organic fertilizer. They use human feces and toxic waste from the job site. All kinds of things go in it and then packaged as organic fertilizer which is sold at places like Home Depot and Rona. My brother saw an organic fertilizer company  come to his job site and and empty the porta-potty in their truck.

How do you fertilize then? You can use compost and you can use inorganic forms of minerals which turn to the bioavailable form of organic minerals in plants. The plants use the minerals and when you eat the plant you’re getting a form of the nutrients your body will actually use. I hate to say it but the vitamins and minerals you buy are probably doing more harm than good. Feed them to your plants then eat the plants.

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton

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