Personal Trainer and Dietician
Do you want to get in shape, look good, maybe stop breathing heavy after going up a flight of stairs? Then you might need two people in your life: a personal trainer and a dietician. These two are like Batman and Robin when it comes to fitness—one’s going to whip your body into shape, the other’s going to make sure you’re not eating trash! But don’t get it twisted, they’re different.
Now, the dietician, they’re like the nutrition police. They specialize in making sure you don’t eat like a child left alone at a birthday party. A dietician’s gonna break it down for you, like, “Bro, you can’t have Hot Cheetos for breakfast and wonder why you feel like trash!” It’s science, baby, not just vibes!
But then you’ve got the personal trainer. They’re the one you see sweating it out with you. They help you hit your fitness goals, but let’s be real, they get this weird satisfaction when you’re on the brink of collapse, like, “Yeah, now we’re getting somewhere!”
Together, they’re a dynamic duo, like peanut butter and jelly—but, you know, without the sugar.
Personal Trainer
Alright, so check this out. You got these personal trainers, right? They’re like fitness ninjas, out here helping people reach their goals like it’s some sort of action movie. “Yo, we’re about to get you abs, arms, legs—all of it!” They’ll hit you with these plans: eat this, lift that, run here—like they got a PhD in push-ups and smoothies!
They’re like life coaches who don’t know how to whisper! “Get up! Get strong!” Man, they’re all about changing your life. And at the end of the day, they’re like fitness consultants, nutritionists, life coaches, everything rolled into one. It’s like hiring someone to yell at you for money.
Benefits of A Personal Trainer and Dietition

- Nutritionists know what foods are healthy and which ones aren’t. They can tell if you need more protein, carbs, fats, etc.
- Exercise physiologists know how to design workouts that target specific areas of the body.
- Certified personal trainers have been trained to teach others how to do things correctly.
- Fitness consultants know how to motivate people to stick with an exercise program.
Personal Trainer
So, let’s talk about personal trainers. You ever meet one of these folks? They’re professionals, right? They help you get your body right—abs, arms, legs, whatever you need. To become a certified personal trainer, you have to pass this big ol’ government exam. These trainers are out here taking tests like they’re applying for NASA, and all you want is to fit into your old jeans!
You ever hire a personal trainer and they look at you like, “You can do this!” but you’re thinking, “You don’t even know what my back’s been through!”
Now, dieticians—they’re the ones who tell you what to eat, right? They study food and how it affects your health. But here’s the catch—they have to follow what the government tells them to say. Yeah, the same government that put sugar in everything and gave us that “food pyramid” with bread at the top like it was the foundation of health! Yeah, let’s eat three servings of bread and see what happens. And in North America, you see people who are huge, walking around like they’re auditioning for the next Fat & Furious movie. Meanwhile, in other countries, people look like they’re straight out of a fitness ad. Why? Because they don’t have processed food everywhere!
You ever been to a country where they ban processed food and you’re like, “Wait, y’all don’t have Hot Pockets? How do y’all live?!”
The Problems
You wanna know what gets me about dieticians? They have to serve what the government tells them to, right? My mom was in the hospital, and they gave her a “diabetic meal”—a white bread sandwich with processed meat, fruit cocktail, and chocolate pudding. This is supposed to help her? It’s like a punishment, not a meal! I asked the dietitian about it, and they said, “Hey, that’s not our fault; we have to serve what they tell us.” Man, what happened to real food? My mom could’ve eaten a leaf and a rock—that would’ve been healthier than what they gave her.
You ever ask a dietitian about hospital food, and they look at you like, “I didn’t cook it!” Bruh, you served it!
Now, let’s talk about personal trainers again because—let me tell you—80% of them quit within the first year! Yeah, that’s right—eighty percent! So, you might be paying someone who’s already thinking about their next career move! They go to school, get certified, but man, half of them out here still can’t tell the difference between a dumbbell and a donut. They tell you to eat healthy, but they can’t even figure out what’s healthy for themselves! I’ve seen trainers recommend a workout plan and then get tired halfway through like, “Alright, you good. I’ll just check in on you later.” Nah, you’re not checking on anything. You’re out here checking Instagram!
You ever get a personal trainer so tired they hop on the treadmill next to you? Like, “Wait, who’s supposed to be the expert here?”
And here’s the kicker, folks. If you really want to succeed with a dietitian or a personal trainer, you gotta find the ones who have experience. I mean real experience—not the ones who just learned everything from YouTube! You want the ones who stay on top of their education, who are always hungry—for knowledge, not just pizza—and have a passion for what they do. You can spot the good ones. The ones who still care, who have that energy, that fire. But the rest of them? They’re out here collecting a paycheque like they’re just trying to survive.
You ever hire a dietitian who’s more excited about their next government job than helping you? Like, “Uh, can you focus on my broccoli, please?”
Here’s the thing—dieticians and personal trainers? They’ve gotta be the right fit for you. If they’re just doing it because it’s a job, don’t waste your time. You need someone who’s got passion, someone who gets it. You think I wanna listen to a trainer who’s just in it for the paycheque? Nah, man. I need someone who’s going to get me in shape, not just tell me to do jumping jacks and then disappear for 30 minutes. The best ones? They’ve got experience and love for the game. Those are the ones you want to work with—the ones who care.
You ever meet a dietitian who eats so clean they’re basically surviving on kale and regret? Like, “Ma’am, can I just get a steak, please?”
I wish you lots of health, love and happiness!
Travis Wade
The only holistic personal trainer in Edmonton.