About Me

Travis Wade Profile in Gym

I’ve been a certified personal trainer in Edmonton for over a fourteen years and a registered Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for eighteen years. Being a fitness fanatic and health nut has been a lifelong journey as well. As an EMT/personal trainer, I had the opportunity to acquire free training from many experts in the health and fitness industries. I have since then become an author and public speaker to share the accumulation of knowledge to as many people as I can.

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My Personal Training Education

I believe in continuously researching and learning trending scientific breakthroughs so I can keep my clients informed on the latest ideas in health and fitness – for instance, fasting, paleo, Restricted Blood Flow training, and more. DO NOT mess with these topics unless you really know what you are doing!

In addition to my relentless personal studying, I continually take courses and go to summits and conferences to keep up with my education and skills. In fact, one of my favorite activities is to geek out on doctor summits in my spare time.

The usual way the world of scientific discovery works is scientists do research and then pass the findings on to other scientists. Next, scientists will share the findings with doctors, who pass the information on to chiropractors, physiotherapists, and other professionals. Personal trainers sometimes learn of these new discoveries somewhere along this chain. And, finally, the information becomes mainstream knowledge. Unfortunately, it takes about 18 years for these new discoveries to trickle down from scientists to the mainstream.

To avoid this painful wait to learn new discoveries, I listen to the scientists who are doing the research and read their books. If you want access to the resources I follow, feel free to contact me.

My Personal Training Philosophy

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I believe in a coach-like approach, and I educate my clients. We have no secrets, and I let my clients decide what methods they believe will work for them to achieve their goals. There are many ways to reach the fitness goals you seek. So, if my clients don’t like doing certain activities, we don’t do them.

On the other hand, if there are certain activities a person likes doing, we will work them in. To be successful, a client’s experience must be fun, educational, and rewarding.

Interested in Personal Training?

Meet me for a free transformation session today to discuss your goals and create a plan to achieve them!

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