Heavy Metal Detoxification

heavy metal toxins

Heavy Metal Detoxification

These are the secrets manufacturers keep!

heavy metal toxins

Do you know what your allostatic load is? Don’t sweat it if it sounds Portuguese to you. Allostatic load is just a fancy way of saying all the stresses on the body combined. The three main stresses are mental stress, toxins, and microbiome.

We all know what mental stress is, and there are many ways to reduce it. The microbiome is the bacteria of the body. To put it simply, the more good bacteria you have, the less bad stuff you’ll have. Grow your good bacteria instead of killing them off with antibiotics. Antibiotics should only be used in case of an emergency.

The third factor of the allostatic load is toxins, which we are focusing on today. Heavy metal toxins, to be more specific.

The Heavy Metals


Heavy metals are just one more son of a kitchen health hazard we have to deal with. However, I do have some good news, (bad news as well). Because I can’t ask which you want first, I’ll start with the bad. The bad news is we are all exposed to heavy metal toxicity.

The good news is, if you choose to detoxify, you will have much more energy, a better ability to gain muscle, and a better ability to lose weight. This article will talk about specific heavy metals, how they ruin our lives, and what to do about them.

Mercury and Copper

Mercury is the number one heavy metal toxin that interferes with so many of our metabolic processes and causes so many health issues. I would love it if you had a look at this video from the University of Calgary, showing what minimal amounts of mercury does to our neurons.

Many people can’t gain muscle because mercury poisons the enzymes that transport amino acids into the enterocytes (absorptive cells of the small intestine). In other words, people are not effectively able to absorb proteins through the gut lining. The number one way people get mercury in their system is from dental fillings.

Copper will block nutrient receptor sites in the gut to prevent the absorption of nutrients in general. Many females and vegans are copper toxic, which also leads to adrenal fatigue. Beans are high in copper, and when there is a lack of minerals from meat to detoxify the copper, we get copper toxic.

Trivalent Toxic Metals

There’s a special group of metals that prevent us from having energy, which makes us not want to exercise. This group of metals are called trivalent toxic metals. They include aluminum, arsenic, tin, thallium, cesium, and antimony.

Trivalent toxic metals poison enzymes that transport nutrients into our mitochondria. Mitochondria make our energy (Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP). If your mitochondria doesn’t have the raw materials to make ATP, your metabolism will suffer, causing fatigue.

Aluminum is found in tap water, deodorant, flour, salts, and cheap cookware in restaurants because they are very disposable. We all have some level of aluminum toxicity. Tin is in tin cans and dental fillings.

The Thallium Story

The thallium story is a prevalent story that gets repeated with many harmful toxins such as trans-fats. Here’s the story…

Petroleum companies used to put lead in fuel, but people complained so much that the government felt the need to do something. So they took the lead out of fuel but not before they found a replacement. (Clear throat), enter thallium.

Nobody is complaining about thallium in gas because no one’s even heard of it. Thallium is just as bad, if not worse, than lead. Thallium binds to the body’s receptor sites for potassium, and it’s added to gasoline to prevent knocking in car engines.


Arsenic blocks our ability to lose weight and decreases our energy levels. It poisons an enzyme that transports triglycerides from fat cells, which makes it difficult to lose weight. Arsenic is found in water, pesticides, and conventional chickens because it’s in their antibiotics.

Most people that have trouble losing weight have arsenic toxicity, and if you have uranium toxicity, you can’t get rid of your arsenic. Uranium is another offender often found in water, and it interferes with blood sugar control.

Estrogenic Chemicals


Estrogenic chemicals are one of the biggest problems that interfere with our metabolic function. The more estrogen you have, the more fat you will retain. Xenoestrogens in our environment are the estrogens I’m worried about. Xenoestrogens are foreign estrogens and can be man-made or natural. The phytoestrogen found in soybeans is a natural xenoestrogen.

Some man-made estrogen mimetics are in BPA, PCBs, and the number one being phthalates. Phthalates are in everything; fragrances, cosmetics, detergent, personal care products, plastic softeners like your rubber ducky or shower curtain, nail polish, hair spray, plastic bags, microwaveable containers, safety gloves, printing ink, varnish, and paper coatings.

I have to tell you about the frogs! Frogs are considered an indicator species because they live on land and water. Frogs are sensitive to any changes in our environment or ecosystem. With three thousand new toxins created every year, there are so many xenoestrogens that we barely get any male frogs anymore. They are becoming female frogs. I know, it’s sad.



Minerals and metals occupy the same binding sites in the body. When we are deficient in certain minerals, we accumulate more heavy metals. For instance, if you don’t eat grass-finished red meat, you will likely be deficient in zinc. Zinc is used in the body to repair connective tissue like your skin. If there is an absence of zinc, your body uses cadmium, which causes cancer. When cadmium steals the receptor sites to repair arteries, it makes the arteries very brittle and hard, contributing to atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Heavy metals replacing minerals happens in many other instances where you have a deficiency in a mineral. That’s why grass-finished meat, bone broth, and juicing vegetables are important.

By detoxifying and re-mineralizing the body, the cellular metabolism will work better, making it easier to lose weight and control blood sugar. Mineral deficiencies and heavy metals reduce your ability to regulate blood sugar, which leads to type 2 diabetes.

How To Test For Toxins

hair analysis

There are three different tests for toxins. The first one is a hair mineral analysis to customize a detox for someone. The next is a urine test for more metals, and the fecal test will test for even more. These latter tests are needed because some metals don’t show up in the hair, like thallium.

There are many options to get a hair mineral analysis, but the one I used was Wendy Myers’. I had to cut off a lock of my hair and mail it in for analysis. They use hair because a blood test will only tell you what’s in your blood at that time. Hair will tell you what’s been in your system over the past three months.

Unfortunately, we accumulate chemicals a lot faster than we can detoxify them. Medical school teaches doctors that we have detoxifying organs, and they work fine, and we are detoxifying all the time. Every year three thousand new toxins are being created. Our organs can’t keep up.

How to Detox

detox diet

Start heavy metal detoxification by having a nutrient-rich diet filled with grass-finished meat, raw egg yolks, bone broth, and juicing vegetables.  Secondly, use BioSil (silica), six drops a day in orange juice or pineapple juice; any citric acid juice helps it absorb better. BioSil (silica) will displace the aluminum, arsenic, tin, and thallium from the bones and the brain and other hard to reach areas to be detoxed. You can use up to 10 drops a day, but that may increase fatigue.

Also, you need a binder that’s going to bind to all these metals. I use citrus pectin such as PectaSol-C 5g a day and activated charcoal. That will absorb the metals mobilized by the BioSil and other metals as well. Do not take these two together. They will bind together and go right through you. I take Biosil first thing in the morning and then PectaSol-C a few hours later. It takes about two years to remove these heavy metals.

An Infrared sauna is one of the best ways to detox the hundreds of toxins in our bodies and kill off infections by raising body temperature. Experts recommend using one every day for 30 minutes for 2-3 years, then at least 2-3 times a week after that to keep the heavy metal toxins low.

Some other supplements that can help detoxify from heavy metals are cilantro extract, N-acetylcysteine, glutathione, sodium R-lipoic acid, curcumin, and garlic. Alkalinisation can help as well. For more information, you can check out Wendy Myers at https://liveto110.com/

I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!

Travis Wade

The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.

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